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FED2K warlords


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  Sharonicus makes his way to the mayor's office.  He is well fed, and feeling ready for the road once more.

  "Mr. Mayor, we will be leaving now.  Thank you for your hospitality."

  After a suitably long and heavy breakfast the troops move out, leavinf the thread in ruins.  The once beautiful grasslands are now mud, the forests have been cut and burned away for food and temporary shelter.  Much of the crops are ruined beyond repair from early harvesting.

  The troops head back out for home, but along the way they decide to attack a few smaller threads.  The troops seperate and march towards the threads Misery and Harkonnen Dawn.

  Meanwhile, a solitary messenger is sent from Kanly Keep to the God Emperor's Dune:

  Greetings Dustie!

  It seems our secret operation was a success!  We had recieved intellegence that a terrorist facton was moving to attack your base at Dungeon Siege, so we moved to intercept thier forces.  Although we could find no evidence of thier presence, it seems our presence successfully disuaded thier attack.  Our thanks for your hospitality and acceptance.  May our alliance last evermore!

  Lord Johnsonius of Kanly, Defender of Fanfiction.

Recruited forces:

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 100K, 100O, 80G, 60T, 22He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 200H, 90K, 40O, 15T, 3He, 15S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 40O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

Headed for Harkonnen Dawn: 638H, 250K, 100O, 50G, 25T, 10S, 10He, 38W.

Headed for Misery: 637H, 250K, 100O, 50G, 25T, 10S, 10He, 37W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3326 Highlanders

1119 Klingons

593 Orcs

280 Gobists

165 Hovertanks

46 Sabotours

53 Heroes

75 Werewolves

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"EWS and a skeleton force of troops are heading this way, sir." said an aide.

Dragoon Knight turned around with a maniacal grin on his face, an Uzi in his hand, foaming at the mouth, emptied a magazine into the aide, reloaded, and shot him again.

"Sir?" asked the aide, apparently unphased.

Dragoon snapped out of his semi-daydream.

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The green flames died as the army entered Religion's ruins. Without warning the Seraphim began to grapple flaming sword against flaming sword with enemy demons, and the rest of the army was trying to deal with demonic worms on the ground.

Ordos45 moved forward through it all and cried out," Necrus. Show yourself."

The Demon named Necrus did show itself, all ten feet tall of it. He held, in a clawed hand, a large scimitar. With a booming chuckle he said," Welcome back young fool."

"Who is the greater fool," asked Ordos45," The one who is afraid or the one who is overconfident?"

Necrus chuckled and brought down the scimitar to meet Ordos45 blade, causing the warlord's knees to buckle. He smiled up at the demon, who was completely taken by surprise at the action.

"What is funny human," asked the Demon, as their swords clashed together again and again.

"Akamorthe Ilsithani Rael Natacha Ayn Cawal," murmurred Ordos45, and then his eyes went wide as the ancient inscription he had read from the wall worked. Necrus began to disentagrate from the feet up, and soon his only remaining feature was his scimitar.

Ordos45 strolled up to the Crystal that had been obscured by the demon Necrus, it was directly in the center of the ruins of the city thread. He touched it cautiously, and marvelled as the ruins became a high walled and domed city bristling with defensive towers and cannons. Then came the truly shocking thing.

Ordos45 dropped to one knee," M'Lord."

Out of the crystal stepped Gobalopper, Lord Creator of Fed2k," Rise good and faithful servant. For you have freed your master's bonds."

New Tech Gained: The Way. This instills a hardcore fanaticism in all soldiers of the owner. They can NEVER be converted, bribed, or seduced.  This bonds them beyond breaking to their master's service.

New Character Gained: Gob/Gobalopper. Lord Creator of Fed2k, Gob has been considered by many scholars to be a myth. But the yeti with mystic powers is real.

