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Tactic or glitch being exploited?

i think its a glitch being exploited as there is no way to stop it, and really sucks when done to mino's as they have such a long reload time.

i think its as bad as going off the map to engi/devi/mino drop. to me its clearly a cheap way of starting out a skirmish of armies because whoever drops in the harvester takes no fire from the enemy and so will win.

ive just had zilents do it to me to win a battle....

he had infantry and buzz.

i had infantry on infantry rock, sandbikes and a mino.

my mino would have owned his infantry and gone elite in no time........so to win he must drop in a harv which i think is really cheap.

what do u think, tactic or exploited glitch?


I've done it like once or twice against you only. I mean I din't use it in the 2 games we played earlier (I was XmayhemZ if you didn't realise).


Yes, and if I recall correctly, you did it against me today in a attempt to stop my Atreides attack (The game with Warskum).

As for my personal view on it, well...I've been around for all the Emperor 'trends', aka the heavy air droning when the speed bug wasn't fixed, the non-stop knife fight games, the non-stop spice bowl games, the devastator drops and everything and I'm pretty sure this is just one of those. Regardless, I'm not a personal fan of it forsay, but I view it as a tactic.


Harvester dropping:

The practice of deliberately ordering your harvester to move in between your forces and the enemy's so that the carryall 'drops' it there. The enemy units then fire on the harvester, buying you critical seconds to micromanage some severe damage, or just to get them to fire on the harvester as a distraction.

I'm only going by what has been reported and what people have said, so the description may not be entirely accurate. Someone can correct this if they see fit.


Why should that be a glitch? Nothing happens that wasn't meant to happen.

And IMO it is a good tactic. Since every victory tactic is a good one.

Thanks for explaining, Ix


Well, i see harvester dropping as something that both players can do. I have done it only once, it has been done to me something like maybe 10 times. It's not a major problem, only sometimes annoying. Can be managed pretty well with any anti air.


harvester dropping has always been a stupid strat IMO. you are wasting your harvesters. i for one value my harvesters and would much rather waste other units instead.


that would be different though because your just using the harv to motor a few infantry, but a person dropping a harv inbetween a battle of dusties for example, dusties suck at killing harvs and would be there for a while and the other player would be able to kill the others dusties easily


Yes it is a cheap way to win, but you got to remember it is a RTS game.Ive had zilents do it a few times on me when ive been atredies and he is ordos on QM setts.He likes to rush with chemical troopers and dusties, then he drop havereter right in middle of his attack.It does work and does catch you off guard.Ive done it but only when Ive needed it to save my base from being destroyed.I dont use it when I am attacking,but like I said its a RTS game anything goes 8)

It is a old trick,but its a shame someone with skill still uses this tactic to gain a quick win over who he is playing.


I actually tried it on zilents on our last game but it was too late for that kind of tactics. It seems north side of sandy pass is better, at least in our games. In our first game I was in north and got easily to the rock. The end game was then a nice game overall, and I barely got a win. In other games I was in south and I never made it to the infantry rock in time. The rest of those games was just total ownage with me having one hopeless try to take the rock and then face a swift removal of buildings from my base rock :D

Another map next time :D


it's not that bad, it's just that units go for harvs automatically even if there are other units next to it... if they do it you just have to learn how to manage your units' fire...


harvester dropping has always been a stupid strat IMO. you are wasting your harvesters. i for one value my harvesters and would much rather waste other units instead.

Stupid strat? I think its a very effective 1.

When enemy is distracted u can do much damage if u do it well offcourse. And dont forget u can ride down inf 2. Much more damage then loosing a harvester and maybe its income. If u r talking about the income off the harvester, just make a new 1 to do the harv drop or to harvest.

I think a good defence to the harv drop is offcourse micromanage very well or back off a bit AND put one off ur own harvies up there.

Other defence is anti air offcourse(air drones, elites, etc), but its really dumb that the enemy uses harv drop while u have anti air........


It's part of the game, you have to be ready for it. Even if your opponent does it do it intentionally, it's easy for harvs to be selected with an attack force by accident, and sometimes battles take place around your spice. You have to be able to deal with it. Harvs can take a hell of a lot of damage.


Anytime you have a choice, with good & bad, yet different, consequences ... it is a tactic. Force your enemy to micromanage a battle carefully, but loose an expensive harvester & slow your spice prodcution.

And the fact that it is not universally seen as a preferably tactic, means it has some balance. :)



that would be different though because your just using the harv to motor a few infantry, but a person dropping a harv inbetween a battle of dusties for example, dusties suck at killing harvs and would be there for a while and the other player would be able to kill the others dusties easily

Thats where microing comes in ;)

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