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Everything posted by ps501

  1. I guess its sad that I only know 4 of those (Drnkn, Deluged, Zilents) all were good players imho in the day.
  2. We get it Gunwounds. Man is Evil, Wicked, immoral and that everyone who thinks differently than you is going to hell. All people who don't worship as Gunwounds does are stupid. Too bad your in the minority in the world, but yes, in your own mind your right as always.. Fact: Kansas Did support Bush in the last election Fact: Bush is a Christian your Fact: People in Kansas are Stupid Conclusion Since everyone in Kansas is stupid, and they vote for Bush, and Bush is Christian, Christians are stupid. Anyone can make massive generalities. Doesn't make them correct. [in Homer Simpson voice] mmmmmm Beer
  3. So what were the chain of topics that were the most interesting?? (can you identify one or two of your favorites?) I agree, listening to gunwounds thump his "all that don't believe like me are going to hell" preach'in is old Further it would appear that there is little interest in debating business/economics and the like. Well since there has never been a truly communistic state - how could you have a debate on that? Aside from that little issue, communism is a great theory, but man being what man is prevents communism from ever happening (Also prevents democracy from happening). It is also interesting to watch what US corporations are doing to ultimately undermine US power in the world through economic actions. (AKA WAL-MART effect) Wal-Mart? Satan incorporated? Its also curious to see places like the Dominican Republic where the line beween the proletariat and the bourgeois are so well defined. (Ever want to see the amazingly poor live just a bit from the amazingly wealthy, Where the wealthy are driving inflation up at such a rate that the working (and non-working) poor can't afford a common chair. I know of no other place in the world that can come close to showing it like you can see it there)
  4. ps501

    Battlefield 2

    Dude, show me a demographic that is paying 50% margin for assembly for a PC. Those margins haven't existed since the 1980's. The game isn't multi-threaded, therefore there is not a significant advantage to running more than a single processor.... Aside from perhaps trying to mask some personal shortcomings ;D However that said, I'll run a little speed test later this week.
  5. ps501

    Battlefield 2

    Is this a CPU processor issue, or a graphics card issue? Is there a recommendation to avoid the dreaded lag?
  6. ps501

    Battlefield 2

    Well here is a question for the masses. It would appear that my older Emp comp won't play this game well; and the ones I have that will I don't use for gaming. So the easy solution would be to get a new gaming PC; AMD or P4? (Which proc and is 3.0 fast enough or is faster really needed) Is a Geforce 6600 256MB PCI Express sufficiently over the needs of the game Which Sound card; presumably some version of Creative Labs but which? I'm assuming just a single 7200RPM drive is fine Assuming 1GB PC3200 RAM is sufficient Anything else I should be considering? In short, sure I could buy the lastest Alienware PC, but its not in my style to buy bleading edge technology. I rarely find a point to do so. Personally I like to acquire 'just behind' the wave, but not too far behind that your doing it every 3 months. Thoughts/suggestions?
  7. only in a free world
  8. ps501