OOC: I asked Gob a day or two ago if I could find and use the real him as a character in Warlords. :)

Total Units:

3400 Marines

805 Swiss Guards

1640 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

540 Setara Shock Troops

505 Tanks

280 Warthogs

50 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

540 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

270 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

160 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

40 Tanks

80 Warthogs

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Religion:

500 Marines

150 Swiss Guards

330 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

280 Tanks

80 Warthogs

12 Seraphim

General Irani


Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)


400 Marines

40 Swiss Guards

200 Warthogs

5 Seraphim

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Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]"The List" didn't work. After some research,my warmasters discovered the cause. It is of that Rookie being in lockdown. this would prevent his forces to take any action, nor be harmed. The assault cannot proceed. I'm asking for further instructions, or me and my troops would remain at "OOOH"



40 Soul Tramplers(ST)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 200 ST/116 As/5440 DP/440 R/680 FR/1100 APU/152 DS/1720 W/Twinkie the Redhair/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair/Warmaster Vin/Siren/ExSPlug

Next botting takes effect in 6 posts.

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EWS had arrived a while ago at "Freelancer City" and had already settled in.  His troops were merry, singing, dancing, drinking etc...  He had signed the agreements with Dragoon Knight and floated some ideas, most which were disregarded.  He had already signed over "Hair Dyeing Thingy" to Dragoon Knight and he was awaiting confirmation that he could go and start conquering threads in the name of Dragoon Knight.  Now that he was a warlord, he felt like he had no need to be a pacifist.  He didn't need to fight, but his troops could.

EWS immediatly told DK about the "Secret thread" and ordered him to reveal it, EWS was holding off until the next post, he wanted to wait until his Diplomatic agent was back.  There were 2 monkeys he hadn't yet forgotten about...


850 Milita Troops

380 Farcry Demons

17 Flying Monkey's (1 with ExSPlug)

Freelancer City

650 Militia Troops

280 FarCry Demons

11 FLying Monkeys

"Hair Dyeing thingie"

200 Militia Troops

100 Farcry Demons

5 Flying Monkey's

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OOC: Edited the posts to make them sensible...forget about the deleting.

"Neo-Gobism...how intresting." smirked ExSPlug.

"They're trying to turn this into a meaningless jihad." said Vin.

"So how's the reaction of our troops?" asked ExSPlug.

"Close to none, master. Our troops had always been allowed the worshipping of any religon, as long they remain loyal to us.

Suddenly whole of Fed2k shook.

"What the hell!?"

"Master, outside..."

A beam of light extended from the ground into the skies.

"PRP...Something big must have happened." mumbled ExSPlug as he stared at the beam of light.

"And obviously something bad..." added Akira.


40 Soul Tramplers(ST)

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 240 ST/116 As/5440 DP/440 R/680 FR/1100 APU/152 DS/1720 W/Twinkie the Redhair/D.S. Akira/Twinkie the Redhair/Warmaster Vin/Siren/ExSPlug

Next botting takes effect in 5 posts.

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"Goodbye, cruel world!" The mayor shouted melodramatically, perched on the highest strong branch of one of the few surviving trees near Dungeon Siege RPG.

"Don't do it!" Someone down below shouted.

"You have so much left to live for!" Someone else called.

"No I don't! The thread is destroyed!" The major cried.

"No it's not!"

"It's not?"


"But our fields! Our fields are destroyed!"

"We never had any before! Now we've got fields!"

"But the forests! The forests are gone!"

"To make room for the fields!"

"Our wonderful grasslands..."

"What grasslands? This place is a snowy wilderness!"


"Come down before you catch your death of cold up there!"


"News, Dustie." The newest General announced, saluting smartly in front of Dust Scout. The Warlord sighed mentally. His throne room was getting crowded.

"General Dunenewt." He acknowledged.

"Lord J has exited Dungeon Siege RPG." The General reported, "And EWS has been hired by Dragoon Knight in Gaming."

"Perfect..." Dust Scout grinned, "It's about time too. Anything else?"

"Rookie seems to have gone into Lockdown, ExSPlug can't get in." The General continues, reading from a scrap of parchment. "Also, we've detected a massive energy blowout in PRP, Gobist power is through the roof; so is Neo-Gobist. There's talk of a legend-"

"Yes, I know the rumours..." Dust Scout's face clouded over. "If they are true then this might spell very bad news for us..."

"Let us hope, then, that they are not." Latrodectus hisses.

"And if they are, we shall make them false." Lillian says seriously.

