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Everything posted by Schorpie

  1. i'll rewrite that for you: let us look at a begin game situation: when there is a fight between dust scouts/buzzs/infr/etc you drop some of ur harvesters between the fight. what happens? the enemy units start attacking the harvesters Owh? yes, because of that, u can easily destroy the enemy's army with nearly no losses. Let us discuss the advantages: - whole ur enemy's army is destroyed, so you can attack him and win the game - whole ur enemy's army is destroyed, so that cost him about 2000 gold (?) Let us discuss the disadvantages: - he could retreat (but then u just do it again, when necisairy u can even drop the harvesters in his base) - ur harvesters won't harvest for a very little time, so that cost u about 200 gold (?) - ur harvester will get damaged, but they'll auto heal again anyway. Conclusion: -> IT HAS SOME BIGTITTED BENEFITS!! and it's lame at begin game u can even outmatch an army that outsizes urs with the use of harv drops
  2. oh man... u remember those airdrones in the blackzone, near ur refs, doings some tours with a waypoint? >> carryal under attack x 100 :'(
  3. ye actually i do... i'm not kinda proud of it but a what the hell :) I was hosting up some BC match with some nuup settings - 30K knife fight - It was like the end of the month, the ranks were like #1 hobbtz / #2 endo / #3 sow, or something and I wanted to improve that before the month ended after a while some unknown guy entered and we started playing, it was ordos vs ordos. At the begin of the game i noticed some weird stuff with his build order, he was like massing up AA troopers and AA mines. (note: i was some lame ass EITS rusher back in the time) so i guessed that unknown guy knew me and he wanted to f*ck me, that could be only one guy for me: elite47 (we weren't the best mates) In the beginning it was np, he didn't have enough AA to face my EITS and i blew up his factories but after a while we had like the following situation: me: few kobra's & dust scouts & lasers on his part of the space (he couldn't harvest anymore) about 5 EITS (i didn't like to stop the production of EITS somehow) he: 100000000 AA troopers few AA mines what would a normal person do: invade him with some gaz what did i do: keep blowing up his factories with EITS (i really enjoyed it though) - yes, i made use of the blackzone bug - this game was kinda sow vs endo. being the difference that elite47 played with another account and another clan. i'm aware of myself that i've been a dickhead, but keep in mind that i was like 13 years old when i did this :)
  4. Yea fieuw.... took some time to get the ballz to reply to this topic ! :)
  5. Schorpie

