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Everything posted by Rene

  1. Maybe you can increase the resolution of the sprites for higher screen resolutions using a pixel art scaling algorithm? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_art_scaling_algorithms
  2. That looks good, and useful! Good to see you're still making progress.
  3. Rene

    Site Updates

    It seems the script removed the color tags. Wasn't it possible to translate them?
  4. Rene

    Site Updates

    Some posts in "Life, the Universe & Everything: Fenceposts at Dawn" show up blank, but not always the same. ATM this one for example: http://forum.dune2k.com/index.php?/topic/20871-life-the-universe-everything-fenceposts-at-dawn/page__st__120__p__356085#entry356085
  5. I meant tired in a metal way. I imagine that eventually, everything will become like some sort of routine. Maybe not exactly boring, but some kind of 'been there, done that' feeling. On the other hand, in this world I love to work on computer graphics. Every time something new works I think back of the vast amount of math, software design and nights of coding involved in that image, and seeing the result simply feels great. As long as I can continue learning and developing, I don't think I will ever get bored. This would require an afterlife where some form of technology exists. But that brings us back to the question if I am still I if I change a lot. Maybe not a perfect analogy, but when someone dies, and his body is put in the ground, his body will become earth. Would this earth still be that body?
  6. Sure, a never ending journey sound good. But when facing eternity... wouldn't you grow tired and weary eventually? It's not like were talking about a few million years here :)
  7. I don't think there is such a thing as afterlife, but if there is it would be better if we didn't experience it. Infinite existence would drive me nuts ;)
  8. I like that idea, but I don't think it's a good idea to limit the number of starports a player can build. More than three starports should have no effect on the available units, but they can still be used as alternative drop points.
  9. Rene

    Gulf Oil Spill

    Oops, my bad. You're probably right about this being the new 2021 though. That is, if the story spreads around. Let's just hope it doesn't.
  10. Rene

    Gulf Oil Spill

    Why is that?
  11. Very sharp :) That was the TransformEvent class for the multi-touch table software I'm working on: http://www.xyzw.nl/BlobDetection.png
  12. Yeah that's right. There also was a mouse included with the laptop but I haven't tried it yet.
  13. I recently got myself a new laptop: http://www.xyzw.nl/Laptop.jpg Don't mind the awful image quality, I don't have a Pentax :P
  14. Rene

    Good news

    Wow Stefan, that's really impressive! Congrats! I don't wish to start a language war here, but please don't rely on tests like that to measure performance. In 'real' programs java and c++ perform about the same. Java startup times are longer because the JVM meeds to be loaded, but for the rest... Some time ago I made a 3D game in Java. There were about one million polygons on screen, and it runs fine (+/- 60 fps) on an Intel graphics card. On beefy hardware it runs at about 1500 frames per second. Performance really isn't an issue. Btw Stefan, if you chose to continue in Java, my original offer is still open. If you're interested ;)
  15. A few years ago I read an article in some tech magazine about organic computers. I'll see if I can find an online resource... Bottom line was that they should be much faster for parallel computations than 'normal' computers. That is, when they get it working on large scales ;) [EDIT] Not what I was looking for, but this should do for now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wetware_computer Yeah, Wikipedia. I know.
  16. I'm reading it, and I really look forward to the next post. Only the first post about Wolf was a bit confusing, as it wasn't clear at first the story wasn't about Dante. It might have been better to mention Wolf's name a bit earlier in the post. Anyway, enough whining from me. Keep up the good work.
  17. Could someone please sticky this post? Since there are a lot of duplicate bug reports, I would like to point everyone to D2TM's bug tracker @ google code. You can find it at http://code.google.com/p/dune2themaker/issues/list That should keep things a bit cleaner ;)
  18. The palace bug is not really a bug, Stefan hasn't implemented it yet
  19. At first not. I made it to test the model loader of the game engine I'm creating. Testing with cubes gets boring after a while, so I usually make some models to use. However I like this model so I think I'll use it for a game I'm planning to make in the near future, one year or something like that. Don't want to make any promises about that though.
  20. This thread has me digging through my files, It's always fun to see some of that old stuff back. So, here's some more of my dreaded 'Programmer Art' :D This is a space fighter I made to run some tests on in my engine:
  21. Nice work, looks neat! I'm not an artist, but I modeled a chess set some time ago for the game I was building.
  22. Rene


    Congrats Stefan! Already starting to feel old? ;D
  23. Dragoon Knight should have destroyed the hat when he had the chance ;D
  24. I think it will be easier to make the micro controller send the data to a COM port of your pc, and read that. That is, if you have a com port. Otherwise you would need to get a converter. I've never written USB code myself (I did some hardware communication on a COM port some time ago, I couldn't find a Java USB API), but I believe it is harder to code than when using a com port.
  25. Rene

    Christmas time

    Ah yes, traffic jam is the word I was looking for. I tried some crappy online dictionaries, but they didn't give any meaningful translations. It looks like there's quite a large concentration of dutch people on fed2k for some reason. Just take a look at the member map! Btw, I came across this picture a few days ago. Picture taken at a train station, you can guess what 'Rijdt niet' means: http://www.xyzw.nl/2b142f99_IMAG0141.jpg
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