Message to ExSPlug:

[hide]Plans are under discussion. For the time being return to your base, new orders coming soon.


1 day to go!

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp - Mutated

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

700 Fanfiction Highlanders

880 BG Crossbreeds - Cloning Tech

165 Giant spiders

320 Dark Elf Archers

80 Magii

120 Dragon Disciples

1015 Sentinals

167 Sharders

60 Ornithopters

4 Dust Imps

2 Giant Salamanders

2 Mutated Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Fanfiction Highlanders

60 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Fanfiction Highlanders

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Fanfiction Highlanders

110 Sentinals

60 Sharders

6 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Fanfiction Highlanders - 25 lost

20 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

5 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

1100 Setara Shock Troops

40 BG Crossbreeds

15 Magii

1 Dust Imp

Attacking Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

3000 Fanfiction Highlanders

420 Magii

410 Dragon Disciples

200 Sharders

4 Dust Imps


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Fanfiction Highlanders

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Fanfiction Highlanders

150 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Farcry:

30 BG Crossbreeds

10 Sharders

150 Dark Elf Archers

150 Magii

56 Sentinals

5 Dust Imps

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

1 Dust Imp

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Ornithopters

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


980 Celtic warriors

250 New Scandinavians

250 Mexican bandito pirates

235 Skjalds

8 Jomsvikings

Attacking Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

500 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

60 Mexican bandito pirates

100 Skjalds

10 Jomsvikings

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

1900 Celtic warriors - 86 lost in Far Cry

430 New Scandinavian warriors - 7 lost

21 Jomsviking - 1 lost

250 Mexican Bandito Pirates - 41 lost

200 Skjalds - 0 lost

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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  As the troops make it to the outskirts of the threads they are attacking, the rumbling starts.

  "What is it?!" asks Sharonicus.

  "I'm not sure, m'lord," replies a Klingon, "The tricorder reports no siesmic activity."

  "Is it the Earthquake Technology from My Angel?"

  The Klingon taps on his tricorder, "No."

  "Understood!  We will continue our attack!"

  "Yes, m'lord!"

  As night falls the Werewolves lead the first arm of the attack.

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 100K, 100O, 100G, 70T, 2S, 24He.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 50O, 15T, 3He, 15S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 30K, 50O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

Headed for Harkonnen Dawn: 638H, 250K, 100O, 50G, 25T, 10S, 10He, 38W.

Headed for Misery: 637H, 250K, 100O, 50G, 25T, 10S, 10He, 37W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3426 Highlanders

1159 Klingons

613 Orcs

300 Gobists

175 Hovertanks

48 Sabotours

55 Heroes

75 Werewolves

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Message to ExSPlug:

[hide]Move troops to Fanfiction. This is an invasion and occupation force, so it must be massive, leave as little as possible behind. Don't worry about base security, if it is attacked you can get back there through my nearest thread. Target is Lord J's Kanly, his HQ. Once this thread is taken you shall recieve further orders.

DS. [/hide]

Message to Ordos45:

[hide]An oppertunistic jaunt into Fanfiction might prove beneficial at this point.[/hide]

Time up!

Three days have passed and now it is time for the battle to be won! Mwa ha ha ha!

Battle Of The Line~HighLands~ was only a small thread, now it lies in rubble. Warlord Tamerlane fought hard, but against impossible odds. He disappeared, and is assumed to be among the dead.

Thread gained: Battle Of The Line~HighLands~

Tech gained: Rising.

Upon death, all enemy units killed by biological means (anything but robots like Sentinals, Sharders, Ornithopters...) rise as flesh-eating zombies that retain their memories, but not their sentience. The result of which is that they attack their comrades, but not those who killed them.

Also, it's a bit late but: Upgrading done! Celtic Warriors, mwa ha ha ha!

"The last small battle is won." Dust Scout said calmly, as the red dot on his map that indicated Battle Of The Line~HighLands~ turned purple.

"Does that mean-"

"It means that the great battles are closer, not immediate, General Dunenewt." J'invey said, watching the map as well.

Looking down from the map, Dust Scout was surprised to see each of his 'advisors' standing still. It was uncommon to see them all at the same time, let alone standing still and all paying attention to something.

