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Beheading of Berg

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I watched it.

They read a very long list, and then cut his head off.

I didn't get sick at all, but I felt sorry for the guy.

That kind of punishment should never take place.

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I watched it.

They read a very long list, and then cut his head off.

I didn't get sick at all, but I felt sorry for the guy.

That kind of punishment should never take place.

oh i see so you are saying the camera wasnt pointed at an angle that would have caught all the direct gore/violence?

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i was told that the audio (screaming over and over) is what gets to you.. not the actual violence...

The audio consisted of a man reading two sheets of paper and then he made some sound while cutting the head of the victim. Berg himself was totally quiet.

Also, there was very little gore, and the clip was of such a poor quality that you almost didn't see the little pool of blood on the floot.

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10 years a go it would have scared me, not it simply disgusts me a little, People need to learn how to take off a head though, ITs not saw saw saw, its hack hack hack, morons...

Should've used a guillotine... Much more sensible. Much less effort. Unless they were trying to do it in as painful a way as possible.

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They were planning to make it as painful as possible, since they didn't kill him[slit his throat] before sawing his head off. Its to sort of terrify the coalition troops, especially US because of their prison abuse. Note that Nick Berg was wearing orange, which is worn by the Iraqi prisoners.

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I was curious and had been hearing alot about it so I wanted to see it to get a better perspective of the whole thing.....

Gunwounds its not something to be afraid of or to avoid. Its something that should be watched, I dont think that everybody really gets the seriousness of everything that is going on........I sure dident until I watched the movie......

Its really not that gruesome as it is disturbing......as somebody already said the poor video quality hides alot of the bad stuff......

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I'm getting sick of the media and Bush's Propaganda.

I thought they took over Iraq so that we could have a good flow of cheap oil?

Not to abuse prisoners. :(

And then when American army people are abused by Iraqis Bush and the media go all crazy about how bad the Iraqis are and invade a city. And when America abuse Iraqis they want a resignation of a top official or someone to blame. Although the only people wanting Rumsfelds resignation are Democrats, just to make Republicans look bad. It's all politics and nothing to do with who's abusing/killing who.

Can anyone say Election Year?


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Okay before another American replies to Andrew's post and says "They kill our captive citizens we don't kill theirs" I suggest you take a look at some recent headlines.  There are at least two murders of prisoners that have been discovered in the past week.  It's unfortunate, but it happens.

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And to add to the good PR, they released about 300(?) prisoners from that prison(?). ::)

I doubt that was planned before the scandal, even though they will say it was and of course rumsfeld going to Iraq had nothing to do with the scandal.

I'm glad Canadian politics are easier to understand. (and it doesn't take a year to figure it all out who's doing what.)

If there are going to be free elections held soon or whatever, why don't the bad guys (that cleric guy in th ebig city that US is attacking) try to get in it? Or do you have to be in good relations with the US to try to win a free election for all Iraqis?

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You know what really kind of grosses me out? The fact that they only recovered the headless body. The head of Nick Berg is out there, probably to be kept by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's men in a freezer for future mutilation. I'd hate to be the family and only have the faceless corpse of my son returned home. Knowing that the face that I loved is out there, to be ripped, torn, and pissed on. Fuckers.

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I'm glad Canadian politics are easier to understand. (and it doesn't take a year to figure it all out who's doing what.)

Yes I too enjoy the directness of some of your Parliamentarians when they scream in each other's faces.  (I'd love to see our Congressmen do that, it would liven up C-SPAN.)

If there are going to be free elections held soon or whatever, why don't the bad guys (that cleric guy in th ebig city that US is attacking) try to get in it?

Soon...soon being seven months after June 30th.  The interim government takes over June 30th, then seven months later they have the first free elections. (Wow that sounds like what we have now, without Bremer.)

You know what really kind of grosses me out? The fact that they only recovered the headless body. The head of Nick Berg is out there, probably to be kept by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's men in a freezer for future mutilation. I'd hate to be the family and only have the faceless corpse of my son returned home. Knowing that the face that I loved is out there, to be ripped, torn, and pissed on. Fuckers.

Agreed...I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  The worst thing a parent can do is bury a child...but is it even worse when you know there's a piece missing?

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