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Homeworld 2 fleet logos (post screenshots with your own!)

Edric O

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My favourite feature of HW2 is neither the exceptional gameplay nor the superb graphics. It's the ability to design my own fleet logo! :)

If you're proud of your logo (like I am ;) ) then take a screenshot of it and post it here.

Here's mine:


Workers of the galaxy, unite!! ;D

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Actually, the hammer and sickle represents the unity between workers and peasants, and it began as a symbol of freedom and revolution. It was later abused by the stalinist dictatorship that took over the USSR after 1923...

But can we get over this, please? Just post screenshots already! :)

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yes and the swastika is actually the reverse of the buddist symbol (sp?), hitler decided to reverse the swastika to represent destruction because before they could have peace (one of its meanings) they must destroy. so actually the swatika is truly evil.

I'd have a big ol maltese cross, my ships would be black with white maltese crosses (a maltese cross is like an iron cross but used during the crusades)[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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Your logo is really looking good with those fleet colours, Edric!

I'm not a communist, but I think the hammer and sickle logo itself is quite cool, especially with that red background. I like red very much.

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lengend of the five rings rocks, got any pheonix ones? or dragon? or lion? or crab? pics?

I'll see those, and raise you a complete set (with all three E:BfD House logos tossed in as a bonus)...[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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