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And you wonder why so many people hate america

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I found this on another forum:

ok im really gettung pissed off about hearing how europe hates us and all, so i git an idea, FUCK EM, YEAH FUCK THEM AND MAKE OUR OWN UNION. the union would be the americna union, a united america, from canada to argentina. of course that would take a long time to do but heres why i believe that way

- Oil, S. America and N. America combined have enouhg oil to run our economy

- Unity, 13% of the US is of hispanic backround, 20% is of latino(i go under both as im mexican and french among other things) so we share a close bond, especially here in CA

- we have done it before, yeah, we broke away from europe 230 years ago, why not again

- we got the bombs, so if europe gets pissed of at us, wtf can they do, nothing

- land, do to our isolation, we would be safe from foreign enemies and we would constitute the largest union ever

- money, latin america is damn rich, but needs to be developed, L. America has a shitload of oil, gold, silver, platinum, iron among otheres

- tourism, L. America has the monuments, the mountains, the desert, the exotic wildlife

- intlellect, we mexicans may be dumb but we do do one thing good, math, if you teach us math, we will master it faster than the european

- just cus, doin this would create the largest more powerful and richest union ever, the amount of terrotry wopuld allow just for pure economic succes, in addition many issues that need to be addressed in south america would be solved like the colombian war and poverty. jobs by the millions would be created and in turn america would undergo a transformation that would turn america into an empire

[note the use of eamerica in this post refers to America, not the United States of America, in such it refers to north and south america from argentina to the south and canada to the north]

Have fun people

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minus the profanity, I agree completely.

the majority of Europe hates the US and therefore we should break completely off the UN altogether.  If the US broke all ties to Europe, period, I would support this wholeheartedly.  I dont have much respect for Europe knowing how much utter hate and contempt they have for America.  Let them hate us, no problem!  We should not ever help them with anything whatsoever.  Let them fix their own messes.  Let France & the Netherlands continue to open wide their arms to the antisemitic Muslims, breeding a hornets nest.  ONe day, Sharia and Jihad will call to the Muslim hoarde in Europe, and Europe will see a new enemy rise.  It is breeding a hornets nest, and when the beast strikes, the US will not be there to help.

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minus the profanity, I agree completely.

the majority of Europe hates the US and therefore we should break completely off the UN altogether.  If the US broke all ties to Europe, period, I would support this wholeheartedly.  I dont have much respect for Europe knowing how much utter hate and contempt they have for America.  Let them hate us, no problem!  We should not ever help them with anything whatsoever.  Let them fix their own messes.  Let France & the Netherlands continue to open wide their arms to the antisemitic Muslims, breeding a hornets nest.  ONe day, Sharia and Jihad will call to the Muslim hoarde in Europe, and Europe will see a new enemy rise.  It is breeding a hornets nest, and when the beast strikes, the US will not be there to help.

For me personally, I don't hate the US. Neither do a lot of other Europeans. It's just that we do not agree with what the US government does. I don't see why people (in general) can't agree with something...

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Some problems:

-Canada: Half are English, half are French. Supposedly the French-speaking population wants to split up from Canada and create an independent nation.

-Latin and South America: Most of the countries down south are poverty stricken- American and Canadian taxpayers won't want to pay taxes to help with their industrialization.

-Socialism: A few governments or rebel groups will try to cling to their failing communism ideals in the wake of an American-Canadian-Latino union. There could be a military conflict.

-Brazil: Speaks Portugese, alone with a few other nations in South Americ

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Just a note to emprworm - you're the type of person that gives a country like Canada a bad name. It's obvious that you're oblivious and completely ignorant to what's going on in Canada and around the world because if you had any sense at all you would realize the damage that America has done to say for example - Europe.  Let's go back just around 6 years ago... what was it America bombed, oh thats right an elementary school, good thing it was a Saturday.  All America seems to care about is getting there first, they're like a bully, wanting to throw the first punch. If America took the time to research and actually figure things out before just acting on impulse the world would be a better place. Instead of assuming that they were bombing a a building filled with bombs and explosives and rebels... give me a break.  If Europe bombed an American school America would probably attempt to blow Europe right out of the ground - and I mean come in this was Clinton... don't even get me started on Reagan or the Bushs! >:(

P.S. The majority of Canadians hate Bush and what he's doing to our country and the rest of the world so I'd suggest that you change your attitude real fast if you want to live peacefully here. If you don't like it go and kiss Bush's ass in your own country.   

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Yep, most people I know dislike Bush. :)

But it is more than just the whole Iraq crap.

The fact that there is a softwood lumber dispute that has gone on for so long is a joke. When everyone but the USA thinks(Nato/WTO) that it is unfair, then it probably is unfair.

Can't wait for Bush to finally come to Canada this month. Maybe some MP's will boo him out. :P One already tramped on a Bush doll.


EDIT - Welcome to Fed2k freedom! I hope you enjoy your visit.

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P.S. The majority of Canadians hate Bush and what he's doing to our country and the rest of the world so I'd suggest that you change your attitude real fast if you want to live peacefully here. If you don't like it go and kiss Bush's ass in your own country.

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Just a note to emprworm - you're the type of person that gives a country like Canada a bad name. It's obvious that you're oblivious and completely ignorant to what's going on in Canada and around the world because if you had any sense at all you would realize the damage that America has done to say for example - Europe.

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Then again that is just as irresponsible as a 6 billion dollar deficit - think about it, the government is taxing the people 6 billion dollars more than what they need to pay their budget. Will its government give it back to the people, or does it work differently in Canada?

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I doubt they will be burning the 6 billion dollars. Obviously it will be spent by the government at some point in time. It's not like they are spending trillions of dollars they can not afford.


Actually Canada has 3 billion set aside in case of an emergency.

Canadians expecting some of the surplus to go toward lower taxes will be disappointed, however. Prime Minister Paul Martin said tax cuts won't be coming any time soon despite Ottawa's larger-than-expected multibillion-dollar surplus.

I can see why too, the health care system and education needs to be updated. I mean if every year they change tax rates proportionally to whether a surplus or deficit, I doubt anyone would know what there taxes will be. I'd say keep taxes same and spend the money they take in on programs.

And having surpluses is better than deficits, means the government does not have to borrow money which costs taxpayer money. (Well, breaking even is the best thing to have, as long as you got some money in reserve.)

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Exactly, and it's a far better idea then let the national debt grow. The debt will have to be paid off eventually (and with interest) in the future. What most voters don't realise is that Bush' current fiscal policies will backfire on their children, who will be left to deal with the Bush legacy.

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hehe a good example is third world countries. They have lots of debt, yet they don't seem to be living a happy life (relative to ours, excluding culture).

Having some debt isnt a bad thing, but when Bush gets a debt that is the biggest in history, then their obviously is a problem.

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