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everyone else please post your stats.. and if you dont have a job then just use your parents.

Also if you put in an amount like one dollar it gives a funny result.


Well considering I'm 17 and my job just expired I did my dad.

You are in the top 0,001% richest people in the world.

You don


Bah ha ha ha haaaaaaa. :D

Sorry, I have a sick mind. And it's after 1am. :P


Yeah well, to be 0.0001% in the world you would too :P

Poor buggar ;)


But that list probably includes people that do not work and people that choose not to work.

No, it simply includes all the people in the third world. Most of them work hard for less than a dollar per day.

All the able-bodied people in the world that do not work, put together, certainly don't add up to more than 60 million (in other words, they are less than 1% of the world's population).

My results, by the way, are as follows:

You are in the top 14.12% richest people in the world.

There are 5,152,548,512 people poorer than you.

How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx $4.16)

Oh, and in case you


neh, never really liked that site. I typed in my fam's income and we dont make much. On the site it basically said. Though you are not rich, you definitely are very lucky, blah blah.

IMHO, I think that it is a little narrow-minded to glaringly compare and evaluate your wealth like they are doing on the site.

I could make say... one thousand U.S. dollars a month. Now in an economically crippled or underdeveloped country, this could be a goldmine. It could probably help dozens of people in certain countries. But what if you are living in america with a wife and one child? Do you think that a thousand dollars would give you a means to survive? No, it wouldnt.  And that is the problem I have with the site.


You are in the top 44.52% richest people in the world.

There are 3,328,279,301 people poorer than you.

Naturally this is on a part time job held for approximately 4 months.  ;D


uh, yeah.  Not really useful stats when you consider the world...  I think its exceptionally safe to say that anyone in a western style country is ahead of billions of people.  Honestly if I contributed 1 hour of my income, then I'm sure that that org. would happily use 99% of it for "administrative overhead"

consider that the 'average' family of four in america makes 40k/year that puts the average american in the top 3.17%

Also I really think that the "chart" is absolutely bogus too.  According to it, There aren't many people "richer" than I (when you consider the world population), but funny I don't own any of those million dollar boats I see in Chicago Harbour, and I don't have the million dollar villa's in Casa De Campo in the Dominican Republic, nor....

Also take for instance, insert 400k per year vs 600k per year... Amazingly both are the 107,565 richest person on earth... 

I love good marketing.


"consider that the 'average' family of four in america makes 40k/year that puts the average american in the top 3.17%"

Yes, well divide it by four for a rough, but slightly better estimate. (Top 13.26%/795,705,046)

"There aren't many people "richer" than I (when you consider the world population), but funny I don't own any of those million dollar boats I see in Chicago Harbour, and I don't have the million dollar villa's in Casa De Campo in the Dominican Republic, nor"


Only a very few (when you consider the world population), actually do own those. Most of the world's population really does consist of people much poorer than you.

<|Edit: ignore previous miscalculation|>


I guess my point is that I think the stats aren't correct, and aren't even close.  If you make 400K/year (or 600K) you are the same rank (which can't be), with about 107,000 people in the world "richer" than you.

Honestly if you believe the "Fortune" lists, there are way more than 107,000 people "richer" than that in the USA (let alone the world).  Heck even Martha Steward made the billionare's list this year.  According to Forbes, there are 587 Billionares in 2004.

According to the Herald Sun (Australia's biggest-selling daily newspaper) there are 7.7 millionares in the world.

According to rediff, there are 61,000 millionares in India alone.  Same Study found 2,270,000 millionares in America  (One in every 125 Americans is a millionaire -- according to the World Wealth Report by Merrill Lynch & Co and consultancy CapGemini Group)

A report by CapGemini and Merrill Lynch showed that the number of high net worth individuals rose by 7.5 per cent to 7.7 million individuals. Their assets too grew by 7.7 per cent to $28.8 trillion... 

So if there is 7,700,000 millionaires in the world ....  I think the globalmarketingtocontrbutetousrichlist is incorrect at best.

Now my point isn't to say that the starving masses don't exist, or don't need our help; yes there are a lot of people that die every day from starvation and cannot afford to "live" on what they can earn (assuming they can earn anything).  I've personally been to some very small providences in China; seen people living in Durgapur India picking up individual grains of rice for food (yup, picking up a single grain of rice off of the ground to eat)  Balance that with not that far away you have the greatest concentration of Rolls Royce's in the world (Hong Kong)

So yes, anyone on this board, is better off than most of the people in the world who have probably never used a computer, I'm just calling in to question the mathmatics behind the globalrichlist.


"According to the Herald Sun (Australia's biggest-selling daily newspaper) there are 7.7 millionares in the world"

What happened to the last one?

But you make a good point, and I do suspect the numbers it gives.


You are in the top 14.9% richest people in the world.

There are 5,105,976,714 people poorer than you.

How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx


How many Marshal Plans were already given to Africa? How many was it?... 16 as I recall?

It ended up in bad hands. And I met some people who saw this on the field. Just as in business, the result really depends on how the money is spent and even experts can fail miserably in certain complicated cases.


I don't think charity can do very much - we simply need a change of system. But that is a discussion we've had for thousands of topics and threads :D  ...


You are in the top 10.78% richest people in the world.

There are 5,352,807,244 people poorer than you.

How do you feel about that? A bit richer we hope. Please consider donating just a small amount to help some of the poorest people in the world. Many of their lives could be improved dramatically or even saved if you donate just one hour's salary (approx

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