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fps is winning the game

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looks like fps games  are having the upper hand on the multiplayer market....

on the account of other games kinds like rts or sport games...

is that correct??


Of course, look at the current RTS games out now(and I'm sort of comparing RTS's equivalent or similar in quality as Emp.) *Sigh* I'm still hunting and waiting for another RTS game on that level of balance and greatness of game play.

  • 1 month later...

Heh, stop kidding yourselves. Emperor wasn't that good a game. :-X

Still, seems a shame that FPS games, being as boring and repetitive as they are, are satisfying people more.


These are the most popular PC games nowadays, it displays the #minutes played last day.

  World of Warcraft             21,153,854 

  Counter-Strike Source         10,074,466 

  Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer     7,412,683 

  Battlefield 2                   3,385,518 

  Guild Wars                     3,070,614 

  Battlefield 2142               2,489,904 

  Counter-Strike 1.6             2,333,204 

  Silkroad Online                 2,316,587 

  Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne  1,878,590 

  Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory   1,818,813 

Note that i got this from the xfire site, more softcore players, like older people/girls/... who play the sims and other shit like that... will probably not have xfire installed.


Hey, what's happening to the Turn Based Strategy?

There're almost no good games on the style of XCOM or Romance of the Three Kingdoms made nowadays.

RTS can't replace TBS. They're two different genres, so I don't get why TBS is being abndoned by more and more people.


Lords of the Realm 2 = great turn based game back in 1996. Lords of magic wasn't that bad either.

There were a couple other turn based I didn't mind. You don't see them anymore though.


Note that i got this from the xfire site, more softcore players, like older people/girls/... who play the sims and other shit like that... will probably not have xfire installed.

Sane people won't have it installed either.

Just not as popular ?

You are asking? That's a fact. Young people who got a PC when TBS had already been displaced by lots of 3d shooters and RTS start with the latter genres, having no chance to play TBS. It seems that a magority of them find TBS boring. Especially those TBS where it takes you a long time make a turn (Steel Panzers...) or where the rules are complex. TBS allows you to think as long as you want, so the complexity of game system is not limited. This complexity, often being a consequence of the rich and diverse game world, is mistaken for tiresomness. Gamers no longer want to _think_ in a steady, detailed and and thoroug rutn-based manner. Otherwise, why is there so low demand for TBS?

Also I think that Real-Time and First-Person genres provide a much wider field for various super-fast and super-cool 3d-engines, GFX e.t.c. I.e. they are more profitable for hardware manufacters. Since hardware is the start of "the feed circuit", it affect everything, including software and games.

Henry Ford wrote it was considered a normal policy to introduce a minor change into a product so that the old parts would become obsolette or the model would become "unfashionable", both increasing demnand for the new model and parts.

Of course, I don't say the developers are all bad guys and we're good guys. It's a global tendency and there are no gulty ones, or, which is equally true, everybody is gulty...

I never really got in to any turn based strats.

Hmmm. Which TBS have you tried? And, if you can answer, why didn't you like them? It can be a matter of taste... People are different.

Lords of the Realm 2 = great turn based game back in 1996.

Nice game, though battles were in real-time.

There were a couple other turn based I didn't mind. You don't see them anymore though.
a much wider field for various super-fast and super-cool 3d-engines' date=' GFX e.t.c.[/quote']

Or, rather, fans of these genres are more sensitive to the GFX.



I can remember one I played on the spectrum, which wasnt great, but cannot remember its name. When I made the first post I had one in mind from the amiga days, but cannot remember the name of that now.

As soon as this information is available I will not hesitate to let you know :P !


My favourite RTS on ZX Spectrum was Nether Earth, then - Laser Squad.

As to TBS, I never played TBS on the Spectrum. Isn't that strange?

...Except, maybe, for a Spectrum Port of XCOM (of course, made by Russians), which was real-time in the Battle Scape. Battlescape was more like Syndicate but with only one trooper in control.


But Syndicate wasnt turn based..But I did play that, and thought it was ok. No exposure to TBS's other then those two I can  think of, but cant name.


These are the most popular PC games nowadays, it displays the #minutes played last day.

