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Favorite Starcraft Units


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this can include brood wars as well.

yeah tell me your favorite unit, or a selection of them, and explain if you like.

See, I love these units and this is why.

The set tank with the shock cannon attached. I mean who doesnt love this unit? it may be cheap in large numbers,but the tactics used in it (moving one unit of tanks foreword while keeping another unit stationed and whatnot) are awesome. Of course I like how they made it so they do need support units.

I like the Wraiths just because they are damn cool looking ships, a great design. I mean they are good units but that is mainly why I like them.

I like Zerg Guardians, and they are probably one of my Bro's favorite units as well. Geesh if you have a bunch of them with support, they are potentially one of the most dangerous units in teh game.

I like Firebats, just because if used correctly are very effective against small units.

I like a bunch more, but those are some I really do like. of course there are some I dislike too.

like those damn protoss carriers. I mean really talk about unfair. people who know how to correctly use them are almost unstoppable. I have only seen few who can whip a huge batch of them. of course that was a year or so back.lol

now its your guy's turn.

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I like the Zealot, because it's the most powerful unit in the early game, and it's good for early rushes.

Also I like the siege tank of the same reasons as TMA-1.

Carriers are really good if your opponent does not have the right units to counter them. Then he is dead very fast.

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Marines: Simply put, the most effective unit in the game (for the money).  They can be great rushing units w/medic backup, and are superb AA in the later game.

Medics: They keep you marines alive.  Plus they're hot.  (I guess.  You can't actually see them very well...)  'Nuff said. ;)

Siege Tanks: Inexpensive death machines.  Now if only they left radiation...


*Tim Allen grunting noises*

Battlecruisers: Simply put, the most powerful unit in the game.  A couple of these'll knock you fleet of carriers right out of the sky.  More power.

Dragoons: Possibly second only to Marines in their diverse uses.

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If you base has a weakness, I will find it and land on it and burn everything :)

Vultures, Exelent anti infantry unit in mass numbers can ahnilate zerglings and hydro rush's.


Good for when your base is getting attacked have abou 20 of em hiding.. enemy walks right by them and hits your base D, once your base d sofents em up, Ghosts cut em to pieces.

Pice of piss :)

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Battlecruisers: Simply put, the most powerful unit in the game.  A couple of these'll knock you fleet of carriers right out of the sky.  More power.

Maybe the fleet of a brain dead dumbass...

All fleets of Carriers should be accompanied by an army of Scouts(THE most powerful air unit in the game, money wise).

Also, detectors ruin the whole idea of wraiths...

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Valkyries, on the other hand, is a different story  :D

But you're not stupid and buy carriers when the enemy har valkyries.

Carriers are built where the enemy can't see them, and they just suddenly appear in large numbers.

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Hydralisks: One of the most built units in the game. It is a very good all round unit, costs only one supply, is rather cheap and fast to build. And usefull for a lot of zerg strategies

Defiler: The defiler is unable to kill an enemy unit. But it's spells are probably the most dangerous in the game. With plague and dark swarm in combination with hydralisks it can beat any air force. And if you accompany them with some melee like ultralisks or Lurkers too your force is all but unstoppable.

Marine: Looks cool and very useful in combination with other units.

Siege tank: Has been written down before.

Goliath: Superb anti air with incredible damage and long range (Brood War range upgrade)

Wraiths: Fast cloaking and very good anti air damage. Great for hit and run missions.

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Siege:  Reasons stated by everyone.

Carriers:  Swarm upgraded fighter capacity with 12 carriers...mwhahaha.

Marine:  Basic, useful, and in large numbers quickly deadly.

Zergling:  Fast rushing, or...for those stupid people that rush your base with no science vessel, pop up to cut the enemy to bits.

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Defiler: The defiler is unable to kill an enemy unit. But it's spells are probably the most dangerous in the game. With plague and dark swarm in combination with hydralisks it can beat any air force. And if you accompany them with some melee like ultralisks or Lurkers too your force is all but unstoppable.

You forgot to say that the defiler can ruin the game for any Terran player.

A few of them can reduce the base's and the army's hit points to a minimum. And then you just rush and tak your victory.

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@ TMA-1

Carriers are not unfair: mass upgraded Goliaths is a good counter.

my preferred unit is the protoss Arbiter, it's not always effective, but has the coolest spells and gives a unique sense of hi-tech like no other protoss unit.

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M-A-R-I-N-E-S. The best overall unit in the game. Cheap, rapid fire rate, decent speed, decent range, the ability to attack all units. General weapon effectiveness against all enemies. Platoons of marines are easy and quick to make, and once they get momentum, it is difficult to stop them. I agree whole-heartedly with Duke Leto.

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Give me Protoss Scouts and Corsairs (BW)


Corsairs-give them the Disruption Web upgrade, and any stationary defense structure can be disabled, leaving you free to pummel them (as long as its medium to long-range/aerial attacks) w/o fear of retaliation. Good, swift ATA damage too...


Scouts-early air assault unit, cheaper to produce and coupled w/ Shield Battery use and Observers, are cool units in the field.

As for spellcasters:


Dark Archon

Mind Control-I personally prefer its more intriguing use...contolling enemy worker units...

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As for spellcasters:


Dark Archon

Mind Control-I personally prefer its more intriguing use...contolling enemy worker units...

Does that mean  you can build their buildings etc? as soon as you take one over? (provided the worker builds it)

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Marines: reasons stated above, used with medics the stimpack ability they can quickly move and also have better fire rating. The Medic will heal the 10 hitpoints lost from the use of stimpack.

Siege tank: Perfect but lacks only one thing: radiation or continius damage.

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