J'invy, Darius, Lillian, Latrodectus, his own ghost (that was creepy), Rai'guy, General Dunenewt... Dust Scout wasn't entirely sure why the former Warlord had requested to be made a General. Perhaps he just enjoyed the thrill of battle. In any case, he was eager to see action...

"General, I want you to prepare a force for me, collected from across the Empire. Darius, take command of a Freecorps we'll gather from Sard..."

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders - upgraded

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp - mutated

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders

90 BG Crossbreeds

70 Giant spiders

40 Dark Elf Archers

50 Magii

40 Dragon Disciples

35 Sentinals

87 Sharders

20 Ornithopters

1 Dust Imp

2 Giant Salamanders

General Dunenewt's Company:

5400 Celtic Warriors - Cloning Tech - Celtic Upgrade

820 BG Crossbreeds

100 Giant Spiders

400 Dark Elf Archers

400 Dragon Disciples

60 Ornithopters

225 Magii

1000 Sentinals

100 Sharders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

6 Dust Imps

3 Mutated Dust Imps

Darius' Company:

2000 Celtic warriors

400 New Scandinavians

300 Mexican bandito pirates

300 Skjalds

225 Magii

27 Jomsvikings

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Celtic Warriors

60 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Celtic Warriors

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Celtic Warriors

110 Sentinals

60 Sharders

6 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Celtic Warriors

20 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

40 BG Crossbreeds

15 Magii

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

100 Magii - 60 lost - 40 resurrected - 300 transfered

30 Dragon Disciples - 110 lost - 30 resurrected - 300 transfered

150 Sharders - 50 lost

2 Dust Imps - 2 lost


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Celtic Warriors

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Celtic Warriors

50 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Farcry:

10 BG Crossbreeds

10 Sharders

50 Dark Elf Archers

50 Magii

56 Sentinals

5 Dust Imps

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

1 Dust Imp

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Ornithopters

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity


List Tech

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


400 Celtic warriors

80 New Scandinavians

80 Mexican bandito pirates

65 Skjalds

2 Jomsvikings

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

400 Celtic warriors - 100 lost

70 New Scandinavians - 30 lost

40 Mexican bandito pirates - 20 lost

99 Skjalds - 1 lost

9 Jomsvikings - 1 lost

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

900 Celtic warriors

230 New Scandinavian warriors

1 Jomsviking

150 Mexican Bandito Pirates

100 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]Orders received. For the sake of the ease of posting, is it ok that to assume that you've provided me a console that opens "The List"? It would only functions when you've established the links and issues an order, and only works for once, unless you issue further orders.[/hide]

All commanders of the mercenary corp is now inside the briefing room.

"Everyone of you would participate in this battle." said ExSPlug as he shows his commanders the message. "Siren."

A map of the target thread shows on the screen.

"Thank you. This is from about a few years ago, when I was there myself. It might be used as an refrence, but don't trust it all." explained ExSPlug as he points at the map. "Now for the plans and roles of each of you, Vin."

"Gentlemen, basically we would spawn at 2 positions, this and...this. Akira and Siren would go in from here, Twinkie...here. The rest would follow me. And to remind you, we will go in seperately."

"Any questions?"

"No sir!"

"Get your men ready! We shall set off at 0000!"

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 2940 DP/280 FR/102 DS/1020 W/ExSPlug

Task Force 00:

280 ST/50 DS/116 As/Siren/D.S. Akira

Task Force 01:

2500 DP/400 FR/700 W/Warmaster Vin

Task Force 02:

440 R/1100 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Next botting takes effect in 5 posts.

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(OOC: Interesting...)

  By the time the rest of the troops start the invasion the next morning, the two threads are in pitiful shape.  The werewolves have completely annihilated almost all resistance, and all that remains is completed in short order.

  In Harkonnen Dawn, the troops find a strange featureless sphere, covered with dust but otherwise in perfect condition.

  After scanning with Klingon tricorders, they find the opening and realize that it's a type of APC.  They find a computer system and come to realize what the sphere is: a Guild transporter, capable of folding space and allowing a limited number of troops transported anywhere on FED2K instantly.

