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10 best PC games of history


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1)dune (pc)

Dune games are the best Emperor at first and dune 2000 coming closer in second

2)metroid (nes, gb , gba , snes)

Super metroid is probably the best game ever but i like all serie in this order Super Metroid Metroid Zero, Metroid 2, Metroid , Metroid fusion...

3)final fantasy (playstation)

Same as metroid ... ff7 ... ff8 ...ff6 ... ff5

4)ferrari f355 chalenger (dreamcast and arcade)

best driving simulator

5)Golden Axe (arcade)

I beat golden axe whith all lives and full health , i come to the end of golden axe 100000000000 times

6)robotron (arcade)

This is action game!

7)elevator action (arcade)

same as #6

8)resident evil (playstation dreamcast)

Bad acting but very imersive

9)enemy teritory (pc)

The BEST free game EVER!!!!!

10)shinobi (arcade megadrive)

Arcade shinobi is cool .. shadow dancer for the mega drive is the same formula


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1.  FF7 (Yes there is a PC version that rarely can be found for twenty dollars or so.)

2.  Emperor:  Battle For Dune

3.  Empire Earth

4.  Star Trek Voyager:  Elite Force

5.  Civilization II

6.  Civilization

7.  Command and Conquer Red Alert

8.  Star Trek Armada

9.  Starcraft

10. Age of Empires II

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In no particular order:

1) Starcraft

2) Dune2

3) Warcraft 2

4) Total Annihilation Kingdoms

5) Aliens versus Predator

6) Command and Conquer series

7) Total Annihalation

8) Homeworld

9) Return to Castle Wolfenstein

10) Battle Realms

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in no order id say

tiberian sun (didnt like firestorm too much)


generals (didnt like expansion also)

empire earth


medal of honour allied assault

warrior kings

aliens vs predator 2

warcraft 3 the frozen throne

renegade (not so good now but it was when i 1st got it)

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No order, would take too much thinking time. These are games I have played on PC and are very good.

1. Betrayal at Krondor

2. Red alert C&C

3. Lords of the realm 2

4. Age of Empires Gold (original plus expansion)

5. Starcraft

6. Civilization 2

7. Duke Nukem 3d

8. Warcraft II

9. Need for speed II

10. Lords of magic - ran out of good games to list

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So, the best ones?

1.  Dune II: Battle for Arrakis

This game really brought most to gaming community. Fully new system, which even now can't be replaced. And also the highest stage of MIDI music. Alternatives could be Wolfenstein 3D, Pong or Civilization, but compare them with Dune II: which was better breaktrough?

2.  Command & Conquer 2: Tiberian Sun

Strategy, which has closed one era. It was a game, which mixed all good elements of all 2D RTSs before and thus opened way for 3D ones. Of which however, no one was yet better. Alternatives are Total Annihilation and StarCraft. Tiberian Sun was chosen due to fact most elements were greatly better than it those (balance, story, modificability...)

3.  Final Fantasy VIII

King of role playing games. FF had a long history on consoles, but when it came to PC platform it faced only few pathetical weaklings based on Tolkien's fantasy doctrine. And see its graphics, story, playability: I intended to put here Baldur's Gate, but when I compare it to FF8 I simply can't.

4.  Freespace: Great War

Freespace was a perfect simulation, we can say like TS it mixed mostly older things and led it into perfection. Volition really knew how to make a cult game and scenes like fall of Galatea are deeply in our hearts... We can say that other such were Flanker 2.0, Freelancer and F-19 Stealth Fighter.

5.  Doom

Descendant of Wolfenstein 3D, Doom is known to everyone, even those who never played it. It's not a big thing of gaming, but of whole culture. Cynical look on evil which is here only to be eradicated. And a great fun for many hours... No alternatives.

6.  MechCommander 1/2

Perfect RPG-strategy, chosen mostly because of elemental differences compared to other such games. When we compare first to second part, we see flaws and pros balanced, so I put both. However, similar games like Sacrifice, Commandos, UFO/XCom series or WarCraft III aren't comparable to any of them.

7.  Master of Orion series

Of TBSs is best this one. It's over Civilization because the system of game is more realistical and researching Stellar Convertor is much more interesting than ie Ceremonial Burial. But in fact such games are mostly all the same. Another alternative could be Total War or Imperium Galactica series, altough these have flawed research. However in fights they are even better than MoO.

8.  Sonic & Knuckles 3

Of jumping games we can't have better. Tale of Sonic is nearly as legendary as that of Jesus, so I don't think it has to be described. But it was a show that 2D jumpers are far before "modern" 3D ones. No alternatives.

9.  Unreal Tournament

Perfection piece of shooting games. No comments needed. Alternatives should be Liero, Quake 3, Counterstrike or Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Maybe also Diablo II. Why they aren't better we all can see after few hours of playing. Altough the difference isn't big.

10. Gabriel Knight

Best of adventures. Rather hard logics, but not as it would be painful like in some others. And not as easy as in most RPGs. No alternatives, this one is the only worthy to be here.

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1: Vampire: THe Masquerade, Redemption

2: Star Wars Tie Fighter

3: Darklands

4: Stunts

5: Pirates

6: Ultima

7: Civilization

8: Wolfenstein

9: Duke Nukem 3d (come on, its the best.lol)

10: Metal Gear Solid (yeah it's originally playstation, had to add it somewhere.lol)

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In no order:

Tie Fighter - Best Flight combat sim EVER

Red Alert - Best RTS game EVER

StarCraft - A close second to RA

DOOM - Made the shooter genre famous...

Duke3D - ...and brought it down to earth.

Emperor - Pioneered the way for modern full-3D RTS games

Tiberian Sun - The last great 2D RTS game

Elite Force - Still just a plain great game, and it heralded the way for the modern FPS.

Delta Force - The difinitive "Tactical shooter"

Renegade - Vehicles?  Purchasing upgrades?  It had all been done before, but Renegade brought them together with a unique touch

But ten is such a limiting number. :-  So many other greats left out: Blood, Homeworld, Dark Forces...

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1. Emperor: Battle For Dune

2. Call Of Duty (Best..fps..i swear..best)

3. Halo: Combat Evolved

4. Medal Of Honor: Breakthrough/allied assualt/spear head

5. Medieval: Total War

6. C&C Generals & Zero Hour

7. WarCraft III & Frozen Throne

8. Ghost Recon, Island Thunder, & Desert Siege

9. Battlefield 1942, Road to Rome, & Desert Combat

10. StarCraft & Brood War

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1. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

2. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

3. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

4. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun

5. Command & Conquer: Renegade

6. Command & Conquer (:Tiberian Dawn)

7. Grand Theft Auto


9. Theme Hospital

10. Splinter Cell

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