    Best Game Ever

    yea.. ocarina of time was the zelda on the N64 It was the first 3D zelda actually, none game ever showed such a beautiful graphics for that time it had also a very unique gameplay, you could do whatever you wanted, you didn't have to follow only 1 path... you could stop with the mainquest and do sidequests anytime you liked. (GTA3, oblivion etc now have the same idea) and it had +- 50 hours gameplay to complete the game, together with a very strong storyline. for me it took 5 years to complete the game here are some reviews: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages4/197771.asp But I don't recommand you buying it or playing it now. the game is outdated :)
  6. it would be painfull if the worm outmatches ur penis
  7. mmm... never thought of having sex on top of a worm before
  8. so actually when u count them together emperor wh00ps ass ;D
  9. Mmmm... you should make all different combinations with 'emperor' and 'dune' and 'game' and stuff, and count them together, to get a more realistic view http://www.google.com/trends?q=emperor+dune%2C+emperor+battle+for+dune%2C+dune+emperor%2C+dune+game%2C+battle+for+dune&ctab=1&geo=all&date=all ebfd has a kinda complicated name, starcraft is like... if someone searches for it at google... u don't have much choice for searching 'starcraft'. ebfd is different
  10. ROFL ;D So yea... actually.. you're saying... that emperor will be the most popular game in like 50 years. All the games are losing popularity... but emperor stays at the same level! YEEHAAA (i'm a mathematical genius)
  11. i'm not doing any market research and i don't have any quality-stats, but i want to show some of the better information aviable on the internet. that's why i posted the xfire numbers. If you want to give some decent arguments why xfire numbers aren't worth anything, you should include following subjects: - it does not include xbox/ps/nintendo (result: most platform games (fe rayman) and exclusives (fe zelda, gears of war, mario) aren't included.) (result: multiplatformgames (fe call of duty2) aren't as popular as they should be) - it's a program used by online gamers, although it also records single player gaming (result: single player games aren't that popular as they should be. (fe oblivion, the sims, total war) - it's mainly used for FPS games (result: FPS games are to popular) I'm not bothering to go into discussion why the xfire numbers are at some part representive, so to stay ontopic, here is another nice graph: http://www.google.com/trends?q=FPS%2C+RTS%2C+RPG%2C+MMORPG&ctab=1&geo=all&date=all let me say at the first place: this graph doesn't represent the reality and propably shouldn't have been posted here because it isn't 100% correct. But maybe less critical people can take a look at it. note: RPG is overrated in the graph because of the popularity of online RPG games.
  12. http://www.google.com/trends?q=emperor+battle+for+dune%2C+red+alert+2%2C+rome+total+war%2C+warcraft+3%2C+starcraft&ctab=1&geo=all&date=all u can compare other things with eachother also, just add a "," between your subjects.
  13. I've removed this reply, it will only lead to useless flames. I just want to say that you should do some more research and reconsider your opinion.
  14. you make a huge mistake by mixing 'tournament games', like painkiller, quake3, counterstrike 1.6, fifa, warhammer DoW, warsow, starcraft. and games that are played by allot people, like wow and the rest mentioned above. in fact, warsow and painkiller (and by now even quake3) have a very small community nowadays. painkiller was a singleplayer-only game and the multiplayer option is added with a patch (!). I agree with you that the games you mention are the games they play at a tournament, but they don't have a big community. and they aren't played allot. They have just an extremely good balance (fe starcraft) or an intensely fast micro needed (fe painkiller) or other advantages. so... the numbers DO say something
  15. Well, as far as I know, ordos vs ordos doesn't show ur ordos skills ... that's like massing dust scouts the real skills of an ordos player come when playing vs hark (beating an early rush // defeating him before he got gunships) and vs atr (fishers >> prob late game match >> slight advantage for the atr) IMO.
  16. ok, here are my first results: HARK VS HARK (schorpie) ORD VS ORD (schorpie) ATR VS ATR (schorpie it was between me and kingpoker they were goodgames =)
  17. These are the most popular PC games nowadays, it displays the #minutes played last day. World of Warcraft 21,153,854 Counter-Strike Source 10,074,466 Call of Duty 2 Multiplayer 7,412,683 Battlefield 2 3,385,518 Guild Wars 3,070,614 Battlefield 2142 2,489,904 Counter-Strike 1.6 2,333,204 Silkroad Online 2,316,587 Warcraft III - The Frozen Throne 1,878,590 Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory 1,818,813 Note that i got this from the xfire site, more softcore players, like older people/girls/... who play the sims and other shit like that... will probably not have xfire installed.
  18. y at university u've gotto study during xmas, exams last till februari
  19. actually i was kinda kidding... bilbo and saruman are long gone, they used to be 30k guild rushers who were only willing to play against people that they could actually defeat. no, i will prob not start playing again now, i've got exams in a few weeks. but after all i wish u the best of luck to whoop brennq's ass ;D
  20. but he is so flufflie :-[
  21. but i love kindpoker :-[
  22. Sorry if i'm being pessimistic, but EA will never reach the same level of quality as Westwood ever did
  23. Schorpie

    Best Game Ever

    1] Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 2] Emperor: Battle for Dune 3] Warcraft III: TFT 4] Call of Duty 5] Diablo 2: LoD 6] Super Smash Bros Melee
  24. RTS games are still the most popular for 1on1 tournaments. For the quantity of people playing it... yes... it gets overwhelmed
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