  World of Warcraft                21,153,854 

  Counter-Strike Source            10,074,466 

  Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer        7,412,683 

  Battlefield 2                    3,385,518 

  Guild Wars                        3,070,614 

  Battlefield 2142                  2,489,904 

  Counter-Strike 1.6                2,333,204 

  Silkroad Online                  2,316,587 

  Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne  1,878,590 

  Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory      1,818,813 

Note that i got this from the xfire site, more softcore players, like older people/girls/... who play the sims and other shit like that... will probably not have xfire installed.

you can't use these values for anything because they don't display the real thing, just the xfire stuff. actually cs:source is only played by about 1/4 the amount of the number of people who play cs 1.6. you can see this at valves steam-page on which there are live stats. I also know because I read an article in an e-sports magazine recently discussing why 1.6 is still fps tournament game no.1 and not cs:s and why the world cyber games switched back from cs:s to cs 1.6.

knowing this fact you can't trust the other stats as well, although I tink you are right about wow being no. 1 online game (sad but true). still, quake 3, painkiller, warsow aren't even mentioned above but they are very popular multiplayer fps played by a lot of people.


The only TBS I've played, as far as I can remember, is Heroes of Might and Magic II and III, and III particularly kicked some major ass. As far as the other games are concerned... :-

But Syndicate wasnt turn based..But I did play that, and thought it was ok.

Yes, and Laser Squad was a Tactical Turn Based...

you can't use these values for anything...

Those stats have make some sence only in relation to online multiplayer games, mostly those sutable for various tournaments.

Doesn't concern any other games not played online in tournaments...

The only TBS I've played, as far as I can remember, is Heroes of Might and Magic II and III, and III particularly kicked some major ass. As far as the other games are concerned... :-

To me, only part II was of some interest. But, in general, I don't like M&M at all.


you can't use these values for anything because they don't display the real thing, just the xfire stuff. actually cs:source is only played by about 1/4 the amount of the number of people who play cs 1.6. you can see this at valves steam-page on which there are live stats. I also know because I read an article in an e-sports magazine recently discussing why 1.6 is still fps tournament game no.1 and not cs:s and why the world cyber games switched back from cs:s to cs 1.6.

knowing this fact you can't trust the other stats as well, although I tink you are right about wow being no. 1 online game (sad but true). still, quake 3, painkiller, warsow aren't even mentioned above but they are very popular multiplayer fps played by a lot of people.

you make a huge mistake by mixing 'tournament games', like painkiller, quake3, counterstrike 1.6, fifa, warhammer DoW, warsow, starcraft.

and games that are played by allot people, like wow and the rest mentioned above.

in fact, warsow and painkiller (and by now even quake3) have a very small community nowadays. painkiller was a singleplayer-only game and the multiplayer option is added with a patch (!).

I agree with you that the games you mention are the games they play at a tournament, but they don't have a big community. and they aren't played allot. They have just an extremely good balance (fe starcraft) or an intensely fast micro needed (fe painkiller) or other advantages.

so... the numbers DO say something


so you want to tell me the quake series has no big community? lol... it's one of the biggest communities (what do you think is the origin of the "quakenet" - the biggest irc network in the world?) even if the quake community really has been getting smaller, it's still one of the biggest (compared to other fps communities) and what do you think will happen as soon as et: quake wars is released?

why aren't those numbers worth anyhing...? just take a look at those 3 examples:

1. they only represent xfire stats - and there are millions of people around the world who don't use xfire. take me e.g.: I actually just know 3 people who use it out of 127 I currently have in some kind of contact list (either irc or icq or other skype or...) and know from my long period of gaming. all the others just stick to the messengers and meeting-places they have been using since a while and they don't need xfire. so the stats are like making stats on an global issue but only asking people on 1 or 2 continents.

2. they only display 1 single day out of 365 of year

3. they only display the time in minutes - they don't give any information about how many unique users there are. which means: if someone plays wow 24h that day, he is just 1 user "producing" playminutes - if 96 people play a fps for 15 minutes, they also "produce" 24h gameplay - but it's 96 users against 1 user... so playminutes don't display anything really important

that's not all, there are still other facts but I don't want to write an essay on this whole topic now. just trust me, these numbers can't be used for any quality-stats. I know, because I have to do with that kind of stuff very often at work and if market research was that easy, there would be quite double or triple as much companies doing this kind of stuff as there are right now.


That will obviously result in less flaming  ::)

I personally didnt quote the xfire stats myself before because they are not complete.

Anyway, I think we would all agree most played online is WoW.

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