  At Misery they find an ancient temple.  It is huge and beautiful, a cathedral.  The Gobists consecrate it in the name of Gob, to be the ultimate center for Gobism on Fed2k.

  Meanwhile, a Sound Ninja of Necroticon's, on a secret mission from home base, is going through a moment of religious question in his life.  He has lived by the Ninja's code, but now he's realized that it's not enough.  As he passes Misery, he sees the cathedral and it speaks to his very soul.  When he stumbles through the doors he bows to the holy symbol of Gob and starts weeping uncontrollably.

  Before the day is through, the Sound Ninja has become a hardline Gobist and has sworn fealty to Lord Johnsonius.

  "I think there's something you should know about," he says to Sharonicus, "A message was sent to ExSPlug from Dust Scout, I think you could use the information from it."

  At Kanly thunder is heard overhead as the Guild Transport flashes in.  The troops move out and start setting up defenses and Sharonicus, acompanied by Imehei, the Sound Ninja, meet Lord J face to face.

  "Prepare for battle!"

  Special note concerning the Guild Transport: Because of its incredible power, it can not be built again.  It only can transport 500 troops at one time.

  Special note concerning the Gobist Temple: It converts one of any trooper per post, including those owned by Dust Scout and O45.  The Gobist Temple is a location of holiness for any unit, no matter which form of Gobism he follows.

100 Highlanders (H) (+300 Harkonnen Dawn & Misery)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

125 Werewolves (Harkonnen Dawn & Misery)

1 Sound Ninja (Misery)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Guild Transport) (Heroes 1/post) - 500H, 100K, 100O, 120G, 80T, 4S, 46He, 100W, 1N.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 50O, 15T, 3He, 15S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 30K, 50O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

Harkonnen Dawn - 750H, 100K, 60O, 50G, 25T, 22W.

Misery (Gobist Temple) - 750H, 100K, 60O, 50G, 25T, 23W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3756 Highlanders

1199 Klingons

633 Orcs

320 Gobists

185 Hovertanks

30 Sabotours

57 Heroes

200 Werewolves

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OOC:  1 marine, I could handle that.

Ordos45 rose weak at the knees," My Lord, it is a miracle."

Gobalopper shrugged, his fur shaking upward," Nah, I just stumbled into Necrus's trap after a really bad hockey game."

Ordos45 was taken aback," Oh...well, could you help me with a problem Almighty Gob?"

"I guess," said Gob," What do you need done?"

"Could you, um, help me out if another Warlord attacks me," asked Ordos45.

"Sure," replied Gob," But I'd really like to stay here until that happens.  It has some really nice basketball courts."

"Thank you Gob," murmurred Ordos45 bowing at the yeti's feet.  Shortly after he left back for Countries Pros/Cons.

Total Units:

3500 Marines

825 Swiss Guards

1680 Mossad Agents

354 Reporters

580 Setara Shock Troops

525 Tanks

320 Warthogs

52 Seraphim

Total Garrison Countries Pros/Cons:

1080 Marines

360 Swiss Guards

200 Mossad Agents

120 Tanks

120 Warthogs

14 Seraphim

Cardinal Bea

Total Garrison HI2:

203 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

500 Mossad Agents

20 Tanks

5 Seraphim

Total Garrison News Bulletin:

70 Marines

90 Mossad Agents

120 Reporters

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison KYA/Setara War: Rebirth:

100 Marines

15 Swiss Guards

580 Setara Shock Troops

1 Seraphim

Total Garrison Fallujah:

350 Marines

105 Swiss Guards 

220 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Pound North Korea Into Oblivion:

270 Marines

60 Swiss Guards

20 Reporters

160 Mossad Agents

5 Seraphim

40 Tanks

80 Warthogs

Garrison At SU Vs US

50 Marines

30 Swiss Guards

60 Mossad Agents

40 Tanks

3 Seraphim

Garrisoned At Angelic Creation:

1 Seraphim

100 marines

20 Swiss Guards

40 Mossad Agents

Garrisoned At HALO2!!!:

