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Obscure Music


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Sometimes it is hard to find really amazing music. Many times it requires digging into some really obscure things in order to find the music that really blows you away. I want to find great music from all genres and I am asking for help from all of you guys.

what are some obscure music groups that you guys listen to? It doesnt matter what genre it is from, or what time it is from, just hit me with some groups. Thanks guys. :)

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Define obscure.  Not mainstream?  Here's some of my favorites:

Electric Six

Lead Into Gold (good luck finding them...)


Flesh Field


Kool Keith (and any of his side projects)

Latyrx (and Lyrics Born)

Natural Resource

Bordering on Mainstream:

Meat Beat Manifesto

Front Line Assembly

Skinny Puppy

Pizzicato Five

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The Dresden Dolls.

They are probably the strangest goth band I've ever heard. All their songs are played with piano and drums, and sometimes the singer's (a woman) voice is "electrified." Their lyrics are quite pessimistic and even angsty, but somehow they can bring something new even into wrist-slashing.

Another band worth a try is Sotahuuto. They're a trash metal band... a Christian trash metal band.

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The Dude

From France, don't think they released an album since 2003, although I think they got some new songs/new album coming out and are with a new record label.

Myspace account which they recently started and is updated. I thought the band was dead before seeing that. Not much on them on the internet.

You can listen to some of the music at their website.

I got a bunch of good songs from a podcast from Zoe Radio who is 15 years old :P. Noticed the radio show on boingboing.net, and it caught my eye as they mentioned the playlist had The New Pornographers.

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I don't have much time for current obscure music, but I do like some older groups that a lot of people seem to have forgotten. That would count as obscure I suppose, even though in their day they could have been very popular (I haven't actually checked).


The Stranglers

Hmm. Only two. Well, I don't have my CD collection with me and my brain keeps muttering 'Dire Straits' for no good reason. Can't remember any others...

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Soulwax! ;D

Nobuo Uematsu's a genius so...

Piss In The Wind ;o

Such memorable lyrics as "I shit on your plate." and "I am a sour grape. (He is a sour grape)"

Good song!

The Postal Service aren't half bad...

Prussian Blue girls stir up racial hatred. They sing too, though.

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The constantines

The Vermicious Knid

SS Cardiacs

I strongly recommend Godspeed you black emperor, if your down with long repetive atmosperic downright borderline pink floyd shit check them out. I recommend the songs moya, motherfucker=redeemer, east hastings, and dead flag blues.

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