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If you want to help save Emperor...


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yeah, i want to help save emp, coz i loveit. but how can i do it? im not able to modeling or programing... ok, i can test versions and tell u ideas for changings, but the most ideas would not work i guess...

but u know, im a musician, and i have a studio. so one thing,  what i can do, is to make musik for ya mods and patches. if its needed and wanted. just ask me and give me ur imagine.

what else can we do???


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  Very cool, I really like the Badass looking APC, is that a turret on top?  The screenshots are sweet too.  Now what excactly do ya mean the graphics will resemble the ones in generals, the textures? if so i have to get that Mod.  Nice job all  :)

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Emperor: A tribute will also function online with other players who do not have the mod.  :)

Well thats good, because the remaining players are a bunch o' lazy smegs !  ;D

Getting them to install mods so we can do online games with them installed is a difficult mission in itself, probably harder than any level in the mod !

Good work guys, all of you ! 8)

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Ok here is what i think. After exploring the dune editing website when I first started playing a couple of months ago, I downloaded all the mods and burned them to a disc so i would have them, should anything happen to the website. But I was hesitant to install any of them because I didn't know how they would affect online game play. I don't have a lot of free time to play and I didn't want to have the mod crash the game if the other players didn't have it. Or worse, because this is my first 'Puter game and i am still learning the "ins and outs" of online play, I could just see myself trying some mod, getting in a game and all of a sudden my minnos are shooting halfway across the map and then next thing you know i'm banned or something for cheating.

Second some of the mods need better read me files. Here is an example of one of them.

"Well....you put the Rules.txt in your data/model folder and if you don't have a model folder then make one."

This is for a mod called Fast Build (I wonder how many people are running this one if the mods don't interfere with online play???)

Perhaps on the Dune Editing site, the Emp mods page, there could be a column for the basics.

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No mods currently work online except for my minipatch.

If one person runs a mod that changes game statistics, most probably through (though not exclusively through) the rules.txt file when other players do not, the game will go out of sync very quickly when the collated data is deemed incongruent, causing the game to quit immediately back to the lobby. Thus there is no chance of 'cheating' through mods.

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Im back after LOOONG time and I see there are still many good projects!

Cant wait for the "Tribute to Emperor"! When will it be ready and where will it be avable for download??

Btw, Ixianmace, if you remember me, Im Romanov77 from the good old "Emperor Network" :)

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