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Everything posted by aviade

  1. i think the best player in all the world is me
  2. i wana join your clan man rageatr please give me your pss and i will leav my clan and join yours
  3. About Chat The Basics Problem Players Chationary adn - any day now afk - away from keyboard ai - artificial intelligence asl - age? sex? location? bbl - be back later brb - be right back cya - see ya gg - good game gj - good job gjp - good job, partner gl - good luck glp - good luck, partner iou - i owe you lmao - laughing my a-- off lol - laughing out loud omg - oh, my gosh! paw - parents are watching pls - please rotfl - rolling on the floor, laughing p - partner ty - thank you wtg - way to go! yw - you're welcome
  4. becose he was afraid from bilbo30
  5. i have pogram like this
  6. with what house you play i will win you with atr
  7. now i now it thnks i didn't know it before
  8. i fink the gulid with atr are the best no bady can do samping about it boliv me
  9. you are suck don't say samping like this about theam stop it
  10. way you saying to pepole the portant thinks of emperor save theam to your self
  11. leav this man alon is stopet he don't know naping he fink evry bady cheatr.
  12. ty bye saying is cheatr i will be carfle
  13. you are the best in all the world in atr we will never have a player like you bye my frind
  14. no bady cheatr accept you Navaros you are loser i didn't cheat stop saying stopet words.
  15. what you mean
  16. I send to you My Congratulation for your New Way. :) The Club Of Emperor Lost A Very Good Player. :( Best Regards JBonde007
  17. >:( he try to cheatd me but i have a way to do that i will no cheat so do not play with him. look here who i kik is ass. J.B007 vs. RABIES Game Duration: 4 minutes J.B007's point change: +11 RABIES's point change: -11 jbonde007 [james bonde 007 is back] Result: Won Points: 352 Record: 23/6/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 44/25/20 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/9/9 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 24/0/0 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/4/4 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 169.224.14X.XXX napalmass [rabies] Result: Lost Points: 23 Record: 1/3/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 5/85/0 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/9/0 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 1/54/0 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/5/0 Saw Completion: No IP: 137.68.14X.XXX
  18. :)alwaes see the map and see what the ader bild if you don't you will lose if someone wana play vs me so cman writh me here
  19. i can gat money or price becose evry bady lose to me and is gat boring so way to play with losers but if there is a prices so is good to play please all practic.
  20. i alwes thke gulid and FRemans but i use gulid
  21. came play vs me and i will see you what the best.
  22. i wana here your advis all thnks.
  23. NERDS vs. J.B007 Game Duration: 5 minutes NERDS's point change: +54 J.B007's point change: -34 jbonde007 [james bonde 007 is back] Result: Lost Points: 246 Record: 11/2/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 30/46/0 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 3/13/0 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 12/16/0 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 0/7/0 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 0.0.0X.XXX supern3rd [nerds with computers] Result: Won Points: 0 Record: 0/0/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 13/82/51 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 0/12/9 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 3/49/37 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 1/5/5 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 183.47.21X.XXX
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