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Dune, Penny Arcade Style


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Gobalopper, who claims he's too busy to post this, (personally I think he just likes getting his unpaid minions to do his work for him, makes him feel like a big man.  VIVE LE REVOLUTION!) has found a hilarious new cartoon about the new Dune prequel novels that sums up the general consensus of the Duniverse forums quite nicely;)

To read it, click here, but be warned:  Fans of the new Dune novels may be slightly offended, and the writers of the new Dune novels may be MORE than just slightly offended.

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At Dunenovels.com, they have free hard cover Hidden Empire books to give away.


(almost free, $2 for shipping)

So someone go get a free book!

Also it seems there tour log is over with, which spanned 4 weeks.


I'd be getting that if I lived in the states.

It's also signed.

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Apple gets Audible

This is the windows version.

Exclusive titles include: 'Whipping Mek', an original story by Brian Herbert; Kevin J. Anderson's 'The Butlerian Jihad' and 'The Machine Crusade', which bridge the Legends of Dune trilogy.

Book readers with lazy eyes could note: A 40GB iPod can hold over 800 full-length audio-books.

refers to apple's iTunes.
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Quite frankly I loved the first three prequels... they were well written... but i agree with this cartoon. It (the butlerin jihad) has some of the crappiest writing i've ever scene. the style is like its written by c- high school student. the foreshadowing is just too obvious... when you foreshadow whats going to happen, you don't tell the reader what's going to happen! Example... when xavier goes to giedi prime to inspect security the last line in that chapter is something to the effect of "With his inspection tour behind him, Xavier left lovely giedi prime, confident that he had seen and done everything neccesary. And completly unaware of the vunerabilities he had not bothered to discover..." Like I said, C- student... he start off sooo many sentences with AND. you're never supposed to do that... it makes it sound tacked on.

Sorry about that rant... if you'll excuse me a moment, i have to run out to buy a copy of the machine crusade

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