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Leto le Juste

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Everything posted by Leto le Juste

  1. It could be fun. First I will kick out Gunwounds
  2. In statistic, the probability aliens exist is higher than the probability they don't. And why not?
  3. No the real problemis the goalkeeper. I hope the coach will select Landrau and Fray instead of Barthez
  4. What do you expect? Anti-terrorists organisation, like GIGN (Groupement d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale) or RAID (Recherche Assistance Intervention Dissuasion). Section of the Army like commandos de marine (commando Kiefer).
  5. France of course. One of the countries which won all its qualification matches. Remember this : Monaco in finale of the Champion's league (with Giuly and Rothen), Marseille in finale of the UEFA Cup. Thierry Henry, the best player of the english championship, Marcel Dessailly and William Gallace in semi-finale of Champions'League with Chelsea. Johann Micoud who win the German Championship with Breme... The Gunners (Henry, Wiltord, Pires,..) who are Champion of England without losing a match. Must I continue the list?? ;D
  6. The world IS devided in cultural and religious areas. It is a fact, you can't denied it. Those differences have influences on the economy. Furthermore diversification is a good thing. Living in a grey and uniformised world is a borrowing thing, it would be unbearable.
  7. I've have forgotten a thing Ana. The Army in Turkey is the last wall against the islamic power. If you put the army out of the power, Turkey will become an islamic country. The Ayatollahs are waiting for it..
  8. I think Turkey has not to be a member of EU. According to me EU is not only a trade area. All the european country share a part of the same history and a common culture (which includes the religion- I'm sorry Anathema). Turkey doesn't share these culture and history entirely. The second objection is geopolitical. I believe that the world must be divided in areas (USA, EU, ASEAN, the project of South America- without USA!!- an Africa area and a middle East one). I think Turkey has to be a part of the ME area. It will be an avantage for this area because those areas has to exchange each other. So they must have a country which can play a role of transition. Turkey is this country.
  9. Ok, I will try to understand. What are the conditions to become a member of your "club"? Do you want an evidence of my insanity?
  10. Why not? a stupid texan became president of the USA. Everything is possible... The truth is outthere...
  11. I don't understand a thing. Are you all live in an asylum, eh?
  12. and it is back.. YES!!!!
  13. Leto le Juste


    For me, it is russian. Next week, I pass financial analysis... It will be great!! :P
  14. It is the first time you are applause by someone here, right? ;D
  15. Have you ever heard about the "despotisme
  16. It is the first time I read this topic. I began well, everybody spoke about EU. And someone began to speak about communist. So, Edric couldn't say a world about it and, as many time, the eternal debate about communism started. It is always the same and I'm so tired... ( :P )
  17. Leto le Juste


    May: new friends in the EU but it is also the month of finals exam and the beginning of my internship. The weather is very keen and holiday come closer Ah it is also the publishing of the MC.
  18. Leto le Juste


    Yes, "Tintin et Milou"
  19. My parents were Dune fans when it was published in France. So we had first edition in french at home. When I was young I thought those books too boring (they were so heavy, they frightenned me!!). Then my old brother came one day with the first Dune (the Cryo game). It was the better videogame of the period. When I began to play, it was wonderful and I gegin to read the books and I saw what my parents were refering to.
  20. Leto le Juste


    It is still the same debate: Do the notes exist? Who knows... According to me, they would have done like Herg
  21. This poll is a nonsense. Indeed you can't choose one side. You can't support the situation of the palestinians which are very poor and have to go to Israel for working because their territory is collapsed. On the other hand you have to understand israeli who want to live in peace and in safety. It is still the same problem: the majority of people want to live together in peace, even if each side has to make sacrifice. But there is still a minority on both sides who doesn't want a common peace but destroy the other side. For instance the israeli settlers who settle themselves in palstinian territories without abide the international laws. On the other hand you have the palestinian terrorists who doesn't want peace because they are not ready to share the territory. This problem is too difficult. Furthermore those people are not helped by their governments. Those governments are infested by politician intern problems which forced them to have undefendable positions. For instance Sharon and his wall or Arafat who is too closer from the terrorists. So, you can't say "I'm pro palestinians or pro israeli" because you can't be against those people who are all victims of the situation.
  22. Yes, it is a great one Why? Do you mean that the Cold War was not a war. It was a special one, that's right, but soldiers died in mission (in the both sides). Platoon is a good one. Apocalypse Now is quite good but there are too long moment. T-Day is a legend one. (I'm not sure about the original title, the french translation is "le jour le plus long").
  23. Well, I have it "Dragostea dintai"!
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