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Overrated games


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Since there is already a underrated games topic what wyould you say is the most overrated game.

I'd say Age of mythology I loved age of kings but didn't like age of myth at all even thgouh every one said it was the best and it got great reviews.

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It's Khan people Khan!!! Four friggin letters!!!!! Why does everyone always get it wrong?!?!?!?!?

Whew, I really needed to get that out of my system. :D

I want to add the quake series as well.

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It seems many of the newer games these days are overrated.  It seems that way to me, at least, because I don't care much about graphics, while with many, it is more important even than gameplay.  A lot of people don't seem to care that a game is shite, as long as it has special effects and hi-res graphics.

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All new games that draws the players' attention from its lousy gameplay, plot/storyline towards its "cool" special effects/hi-res graphics are overrated...

Anyway, the gaming industry doesn't appeal to me anymore. Its either FPS or RTS and I want some side-scrollers and adventure games...

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While games like Starcraft or Counterstrike are truly inferior, it's very popular for those who like playability. While CS shows perfect realism, in SC is a very attractive chaos. Feinschmeckers living for classic C&Cs, TA, AoE and other such seriously looking RTSs wouldn't play it as there is no real strategy in it (even worse it is in WC3), just plain speed of mouse handling.

Truly overrated game could be Baldur's Gate, especially BG2 and all stuff based on its primitive engine. Same for all Jedi Knights and most SW games anyway, excluding the classic TIE Fighter, of course. And both Red Alerts, first one wasn't that bad, but really it wasn't more than a datadisc for TD.

Exsplug, I think I AM going to kill you  ;D

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Final Fantasy rules, in general.  Only a couple of things suck about Final Fantasy.

- FF XI was totally online, and hasn't been released on the PS2 in the UK.

- Crystal Chronicles is a disappointment... I wanted REAL MULTIPLAYER!  Not having to buy 3 GBA-SPs...

- I have FF10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 2 and 1.  WHERE IS 3?!  It was never released on the PS1.  Grr... >:(

Otherwise, Final Fantasy rules.  It wasn't overrated, except for maybe Final Fantasy X - it was portrayed as being stupendous, while it was merely excellent, IMHO.  ;D

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I think warcraft 3 is good, but overrated, ditto for C&C generals

Age of Mythology was pretty decent, but definetly overrated.

UT 2003, Unreal 2 and UT2004 were overrated IMO

Medal of Honor AA was definetly overrated

Dungeon Siege was overrated

Neverwinter Nights was overrated

Gobalopper is definetly overrated....

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Hmmmm...I still don't get why. Warcraft 3 has so much enphasis on managing your units that they created probably (in my oppinion) the best interface I have seen in a game, the hotkeys are smart and the amount of control you have over your units is unequalled. The fact that for pretty much the whole game there is something to do (the very much annoying build up phase is removed with your heroes hunting for creeps) almost makes the game. Not to mention the amount of strategy involved because you might be able to rush at blinding speed but if you do not manage your units as effectively as the guy your rushing you will lose. sure the learning curve is a little bit annoying (took me a month) but Warcraft 3 is unlike other RTS games and for what it accomplished it should be recognized.

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Remember, overrated games don't have to be bad games, they are just not worth the hype that surrounds them. Tib Sun would be a prime example for me, It was an alright game but after all the advertising that surrounded it, and the constant delays it went through, it was a real let down when I finally go to play it.

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Emperor is approximately 10 times as strategical, ten times as micro-management dependent, 10 times as ingenious, a million times as well balanced as Warcraft 3. And I'm being generous.

No... i think it's called biased.

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