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Ashlee Simpson a fake?


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So if you watched SNL last night, they screwed up and she walked off the stage.

If she really was talented, she would have kept singing, without the backup tape thing.


To see what I am talking about:




I find it sad that nowadays barely any major bands are real (at least most pop are fake) and they use all that synthesizers and shit live. Why can't bands play live anymore?

$$$$$$$ = the answer

I like going to a concert and hearing the bands play live. Obvisouly it cant sound near as good as what is on the CD, but it is live, and not fake.

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Because if you want to listen to a tune....get some techno.

People who enjoy a real band enjoy live performances. Talented people can put on an amazing live performance and you can tell its not a "tape". I went to a Linkin Park concert in January and it blew me away how good they were live. It was just as good as the album if not better and that shows that they are actually talented and arnt fake. It inspired me as a musician. Its a totally amazing experience to see a good live performance.....

But when you are a fan of 50 Cent or something of the sort....they can keep to the album.... :)

But back to the Ashlee Simpson thing......wow that really sucks. I bet she felt pretty stupid. You never see that sorta thing, first time for me. Well there goes her career.  :D

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  I love it when these talentless slugs are somehow expossed.  The only thing that could've topped it off would have been the kid from simpsons right as she started walking off the stage popping up in front of the camera yelling "Ha ha".

  Damn I would pay top dollar to see a REAL concert again like Rush or Van halen. Ones who actually wrote and could re-play live what they produced, not this studio mixed pre-fabbed crap.

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Most artistes these days can't sing as well as what their album sales and songs boast of them. Their studios and recording companies should be given more credit for how good their songs sound. I guess you should know this is why these pop tune-producers never last that long and don't earn much from each album since the money has to be shared out among so many band members(the hundreds of recording company staff working on the songs :D) and so we should all look to the artistes of the 70s and 80s. ;D Look at Rolling Stone, Michael Jackson, Jackson 5, Led Zeppelin and the like, they are still being remembered and listened to today.

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wow, that was sad...

"Well there goes her career." i dont think so... the songs are still pretty good (if you enjoy that type of music) unless of course it was someone else singing... then she would be screwed.  most bands now have the lyrics recorded seperate and they have to sing it over and over again until it sounds perfect, so , yes, most bands are "fake".  but you shouldnt completely stay away from live concerts like many people said there are bands that go and try and make it something special w/ a live performance, rush being one of my favorite live bands.

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I have a friend who is a major player at Sony. He brings me demos all the time and occasionally he'll bring a cd that has been run through a studio and cleaned up. Sometimes we'll go see some of them live and instantly you can tell who has a chance of making it big and who does not. Amazingly some of them sound 10 times better live than they do on cd. Want an example? Check out The "Everyothers", amazing live but only mediocre on cd.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To me the whole point of going to GIG is for the atmosphere and raw sound which is lost by prerecording and lipsync.

At a recent Mr Charming session (www.Mrcharming.net) the base player snap a string and had no spare did they walk off and quit...NO

they had alaugh with the audience, apologised re tuned and played there final two songs.

        That the spirit of a live gig. on a side note they too sound better live than on the CD. ;)

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