700 Marines

5 Tanks

10 Mossad Agents

1 Seraphim

General Talsir

Garrisoned At Religion:

500 Marines

150 Swiss Guards

330 Mossad Agents

220 Reporters

280 Tanks

80 Warthogs

12 Seraphim


Assembled at the Center of Ordos45's Kingdom for Rapid Deployment:

100 Marines

20 Swiss Guards

20 Tanks

40 Mossad Agents

40 Warthogs

2 Seraphim

En Route to Countries Pros/Cons:


En Route to new Rapid Deployment Site:

General Irani

Tech Tree:

Mass Transit/Super Highways

Marine Upgrade


Seraphim Upgrade

The Way

(Unit skipped this turn in production-Reporters again)

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The scene around Akira and Siren changed from the courtyard of "OOOH" to the barracks of "Kanly". They had chosen this place to spawn as they could easily kill the sleeping troops and create havoc. However, the barrack is empty.

Where would the troops be at these hours?

"Akira, take a look." Siren signaled for Akira to peep through a window.

From there they could see a huge sphere sitting in the middle of the arena. It was the same old arena that the participants had fought on before Fed2k is covered in the flames of war. It now serves as the courtyard of the thread. The sphere was heavily guarded, and there were even more troops pouring out from it.

"What is it?"

"Dunno. But it must be something more advanced then our tech can do. Look, It's size just don't seem to be able to accomadate so many troops, right?"

"Yea...better find out."

The assassins sacked the barrack and found some spare uniforms and equipments of the enemy troops, enough to arm a squad. Siren lead some of her assassins in the disguise and headed out, while the Devil Summoners remained to summon their minions, and the assassins setting up a defence.

"Hey, what is that?" Siren asked casually to one of the highlanders comin out of the sphere.

"I don't know. But we got this is Harkonnen Dawn. Commander Sharonicus tould us to get in, and after a second, we're back at home." replied the highlander.

"I see...thanks. May Gob bless you."

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 2940 DP/280 FR/102 DS/1020 W/ExSPlug

Task Force 01:

2500 DP/400 FR/700 W/Warmaster Vin

Task Force 02:

440 R/1100 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

In Kanly, still not discovered:

Task Force 00:

280 ST/50 DS/116 As/Siren/D.S. Akira

Next botting takes effect in 4 posts.

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(OOC: How fun!)

  Lord J hears the alarm start when the List is used to open a doorway into the barracks.  He turns to his computer console and brings up the camera.

  "Shall I initiate the holding field, m'Lord?"

  "Wait, let's see what they do first."

  The men poke around and find the uniforms.  They change and model for each other.

  "Holy Gob, do these guys look retarded.  They don't look like our boys at all!"

  "Well sir, I don't think this is a peaceful mission."

  "I tend to agree.  Push the button."

  "Aye sir."

  As the phase generators kick on a sliding sensation can be felt in the barracks.  The phase washes over the invaders, and they are frozen in time.  Justifyable punishment for people who DON'T READ THE THREAD!!!

  The Kanly garrison walks into the barracks and starts firing.  In a short amount of time, all but a few of the captured soldiers are dead.  The remaining few are carried (still in stasis) to the Kanly holding cells.

  Lord J sends a messenger to Dust Scout's TGED

[hide]  Old allie:  It seems we have something we need to...talk about.[/hide]

  Lord J sends a messenger to ExSPlug's Oooh.

[hide]  Prepare for battle, fool.[/hide]

  A robed man enters the temple and falls to one knee.  He prays, "May my confusion with the Jedi Order be answered with my devotion to Gob."  The Jedi Knight becomes part of the Kanly army.

100 Highlanders (H)

40 Klingons (K)

20 Orcs (O)

20 Gobists (G)

10 Hovertanks (T)

2 Ordos Sabotour (S)

2 Hero (He)

1 Jedi Knight (Gobist Temple)

Claimed Threads:

Kanly (HQ) (Anti-List Device) (Guild Transport) (Heroes 1/post) - 600H, 140K, 120O, 140G, 90T, 6S, 48He, 100W, 1N, 1J.

Kanly: Revisited (Orcs 10/post) - 300H, 100K, 50O, 15T, 3He, 15S.

