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Everything posted by babyface

  1. Hark: Cerb/harkdawg Ordos: Xvayne/earedil Atr: d3k I don't think there is a "BEST" one. It always depends on many thinks which u don't got influence on. The smallest mistake can lead to a loss with players who are close to eachother.
  2. Thought u were the living proof of it pointy ;D
  3. Earedil, Xvayne would beat him ;D
  4. LOL, off-course he will say that after he got a high position from America. I would tell the same and then kill all my opponents in the country. Don't forget, it was America who helped the Taliban to rule over Afghanistan before!
  5. Sorry, now she is my B*tch too ;D
  6. The pic is kinda dark :-
  7. All i say: F*ck the Media (CNN) and F*ck the rulers of the World!!! I have dozens of examples that they all use media for their own benefit.
  8. It is added as an attachment here :P RENAME THE FILE aaw.zip TO aaw.exe !!!!! (it was the only way to send is as attachment ;D) << link to the file, I don't need stuff that is already somewhere else taking up room on the server - Gobalopper >>
  9. I am always in for new ideas and willing to try then out.. But i think it's getting to complicated. Why not try first a simple tournament as that already never worked. When that works, then next month make more difficult schedules.. :-[
  10. Arghh, we got a poluter here!!! "ONE FOR PLEASURE" >:(
  11. So why u need 2 cars ::) And walking is not an option, i am not going to walk from New Castle to Londen !!!
  12. But then Player X and Player Y from the same Clan are not allowed to play eachother i guess? Do you get minus points when u lose? How do you determine the point count?
  13. With a lot of programs there is SPYware. That are programs which or: - Work when u don't work (stealing your memory) - recording stuff where u went to on the internet - Any process which some company has use for... This program detects those spyware programs and gives you option if u want to remove it or not. Very famous spyware: gator (comes with kazaa or Godzilla download manager) But probably everybody has it, if you use internet for a longer period. Just try it out, and see what is on YOUR harddisk !!!
  14. What i noticed (and sometimes catch myself doing it) Like with 4 player map. Opponent gets lots of units and places them in the centre or near infantery rock with (example) mortars on the rock. What do i do (stupid me) make also a huge army, and start attacking those units. Because of the infantery on the rocks u might loose to many units. What i should have done: make a cirkel around the units and go to his base or harvs... Then he will have the need to protect his harvs/base and he comes with his fastest mobile units first. Because your army is nice and compact, you can easily destray his units which will come in little groups... AFTER that u can take care of the infantery rock, or just leave them and go for his harvs/base.. I remember way back a guy sdeg or something, and in the beginning of the game he starts attacking your harvs with 10 dust scouts. My first reaction was: darn, i have to save my harv, let me send some buzz (which were killed instantly). Later i knew what he was doing and typed: hehe, plz don't kill my harv with your dusties :D, and left him there what he was doing. He the just retreited his units, cause he knew the provocation did not work ;)
  15. btw, if u used the ad-aware, tell me how much it cleaned up your system
  16. I don't get the point of this thread ??? Just post a question in on the Board and everybody will give his her advise. You, yourself, must decide which advise to use.
  17. Shell and other big oil companies have already the means to make very good cars etc.. which don't need fuel like we know it. The earn BILJARDS (MILJARDS but then more ;)) with selling oil, so they will not allow cheap transport to happen unless they are out of oil. So it is all the fault of oil company's (monopoly position) and governments which also earn on oil.
  18. Think of all the jobs it will cost !!!
  19. Or first game, first person setts (whatever they might be), second game seconde person setts (WHATEVER they might be) and third game QM setts or setts they both agree on
  20. My Emperor lagged the last few days really bad. It normally was never me, but this time i was the one causing it, even been kicked :O But i solved the problem. I downloaded Ad-Aware and removed ALL spyware. Now Emperor is running like water again. I suppose u try the same.. u can find Ad-Aware at: http://www.lsfileserv.com/downloads.html U will be surprised wath is all on your computer sneaky installed >:(
  21. What u mean with this?
  22. Nav, i thought u gave up QM becasue u realized u would never be #1, And you gave up BC because nobody wanted to join your Clan ?
  23. Stats say something, but not all... Shit happends sometimes with connections etc... D3monger just stated that according to him he can't judge if it was cheating or not. He is entitled to give his opinion about that in this thread. Nav went himself off-topic when he started cursing.
  24. What are CM games? QM = Quick Match BC = Battle Clan CO = Coop Campaign Skirmish = Skirmish Or is CM - Skirmish?? ???
  25. LaseR Mongoose Assault
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