    If you really want to go to Mexico, there are much nicer places to be than Cancun. Playa Del Carmen is just a bit from there, and has significantly fewer tourists. Of course the humidity will just get to you anywhere in that part of Mexico. You can also consider the Dominican Republic. Very impoverished nation somewhat stable government. You can easily get a place in Casa De Campo (Its a nice 7000 acre resort origionally founded by the Gulf and Western company. Has a nice international airport on it too. And regardless of uprisings from the citizens nearby, the resort is well protected with very well armed security guards. Good food, outstanding golf, nice people, fair scuba diving) Of course the humidity will get you there too. Personally, Bonaire or Curacao are a great choice. Both have great food, aren't overly a tourist-trap destination (Like Aruba), virtually crime free, have virtually non-stop winds that keep the humidity low, stable dutch influenced governments, great food, very nice people, and have easy travel restrictions. It is both easy and hard to live there though. You either must have a Dutch passport, or you have to open a business. Otherwise you are prevented from working on either island. However they have recently relaxed many of their visa restrictions, and you can now stay on the island as a tourist for up to 365 days. At the end of that time, you simply re-apply for a new visa (or live there illegally). The islands are also not in the hurricane belt, so thats nice as well.
  9. Well unless its either crabgrass, or the newly re-engineered buffalo grass. Both will survive significant traffic and continue to thrive.
  10. Does anyone know (or admit to) who ever used the NIC drt4 on WOL? That was the only guy that really ever rubbed me the wrong way, we only played one game, 1v1, and he lost. I've never seen someone react like he did. All though the game he kept IMing smak (which is why he probably lost) "Your gonna die" "you play like a girl" "Why don't you just run home to momma" like non-stop. (sound like any player of old to you?) Only after my Minos and sards were in his base, did he really lose it and get irrate.... (Since Erjin999 guessed correctly who the 1st guy was, not really hard, I'm just curious if anyone knows who the 2nd guy is/was for all I know they were one in the same, but I'll prob never know)
  11. Well I'd argue that more than 50% of the world is politically influenced by the USA. Being the #1 loan shark of the world; providing the most aid, etc. Many countries couldn't do the things they do without USA aid. Now I'm not saying that Romaina would fall apart without US aid or bases, but still an extra 100million in economic gain to have a US base is a tempting prospect. I don't think (but I'll leave it to a German or Italian to reply) that German or Italians feel their soverenity threatened by a US base being there. But I do see your point. I'd not want a [insert country here] base in my back yard either.
  12. Well as long as scouting with your MCV, and wall building is still the way to go, then I think I'll be back in my old form in no time. ;D (That was so funny, I recall once with a game against Apollyon and Mr Dozy, Apollyon actually did scout with his MCV. He (I think) was in the corner on fishers, I was in the 2nd "power rock" on the top center. just after I completed my factory, here is Apollyon's MCV in my base. Completely funny. *sigh* some good times were had by many.) It will probaby be a month or more before I have the chance to reinstall. I'm still in one my rental homes waiting for my new house to be complete; and a such I have absolutely no idea where my install CD is.
  13. I'd not debate that. My Micro always sucked; well and that it always took too many Ordos Gas to take down that Mino :) I was actually toying with re-installing the game on the new PC... though I'd prob get kicked for being a "new noob" lol.
  14. http://www.raf.mod.uk/stations/os_base.html None listed as USA based.
  15. Couldn't say who's the best or anything but some who are certainly on my honorable mention list: Zilents, Skum0m3n, Deluged, DarkRul3r, Apollyon, WarSkum, SkumPower, (seem a little heavy in the Skum Clan...) Mords, Jeff, RotaSet, Some guy named HarkDawg, and Emprworm who were my 1st two matches if I recall right... I about stopped playing right then and there 'cause of how bad I got beat. Drnknmsta, pointybum, Vilgent, AirDrone, Ords, Skytail, Pizza, DarkD3th, Cbrick04, desertway, wraith126, slaphapy4, RA1024, Sendakon, Alchemi2, Kalony, exatredies, Scytale, are others I really enjoyed playing with as well. I'm sure there are others, but thats all that comes to mind. Peace Only had like two ppl that I really never cared to play with one is apparently (still) banned for life.
  16. As far as I know the USA is the only power that has Military Bases in other countries. And yes, Your not alone in wondering why. in the past 10 years, in the middle east as well as in eastern europe the USA has been on a base building spree. (Did you even know that the USA even has nuclear weapons store in Missle silo's in some of these bases?... ) There are several "why's" that are easy to answer. Moving a military force around the world is expensive and time consuming. So having a force close by to potential conflict acts as both a deterrent as well as a fast response force. So having those bases is good for those countries, because only an idiot would attack a country that was 'protected' by the USA. Defeat would be guaranteed. (Did you know that one of the best tanks in the world the M1 was 1st used in combat in the 1991 gulf war, but was nearly 11 years old by that time. That tank is very heavy and hard to move across the world in a quick fashion. The USA