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Everything posted by athanasios

  1. Ages since I left, dropped to inform I am still kicking, and wish you all peace.
  2. Wouldn't this look confusing?
  3. Good luck and do not be so picky-as if I am not! ;-)
  4. Thanks! Now my CPU won't fry.
  5. Hi! Please add a black theme without the animation/transparency. For us on low end hardware it is frying our CPU. And as I rely on my old good CRT a bright theme will fry my eyes too. I vote for carbon or something similar so we can have some more color options. Thanks for upgrade. Unluckily my ISP is getting crappier and crappier and I cannot estimate if now it is faster or not.
  6. Thanks.
  7. Oh my, that requires a lot of effort. Bravo.
  8. BTW you might try to install Windows 98se in DOSBox if you are lucky (it doesn't work most of the times and it was very slow on old hardware-anyway you have Windows 10 so I guess the later will not be an issue). Google for details.
  9. Can you work/add a bit more on it? It sounds 'barebones'. Somewhere you hear only the drums. Needs more there.
  10. google "configure virtual machine windows 98se" and I hope it will give a lot of links with instructions. Sorry for late reply.
  11. Any interferance from your antivirus? So temporary disable it and see what happens. Also try running in a virtual machine. In both cases run both from CD and from ISO files (virtual CD).
  12. Going again offtopic but let us have some fun: I already triple* boot. (7 is too heavy for my hardware and I resort to it when an app. doesn't work on XP or Wine) ;-) *mainly, 'cause my boot menu has even more options. ;-)
  13. What's that "Internet Explorer"? Never heard about it! Well if anyone is using IE then he deserves it! It should be used only one time: To download Seamonkey or Firefox! :D XP may be not safe but you have only one more option available if you lack proper hardware: Linux. But Wine doesn't support everything (read portable games) the way I want it to work.
  14. I also use XP at the moment and it works with Firefox 42.0. It loads fast and without errors. As long as you do not use flash or other *** that would burden the loading it is fine. It is utter stupidy what is happening even on gov web pages with all that fancyful *** stuff making you need minutes to load a web page.
  15. Thumbs up!
  16. And you can have multiple folders of a game/program as well, of different versions/configurations.
  17. Please let us not argue about this. I prefer/use a RIP of the game as I tend to use portable stuff (to avoid installing and burdening the crapware called Windows). But I also have GruntMod's one in one of my Windows installations.
  18. Maybe you misunderstood me. You need to have a ~100% clone to start with and base your further development. Then, come the additions in the spirit of the game. Now it isn't a 100% complete clone anymore. It is much more. Please compare with OTTD http://www.openttd.org/en/ project, which I suppose is the model open source game project so far. * Custom (user) AIs and custom (user) scripts can modify a lot OTTD. IMO we should follow a similar approach. We add and modify without removing original behavior (with the exception of bugs and hardware/software limitations) and make these configurable.
  19. Thanks for clarification. So I stand corrected.
  20. Expectations? What Matthias M. posted prior to you. It is a long way to match the original game, but IMO the project is in good hands. Changing the game would be very bad. It wouldn't be a clone of Dune 2000 anymore. But making additions to it in accord with its 'spirit' is ONE WAY if you want the project to have any future. BTW: the GUI needs some work to match the original game. Matthias: that blue [print] color is light years away from Arrakis!
  21. That's a twist. I like it!
  22. Sorry to intervene but please fellows put a little effort to install a couple more OSs (whatever is working in your hardware). HDDs are huge nowadays. We cannot have everything in life and the same applies in software (and hardware). BTW a couple of hours ago I had my first 'contact' with Windows 10 at a local store... Horrible experience. I am not going to install this crap till an app/game doesn't work on anything else.
  23. Just take care to use the correct palette for 8bit or you will get disastrous results. LOL
  24. If you reduce to 8bit from 32bit the result will be ugly whatever program you use. You should work in 8bit from the beginning as much as possible. If you want to go first 32 bit and then reduce to 8bit then keep the parts of the sprite (e.g grass. rock, water) separate (layers) and reduce each part separately. If you find Photoshop etc complicated, use an old version of Paint Shop Pro (6 and 7) (by Jasc before bought over by Corel). Be cautious that a few downloads available in abandonware sites have a virus-anyway there so many around you will not find it difficult to download a clean one. Graphics programs sometimes are not so accurate and paint wrong some pixels mainly near the borders of the image. So save often and check what you draw because in small sprites/tiles it matters. Paint Shop Pro is easy to use. Also get Neopaint. This is not nice to work with, but you can use some of its features. I usually have both running when drawing sprites and copy/paste from one to the other.
  25. Because they use a different palette. You have to recolor all of them to fit. I would say it is an enormous task but better than drawing everything from scratch.
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