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Everything posted by Schorpie

  1. anyone been able to contact scar yet?
  2. i'll be using xfire again next week :: schorpie
  3. there is no dinosaur chasing us... the fun thing about this tournament is not the tournament game itself but it's that old familiar people are coming back together and training 2v2 games again. Hopefully scar replies one of these days so we can play our game this weekend, if not he will reply in a week or so, he last logged on the 13th so no worries. But there is no reason to push or to get a win by forfait because we respond a few days too late.
  4. normally this weekend would be fine for me, 22:00 GMT suits me best
  5. ASSES SHALL BE WHOOPED! >:( ;D i'm still fixing some probs so i'm able to play .. need a no cd-patch :)
  6. looks like the ordos is kicking ur arse over there
  7. nice job there voodoo&whistler
  8. quote from wikipedia:
  9. when this topic was opened i hardly knew how to masturbate nuff said
  10. taksi maybe i dunno.. i haven't got enough knowledge to help u out. I've used fraps myself and it slowed my game allot down (framelag) and the captured videofiles were huuugge (100 mb for 20 sec?)
  11. doesn't only looks like crap, it IS crap.
  12. they get bad dreams of human-eating worms :-[
  13. :) welcome
  14. I'm sorry.. i've got to forfeit, these weeks aren't the perfect time for me to play a tourney like this. gl leo :)
  15. not only frank herbert's dune failed dune2000 did too (for the big public atleast, like me), for the fans it was probably an enjoyable game. http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/197181.asp
  16. thnx dude, i appreciate our extra time
  17. yo leo.. ur online now.. i'm online too.. host some game if ur reading this ;D
  18. sounds oki, let's roll! >:( :) when ur ready to play, come online on facebook. it has got some kind of chat function
  19. first SCOR, then SoW, now this.. leo stop chasing me goddamnit ;D aviable this week at: friday 22:00 - 23:00 GMT saturday 11:00 - 17:00 GMT // 22:00 - 23:00 GMT ** vodoo, i think u mean deadline saturday 26 july instead of august
  20. the game speed made hark imba
  21. hehe, thanks, i was hungry :D a mac is still a pc ^^ but yes, like andrew said: take a printscreen ingame, close the game, open paint, ctrl + v or you can download a program to take pics/movies while being ingame, like fraps fe.
  22. round 1: xaarkhan vs schorpie 13 july knife fight http://www.geocities.com/scorpions_of_war/tourney.schorpieVSxaarkhan.JPG Grtz
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