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Exam Results Thread

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I suppose I'd better post this... people might notice when my location changes in October. Plus, I did encourage people to say what they're doing next year, so I guess I've obliged myself.

Advanced Level General Certificates of Education:

Latin, at grade A

Greek, at grade A

Maths, at grade A

Computing, at grade A

Advanced Subsidiary Level General Certificates of Education:

Physics, at grade A

Critical Thinking, at grade C

Consequently, in October, I'll be going to Queens' College, Cambridge, to study Classics. So if you've got any questions about ancient civilisations and languages etc... I'll be perfectly happy to waffle and give you a mostly useless answer concluding that we don't really know what they got up to.

By the way, the Uniform Marking system can really mess up the grades you get on your papers, for those confused by doing well on some papars and not on others.


Is college in america/england the same as university in Canada?

I know in the USA everyone talks about college. But university is the big thing in Canada.

Most colleges that I know of are 2 year programs, while universities are 4-6 years.


Is college in america/england the same as university in Canada?

I know in the USA everyone talks about college. But university is the big thing in Canada.

Most colleges that I know of are 2 year programs, while universities are 4-6 years.

Here, colleges (undergraduate aka bachelor's degrees) are 4 year programs, and universities offer an additional 2 years for a masters degree, and two years after that for a PhD (graduate school).  I have heard conflicting definitions for the college/university distinction.


lol, yeah, exams? What exams? How can he take exams in a mental institution? ;D

huh huh, look whose talking... don't speak of teh slybean like that... Oh-very-Low-zee-wee.

But I don't think I actually got those marks, because everyone I spoke to Failed their science papers 1 and 2 yet got Bs and As on paper 3... coincidence?

I know! I did History, and I got a D in the module that I thought was gonna save me... Its soo fuked up. And some other guy I know is really good at maths, and he was getting like constant As in all his practice papers, but then got an E for his


But Khan, you should ask for a copy of your Physics/Lit paper and get it remarked - thats what I'm gonna do with History...

Yeah I am, I just sent off the scripts, and if they are a bit screwy I'll get them remarked.


Critical Thinking: D  -  Don't really care

Critical Thinking, at grade C


You guys should really leave most of the thinking to me...


My teachers all seem to be alright so far...

Computer aplications is going to be so easy...We spend 3 weeks on word...3 weeks on the internet for christ sake...

I got put in physics...(which will own me like a puppy dog) Cause i got my bio credits at merrit during the summer...

Oh and



My excuse is a good one; our teacher only taught us half of the course, but we sat all the exams...


Same here with Theology. Apprantly they gamble it every year, hoping that there will be question on the module they taught. Unfortunately it didn't happen this year...

Funny thing is tho, I didnt do a single essay for my teacher this year, and even if I did, it wouldn't have helped one bit.


You guys are so praising those who have good results. BUT what really is a good result? It is not the same for everybody. One achieving 10 A's may not be as proud of himself as one achieving very bad results. In fact what is the difference between these two types of ppl: one maybe is learning more than the other one but this is not necessarily true. The one achieving BAD RESULT which maybe  10 A's (becoz he wanted to achieve 100 %) may have wanted to do too much after all.

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