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Everything posted by d3m0nger

  1. Barely know any of the names posted above I remember harkdawg though, best players imo: Earedil, Cerb3erus, Dplasma, d3k. And of course my old buddy bilbo!
  2. d3m0nger


    In my opinion CS1.6 is more skilled, however Source is much more fun these days. I can't stand those big square pixels in 1.6, that's why I switched to source. The big difference is that source has a screwed up netcode which makes the bullet reg. totally off focus. You just need to know what your rates should be and the server should have the exact same rates, and should be forced on anyone who joins it. That way you can have some nice 1.6 skilled games on source. In the end I prefer source. WOOHOO EDIT: And no you can't play CS:Source if you buy Cs 1.6/half life. Its a totally different game.
  3. Just saw it, C R A P !!
  4. Terran Just look at the one person who was world champion for years, Boxxer (terran) Now its that zerg player, which is in the same clan as boxxer (pantech&curitel) SC is very balanced so its hard to say which race is better, but its definately a race between terran/zerg
  5. VeK your signature rocks
  6. Thanks! DVD santa is perfect, Thanks thanks! :D
  7. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows a good program that I can use to convert avi and mpeg files to vob (dvd format) so that my dvd player can read it. Thanks in advance -martijn
  8. Warhammer FTW http://www.counterfrag.com/screenshots/warhammer%2040k%20dawn%20of%20war/2.jpg
  9. Warcraft 3 Warhammer 40000 : Dawn of war/Winter assault. Both perfect, if you're more into tanks and heavy battles you should go for Warhammer, if you're looking for a harder, less action more magic game then Warcraft is the RIGHT thing for you :D
  10. This is what life is about :D. Funny thread :D I kinda laughed when I saw your reply :D
  11. There is a better way of saying this. If god can do anything, can he name something that he cant do?, no he cant and therefor he cant do everything. For me this is enough evidence that he cannot exist. If god cant draw a square circle it would mean that he is not allmighty, which would contradict everything God stands for One who is allmighty should be able to do the illogical, a 5 year old can understand this.
  12. Not exactly, as baby seals get beaten to death with a baseball bat instead of getting shot so that the fur doesn't get ruined. I never said humans aren't superior, I just said we shouldn't treat these animals the way we do. Yes we exploit animals, again this is just nature but thats no reason to torture them, even if the end result is the same.
  13. Well there is a difference, first of all they do not suffer as those <dont know the name> and monkeys in the link above suffered. second of all its only natural to kill animals for food, ripping their f*cking skin off for some coat while they're still alive is a totally different thing. Of course this does not change the fact that they indeed suffer, I guess the reason for why it is accepted is either because people dont know about it or dont care.
  14. So we torture them for our 5000 dollar coats?
  15. I agree with you there. Why would humans be more important than animals? I don't see the difference, and as we're the dominating species and obliterating thousands of other animal species, we dont exactly have the right to call a human life more worth than an animal one. I would feel sad if a forest fire would destroy thousands of animals, of course this is only natural, even if caused by humans right? killing animals for food I can live with as it is only natural In these days wearing their skin is another thing, and letting them left to die after they're skinned is insane. These animals cant defend themselves at all, they don't have CNN broadcasting these horrors 24/7.
  16. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    Crossfire is ATi's *SLI* But better, or so they say. It doesn't need to be supported by the game to double (or almost double) the performance (FPS) In crossfire mode its still possible to use 2 monitors No refresh override bug No big green Line or random artifacts in widescreens when crossfire is activated at a resolution above 1280x1024 Those are the ones I remember, but the list goes on You might want to check the nvidia forums SLI section, Ull see thousands of people with SLI problems, mostly they can't get it to work.
  17. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    Yes, that was one of the reasons I was pretty sure that there was no problem with my system, technically there isn't. its just nvidia drivers that suck like usual. This just prooves how shitty SLI is, im getting rid of it. Maybe stay with the 7 series or go with crossfire, Ive heard that its alot better than SLI and with less issues, time will tell.
  18. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    Same result, I think SLi is not working in battlefield2 for me, probabley a driver issue. I turned SLI off and this time I was able to get decent performance on med settings
  19. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    I really doubt my connection would be the problem since I had the same problem when I was on fiber (1000mbit) at campzone, but fine I'll look into it tonight
  20. 24mbit down, 4 up. Never reached above 2000kbps tho :/ Standard versatel connection for no more than
  21. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    No I haven't tried single player and I won't, whats the point. Have you tried going online? I can't understand why your 6600GT agp is that good My friends p4 3,6 GHz/2gb DDR2/x800 radeon system can't even make it at those setts ur talking about. (all medd and 2 setts on high, beyond this is lagfest). There is nothing wrong with either of these systems, 3dmark05 clearly shows that. Most people with 6600GT sli and a 3500+ don't make it above 6500 3dmarks .. I do. So either the synthetic benchmark is utter crap, and your card is a weird exception. Or battlefield 2 isn't recognizing my SLI and is just using 1 card, but that doesn't make any sense because when I turn off SLI I can't even run the game on medium setts.
  22. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    Really? well let me tell you what I just did -Formatted -Installed latest drivers from nvidia site (both motherboard and graphics) -Installed all windows updates for my OS Windows XP PRO including service pack 2. -Clocked my CPU from 2200 MHz to 2520 MHz -Installed battlefield 2 Put everything on high, anti anisialising turned OFF, EAX turned OFF @1280x960 (which isn't my native resolution BUT WHO CARES, 1280x1024 is). I joined the first server I could find which had 32 players and 29 ping if your interested, I COULD BARELY MOVE. 3dmark05 says I got 7020 marks on default setts, which is pretty high for my system (you should know that). Which shows that there isn't anything wrong with my system, unless battlefield uses something 3dmark doesn't. Secondly, I have 2 friends with the same setup as me except they have just one 6600GT, they CANT play it on med setts, they had to put everything down to low and 1 or 2 setts on medium. Which just shows im right .. I don't know what you people are trying to proove im getting the results right here in my face on 3 systems which all have been very recently formatted. So tell me, what is wrong with al these formatted systems?
  23. d3m0nger

    Battlefield 2

    Yes exactly, but my point was that battlefield 2 doesnt even need anti anisialising or anisotrophic filtering turned on to be very demanding to your system. The results im getting with my 6600GTs are in my eyes, laggy. prolly no more than 30 FPS. And that is because of the larger textures in the map etc.
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