deployed some 1,800 M1's in the 1991 war, and only lost 18 of them. Granted the USA is now designing faster lighter tanks, but it will be several years before those are in production - Of particular interest - is that after the 1991 gulf war, Saudia Arabia has purchased 315 of these, Kuwait 218, and Egypt has 777 of them) Second, having those bases in other countries gives anti-usa extremests something other than the actual USA to target. Its easier to attack a US interest 1000 miles away than it is to one that's 10,000 miles away. You also have to remember prior to the world war, the USA really didn't have a standing armed force, per say. If in a time of peace then no large force is required, wait until a time of war to ramp up. Recall the history of the Pentagon. The USA built the structure as a war headquarters, and planned to "Store files in it" after the war was over. (Obviously this didn't happen) So the concept of building a military force as required isn't practial any more. Smaller countries that have no significant standing army really couldn't build a meaningful army in any length of time that is relavent any more. So you must either choose to have one, or don't. Though I don't feel a country that allows a USA base on its territory will become a puppet of the USA. That hosting country can always ask the USA to leave, and world pressure would cause it to happen.
  17. Well, they may not have a nuke yet.. (note I said yet. the USA figured out how to do it in 1945... its only a matter of time before some extremist figures it out) PSS - this isn't a 'dirty bomb' its a full fleged nuke, just in a box, and not in a missle. --- I'm perfectly willing to believe that the western world has its propaganda machine working full tilt, as do the extremist countries (of course you could make the arguement that the USA is an extremist country too). But if Israel was wiped out, the Islamic insane would still point to the USA, the UK, Spain, whoever. So no I think that they (extremists), as long as there are those who believe differently, have an unlimited call to bear arms.
  18. Plausible Scenario: Iran (or other anti-Israeli state) acquires a modern nuclear weapon. Instead of putting the weapon into a very trackable missle, they instead place the weapon into an average looking travel trunk. (Approx size 2 foot by 2 foot by 4 foot). They place trunk on an average looking truck, pass through the country of Iraq, and arrive at some Israeli city. Drive then goes back to the rear of the truck and detonates it in the name of Islam (or his mother) Who exactly would the "world" blame? Since there would be no easily discovery or tracable delivery method, the would would just have to "wonder" who did it.
  19. There is also a second side to free speach that I think we are ignoring. There are times in the USA (and many other countries that support free speach) where free speach isn't tolerated. For instance, stating "I have bomb" on an aircraft shouting "Fire - run for your lives" isn't tolerated in a crouded movie theatre And in America "Staring leudly, and repeatedly at the member of the opposite sex" can be construed to be sexual harassment - So not even speaking but just staring at another person isn't tolerated.
  20. While, personally I'm not a fan of war, It does change the status quo quite significantly. I think in a few years when Iran has nukes (and I seriously doubt those will be made from tin cans from the 20's) Iran has relatively new technology, is purchasing weapons, and the Russians (as well as others) are helping. Sadly I almost believe this wackjob; that if he had the ability to wipe Israel off the map I think he'd do it - and I also think its only a matter of time before he actually tries. I believe that the only reason he won't drop nukes is the fact that Muslims have comperable claims to parts of the land as the Christians and Jews have. Even though the contries are separated by Iraq, you have to admit, if Iraq completely destabilizes, and adopts an Islamic state similar to Iran, (assuming the US is gone from Iraq) nothing would stop Iran from driving right over. A few nukes, plus a decent sized army, in a cash rich state, that is also an intolerant nation with an extremist intolerant religion, that has a wackjob leader = not good. Wasn't one of the lessons we (Should) have learned in Kindergarden... Can't we all just get along?
  21. While the topic of Israel has been debated before in many contexts, I'm sitting here reading http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/meast/12/08/iran.israel.reut/index.html Quote from above: "Some European countries insist on saying that Hitler killed millions of innocent Jews... Although we don't accept this claim" Ahmadinejad said. Is this man off his rocker? (I'll go out on a limb here and say an emphatic YES) Is the Islamic issue with Israel its physical location?
  22. Did you know that more than 100 people have disappeared in the State of Alabama in recent months with no clue as to where they are, what happened. Sadly no one is even demanding answers or forming large scale groups to boycott travel to this unsafe state... http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/11/08/aruba.boycott.ap/index.html
  23. Out of curiousity, what if the attack was reversed. If Scar had two MCV's (and was ATR) and Guns sent one inf, and Scar had one inf... What I'm really wondering is can you destroy your own building faster than your enemies? (AKA Guns was able to destroy his building faster because it was "his" building) Or am I completely off base here?
  24. Ya think it was because you kicked a friend in the back; and didn't help the comman 'man' see the error of their ways?
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