Dune: A New Beginning (Ordos Sabotours 1/post) - 100H, 30K, 50O.

FED2K Trek (Klingons 20/post) - 100H, 60K, 20O.

FED2K Survivor Four (Network (Double Unit Production)) - 100H, 29K, 20O.

Modern Pirates (Network) (Hovertanks 5/post) - 75H, 39K, 21O.

Underwater War Three (Network) - 178H, 79K, 11O, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Horror Fic Contest (Network) - 106H, 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S.

Short Story Contest (Network) - 106H 40K, 20G, 10T, 2S, 2He.

My Angel (Earthquake Technology)(Gobist 10/post) - 47H, 32K, 15O, 4T, 2S, 1He

Hell's Armada - 205H, 50K, 99O, 3He

Vampires: the Masquerade (Werewolves) - 104H, 49K, 24O, 20G, 16T, 2S, 2He.

Harkonnen Dawn - 750H, 100K, 60O, 50G, 25T, 22W.

Misery (Gobist Temple) - 750H, 100K, 60O, 50G, 25T, 23W.

Total Deployed Forces:

3856 Highlanders

1239 Klingons

653 Orcs

340 Gobists

195 Hovertanks

32 Sabotours

59 Heroes

200 Werewolves

1 Sound Ninja

1 Jedi Knight

(OOC: Please note my previous threads, the List will not work against me.  Nothing but a straight-forward attack I'm afraid... ;) )

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"ExSPlug's primary force has been all but obliterated, Lord J is preparing for war." Lillian reports, checking her figures.

"Dear me, dear me." Dust Scout says, reading the reports for himself. "Apparantly he wants a word with me..."

"Shall we send a reply?" J'invy asks, his face as impassive as ever it has been.

"No, not this time." Dust Scout sighs, folding the reports up and archiving them properly. "But send this to ExSPlug..."

To ExSPlug:

[hide]Re-route, don't use the list.[/hide]

Recruited forces - Dust Scout:

50 Fanfiction Highlanders - upgraded

20 Sharders

20 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

20 Sentinals

5 Giant spiders

20 Ornithopters

10 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp - mutated

Current forces - Dust Scout...


Garrisoned in The God Emperor's Dune:

100 Celtic Warriors

100 BG Crossbreeds

75 Giant spiders

60 Dark Elf Archers

70 Magii

60 Dragon Disciples

55 Sentinals

100 Sharders

40 Ornithopters

1 Dust Imp

2 Giant Salamanders

General Dunenewt's Company:

5400 Celtic Warriors - Cloning Tech - Celtic Upgrade

820 BG Crossbreeds

100 Giant Spiders

400 Dark Elf Archers

400 Dragon Disciples

60 Ornithopters

225 Magii

1000 Sentinals

100 Sharders

1200 Setara Shock Troops

6 Dust Imps

4 Mutated Dust Imps

Darius' Company:

2000 Celtic warriors

400 New Scandinavians

300 Mexican bandito pirates

300 Skjalds

225 Magii

7 Sharders

27 Jomsvikings

Garrisoned in Espionage:

125 Celtic Warriors

60 Dark Elf Archers

20 Magii

20 Dragon Disciples

29 BG Crossbreeds

60 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Mountain War!!!:

10 Celtic Warriors

40 Sharders

11 BG Crossbreeds

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in 'The List':

300 Celtic Warriors

110 Sentinals

60 Sharders

6 Dust Imps

1 Giant Salamander

Garrisoned in ~Matrix Rising~:

28 BG Crossbreeds

30 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Dungeon Siege RPG:

45 Celtic Warriors

20 BG Crossbreeds

20 Magii

30 Sentinals

40 Sharders

2 Dust Imps

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG:

40 BG Crossbreeds

15 Magii

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

100 Magii - 60 lost - 40 resurrected - 300 transfered

30 Dragon Disciples - 110 lost - 30 resurrected - 300 transfered

150 Sharders - 50 lost

2 Dust Imps - 2 lost


Garrisoned in Age of Wonders (2):

70 Celtic Warriors

20 Magii

214 Celtic Warriors

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Neverwinter Nights:

