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>Quiet Snow<

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  1. >Quiet Snow<


    This bug fixed in DxWnd version 2.03.87. Now DxWnd work with d2k on win7 perfectly! This emulator don't need anymore...
  2. >Quiet Snow<


    Early(on XP) i used DxWnd, now(on 7) i use dgVoodoo 2.45 + my own programm to expand window to full screen(emulator is a very stupid), i use original game resulution patched to 800x600. Units pictures are not too big and not small, picture very and very good. DxWnd works better, but it crash on win7(the program is not responding with black screen) with wsock.dll, without wsock.dll - all works perfectly. Over the years, I tried a lot of emulators. None of them does not work normally. We are together with my colleague made several streams. I use OBS, 12 Mbit Encoding at NVenc. at 60 FPS. Picture was very good. Nevertheless bitrate too big, because people in our country have weak internet. It work very good with emulators. It work without emulators(at 16 bits), but in my case just with F12 (capture by key). And if the ALT+TAB used, the capture crumbles(need restart a game). I not use this because I like a picture stretching without filtering(just with emulators). This gives a more sharp picture.
  3. A week ago I've tested this game. It has a many problems such as: 1) Poor optimizations: game often is slow down, when many units receive an order. 2) Units moving unnaturally, difference in engine between dune 2000 and OpenRA is too big. 3) Last settings in multiplayer aren't saved. 4) AI as before, can not migrate to other continents. He doesnt know how to count money and how to determine a strategy in variation of facts and events (attack \ defence). 5) The map editor is too poor, map edit so hard... I can understand how difficult this programming task is, but mass space editing and tileblocks copy\paste - the easiest tasks. This can seriously simplify map creation. 6) Player color selection - just terrible. 7) Tastes, but balance is to bad for me, absolutely another game. Unit health too low, so they quickly die. Very weak control the course of battle. 8. Not work game server creation, can play just through local network(i've played via hamachi). What looks good: 1) Multiplayer menu.) 2) AI not bad, well attack and presses, need strong economy and production. Play against team of AI - extremely difficult. 3) Replays, statistics - very and very good. But statistics eat many screen space. I'm really happy, when look at how AI builds. And if he, suddenly, be able to increase the economy(If a player is too relax) - then turns into a monster. 4) Ability to make big maps(256x256). 5) Troopers from carryals ))) (bitches with parachutes :D ), ahahaha, nice.
  4. Try this "замедление прокрутки иконок", slightly shorter...
  5. Don't like? ahaha :D just don't care. 100 years go by without it and will continue to. ahahaha))) ok, i'm idiot... Who does not want to run on own PC any shit. Sometimes It may be fraught with XP. You found and have studied the source code? Few years ago I combed 50 google pages(and 30 yandex pages) on request "Dune 2000" in try to find all kinds of information. Executing different shit I caught a bunch of viruses(trojans, rootkits and any kind of worms). Infected was literally everything. So, no, thanks. Already taught by bitter experience. I can help in correct translate to ru, but execute any shit at my PC - no way.
  6. wtf? maybe type like this: "Медленная прокрутка боковой панели". I will not download this config(afraid of viruses). Therefore can't say strictly what really this option doing. But I guess it need for more accurate scrolling which able to scrolling icon one by one. to dato 2000: If you work with google translate, try translate backward. Translation in two directions clarifies result. My english still too bad, but at least you can understand. Unfortunately google normally works only when convert text from other languages to english.
  7. Long time ago has been able to scroll. There are many utilities. For example: X-Mouse Button Control
  8. Waiting strategy using "8 min no rush" and one bo (refinery spam) at maximum speed, well, ok - still waiting. What I can say else...
  9. Yeah! This is directly what we need - thinking, not stupid clicks. Great work MVI !!! :)
  10. Useless for me.
  11. I'm here now, was lost my pass to this forum ( + sign in by nick not work, just by email)...
  12. Sorrowfully and unexpectedly... :|
  13. Night should be more illuminated, otherwise you may spoil the vision. Generally, night - bad idea for dune. No matter how cool the engine - this will not pull. Or we all must have high-end computers. 256 x 256 - good variant to expand an existing version, without unit\buildings limits. Even such small maps is difficult to create a block by block. And yes, I cherish hopes about this development... good work . P.S: Finally, I saw a serious developer here. This man is able to rewrite 2k.
  14. mvi thanks! :)
  15. Valuable information. Also if you use a lot of groups - you can move a large number of units(all available).
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