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Everything posted by otheymzefedaykin

  1. he's german...... Stefan, have you made the CS1.6 realbots ???
  2. And if his ennemy choose an anthem : it will be this Here comes the time When we'll need a real change When the world must come together at one There are people dying And we don't care about We try to make a better world For me... and me We fuck the world We fuck the children We fuck the world, the forest and the sea So let us doing We make our own business Just for the U. S. A. And swore destroying your planet To make money We fuck the world We fuck the children We fuck the world, the forest and the sea So let us doing They are people dying And we don't care about We try a better to make a world For me... and me We work for the beauty of America
  3. Sorry Mc Arthur... enm oups ! Sorry emprworm :D ! But I think that communisma ideas are good, but to applicate this is impossible because it's an opportunity to make a dictature ! (ussr, china, cuba, northern corea, and the list is long !) But why emprworm attack communism ??? It's like hospitals who joke of charity ! ::)
  4. I vote socialism, but I'm not communist :D ! The pink force, the rose in fact ! Communism brings good ideas, but I'm not agree with the last communist regims ! It's an utopia, and the utopia is impossible !
  5. Because there are private assurances in US ! That is an egocentrist politic ! In socialist countries, workers pay for the unemployment victims, hospitals, poors, etc...(in France in fact, I don't know how it is in the others countries)
  6. 100 years !!!!!!!! Good ! Tommorow will be an english day in Canal+ channel ! The Queen is here ! And I speak (a very bad) english ! It makes good results ! ;)
  7. I'ven't got web cam or camera ! Sorry ! :'(
  8. They should to find Bin Laden :P ! Serously, It's a great hope to colonize the Universe !
  9. MMMM, I prefer to see them smashed in football (soccer) ! :D I remember the final match of the basketball tournament in the last Olympics ! It was a great match with a lot of suspens !
  10. Yes ! In the world cup you have eaten frogs with Wilkinson sauce ! Yesterday it was rosbiff* with Yachvilli sauce ;) ! Of course, Wilkinson was not on the gound, it was a great opportunity ! At the WC, there was bad conditions to play, ti was raining too much. It was your weather, not ours :D ! Oh yes, I forgot to tell you : GOOG GAME FOR THE WORLD CUP
  11. French flair beat England rose by 24-21 ! It was just, one more minute and they egalize :P ! No comment, France win at the same occasion the "Grand Chelem" (6 matches, 6 victories) twice again after the 2001/2002 touranment ! It was a great match and it permit to France to make a revenge of the World Cup 2003 half ! Good game to the English team, see you again the next time for others adventures
  12. I'm so tired ! Emprworm : shut up ! It's better than ! :D I'm joking of course ! But I'm really tired of him !
  13. Was there any joke against us ? :D
  14. I don't know, but for me antisemitism=anti-jewish ! But Your post is not stupid ;) ! Anti-Israel is not anti-semitism, but some young araic people in France and in th world don't understand this ! ISRAEL IS NOT ONLY JEWS ! When I talk about Israel, I talk about the country, not the biblic Israel (in fact jewish people ;) ! WE ARE ALL JEWS !
  15. You haven't to think what I mean ;) ! Perhaps I'm wrong, but : who knows ? I'm not against Irael, but against Sharon, that's all (but his last proposition to trade territories is good I think !) !
  16. I just think : Like Belgium, Israel was created to be used ! Belgium was created to make a wall (In a war, it's prohibited to cross a neutral land) to protect the Western countries ! Israel was created yes, to make a Jewses Home, but not only ! USA had a great control in UN, and to create Israel is a great opportunity to control oil, and to make and a forward-post against USSR ! But perhaps I'm Wrong.... But we don't forgot this : No one country take a decision without advantage !
  17. The big problem in France is : we don't know exactly who burned synagogues ! Some young arabs or Le Pen and his nazis (we don't forget "Durafour cr
  18. It's not islamic ! The bomb is perhaps made by the AZF group !
  19. Yes ! Empire of th ants ! But you cannot found the others books in other languages ! Only in French ! I've read "Les Fourmis", and i loved it ! Actually, i'm in LOTR of course ! ;D
  20. Germany can't access tu the security council becaus they haven't Nuclear weapon (and they are right !)! The first check is this ! No NW, no place in SC ! But now, is it necessary to have Nuclear Weapon ? No ! So, I'm agree to make Germany a new member of this council ! We can make a German-French Lobby like un UE ??? ;D I'm joking of course (not for Germany, for the Lobby !) ;)
  21. i wiil hold my tongue ;D ! :-X :-X :-X LOL ! First, i will kiss emprworm ;) !
  22. 3 filo ??? :O No one don't like Emprworm's replies ! ;D There are redical muslims in France : in Trappes ! Why ? Beacause France didn't recognize the Arabs immigrants ! And the new generation want to revenge this unknown, because the 1st generation wanted to praticate in a "mosqu
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