Why couldn't have you been more specific with these requirements at the begininng of the thread, Sneakgab? Then again, why such narrow preconditions for a new game? Any thoughts of trying some completely different "in-depth, non-rushing/super aggresivesly obssesed stragegy game" ?? Sorry you have irked me here. How is it that your definition of "good" is more superior than another person's definition of a "good" in-depth,non-rushing/super aggresively obssesed strategy game?
I'll add the French version to the debate: http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B0000D91I7.08.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Of course I think the Aussie version is best :D
# Neverwinter Nights with Shadows of Undertide expansion # Icewind Dale II # Emperor: Battle for Dune # Age of Wonders II # Grand Thief Auto III # X-Wing Alliance # Galactic Civilization # Diablo II with Lords of Destruction expansion # Rise of Nations # Star Trek: Elite Force II Though only ST Elite Force II has got air time this week.
hehehehe there u go again, Gob :P Personally, I have not finished Fallout Tactics. I started Fallout Tactics shortly after completing JA2 and JA2 Unfinished Buisness. With FT long missions, and with just completely another squad tactical game, I kept veering towards playing other games, and eventually stopped. I hope to get back to it one day. But it still feel FT is worthy of The Gob's money ;)
My uber game would be a grand strategy Dune game, in the vein of Europa Universalis (or prolly more like their upcoming Crusader Kings). A single/multiplayer game, unlike Dune Generations. Obviously, set pre-Paul Muad'Dib times. Graphics wouldn't matter.
Yep considering I don't have any unusual hardware components. I have not tried War3 for months now, and I have not given up on it, but currently, I am into my evil party (The Black Seal) for Icewind Dale II.
Hehehe I should have elaborated on my selection of Warcraft 3 as my worst game of 2002. :D I selected Warcraft 3 'cause of the amount of crashes I got from running the game rendered it unplayable. No other game in 2002 (or any game played on my current rig) crashed as much as Warcraft 3 (and I had bought the collectors edition too :D). But then again, Warcraft 3 was one of the few 2002 released games I actually played in 2002 :O FYI - What I played of Warcraft 3 it was a lot better than my worst game of all time 7th Legion (that game cost me $10, and it was still a huge waste of money). Edit - got me dates mixed up :P
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