80 Celtic Warriors

50 Setara Shock troops

75 Sentinals

1 Dust Imp

Garrisoned in Farcry:

10 BG Crossbreeds

10 Sharders

50 Dark Elf Archers

50 Magii

56 Sentinals

5 Dust Imps

Politics, Religion and Philosophy

Garrisoned in The Occult:

10 Sentinals

40 Dark Elf Archers

10 Sharders

20 Dragon Disciples


Garrisoned in Cloned Baby Supposedly Born:

80 Sharders

70 Dragon Disciples

1 Dust Imp

Other Dune Games

Garrisoned in Frank Herbert's Dune:Ornithopter Assault:

40 Ornithopters

Tech List:

Espionage Stealth



Genetic Monstrosity


List Tech

Units - Sir Sard

Troops available for production:

Jomsvikings (level 4)

New Scandinavians (level 3)

Skjalds (level 2)

Mexican Bandito Pirates (level 2)

Celtic warriors (upgraded level 1)

Garrisoned in Endless days:


460 Celtic warriors

100 New Scandinavians

100 Mexican bandito pirates

85 Skjalds

3 Jomsvikings

Garrisoned in Battle Of The Line~HighLands~:

400 Celtic warriors - 100 lost

70 New Scandinavians - 30 lost

40 Mexican bandito pirates - 20 lost

99 Skjalds - 1 lost

9 Jomsvikings - 1 lost

General Folke

Garrisoned in Fed2k RPG 3:

1st. Hird

900 Celtic warriors

230 New Scandinavian warriors

1 Jomsviking

150 Mexican Bandito Pirates

100 Skjalds

Garrisoned in The Celt

Celtic Glory

100 Celtic warriors

80 Mexican Bandito Pirates

Garrisoned at Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

100 Celtic warriors

50 New Scandinavians

Garrisoned at the Poems thread

The poetic guard.

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate

Homeguard A Day in the Life of a Mexican Bandito Pirate:

35 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at War of the Rabbits

Homeguard War of the Rabbits:

30 Celtic warriors

Garrisoned at An Age of Chaos

The Chaotic band:

30 Celtic warriors

Tech List:

Rabbit reproduction

Argonian Timelapers

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Swordmaster Xavier wasted no time in directing a portion of Mideel Company and a detachment of Atreides Infantry to the Atreides Tech thread, known as "Hummm shields" (codenamed House Shields).



The same shield technology that protects the Atreides infantry can be deployed on a much larger scale.

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OOC: Ouch...a painful reminder.

A message was sent to Dust scout. As he opens it, it reveals to be a small bulb. With simple morse code, the sound ninjas couldn't intercept the message.

Message to Dust Scout:

[hide]Request permission to retake thread "Firewall" in Techenical Issues. That was one which I had once captured, and have tech that may deal with the anti-list techology.

Again I wish that men be sent to study "The List" to deal with the problem.

Another request is that I wish a small group of volunteery Magii to join my troops inthe following campaigns. Their reviving abilities would be of great help.




Hell broke lose as the anti-list device took effect. The troops can't move an inch, but they can see, can feel the masscare. Those in disguise didn't have a chance. As they charged into the barracks, more went down.

As the enemy cease fire, only few remained. The were carried like frozen icesticks to the cells as prisoners.


"Any news of them?" asked ExSPlug.

"Nothing, sir."

"Keep the spies and scout working! Now...how will we deal with the problem?"

"Return to our old ways. Our troops are were known for that."

The troops set out for their enemies...

Gaming(1 thread):

In "OOOh for anyone who LIKE ONLINE RPG'S READ HERE"(Botting, tech/ Soul Tramplers, unit): 40 ST/4940 DP/280 FR/102 DS/1520 W/ExSPlug

Task Force 02:

440 R/1100 APU/Twinkie the Redhair

Task Force 01, reaching Gaming borders in next post:

500 DP/400 FR/200 W/Warmaster Vin

Fan Fiction(0 thread):

In Kanly, as prisoners:

Task Force 00:

40 ST/10 DS/26 As/Siren/D.S. Akira

Next botting takes effect in 3 posts.

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