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What RPG games do you recommend?


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I'm looking to buy an RPG game and was wondering if you guys had any suggestions. Story line is by far the most important factor to me and graphics is very low on my scale of worth.

Here are some RPGs I enjoyed so you have some idea of what I'm looking for:

Planescape: Torment - my favourite RPG in existence.

Baldurs gate 2

Baldurs gate


Neverwinter Nights

Thanks in advance.

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well, if you like a good story, i have to disagree with Ghosthunter. I think and probably most would agree with me, that Dungeon siege has a somewhat weak story. I have the game, but did not enjoy it too much.

one game that is often overlooked as it is made by fishtank (a russian software maker) is the game Evil Islands. This game is tough, but very fun as it does not require you to move around and kill. But you have to sneak, steal, backstab etc. It has a good story (treachury and stuff) tons of enemies and a long campaign. You go to 4 islands, each of them set in a sort of different time. the First is set in a sort of toolage, as you use stone hammers, leather cloathing and stuff, second is more set in the european medieval times, 3rd more like 15th century middle east and 4th island i'm not sure, it's a tad different as you use diamond armors and weapons there, but i didn't reach that one yet.

and like in the baldurs gates series, you fight with 1, 2 or 3 characters (well baldurs gate could handle more, but i just wanted to tell that it supports multiple characters) though you are allowed to lose them, except for you main character.

I promise you, you will love the story line. They also made rage of mages 1 and 2, who had less story and more plain fighting action, but they are a lot older and less pretty. Nonetheless they are decent.

and last but certainly not least, old but perhaps the best ever... Diablo 2. Great story, decent graphix, large maps lots of action. great story, lots of action, great story, lots of action... 4 acts, pretty cutscenes all what you wish for if you like hack and slash.

if you prefer the more tactical stuff like backstabbing, stealing and escaping prisons and stuff, get evil islands though, that game is greatly overlooked

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Dungeon Seige.

If you like a hack and slash then it is a good game but the story line is a bit weak. I have never played the diablo games so no help there and NWN and Baulders Gate II are amazing. (I realise you already have them but I just wanted to praise them).

But I couldn't recommend any other RPG's (havn't played any others). Sorry ;D

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never played arcanum, but i did read a couple of reviews and it got high ratings everywhere. Also, keep the Evil Islands option open, it might yet be your game, considering that the play style is more like baldurs gate though a bit more complex i think. And well, perhaps icewind dale 1 and 2, who are based on the Baldurs Gate 2 engine

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Argh I borrowed Morrowind and really hated it... Well ok I didn't *really* hate it but it just didn't do much for me.

Well Gothic looks very... impressive but I don't really like that kind of first/third person 3D RPG, as evidenced by my raging dislike of Morrowing. :-

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Download Betrayal at Krondor

Good call andrew! it is a wonderful game.

these are my choices, and all of these games are various forms of rpg styles.

Vampire: The Masquerade, This is probably one of my all time favorites in general. it is in the top three of my all time favorite rpg's ever.

Stronghold, Not to be confused with the new game with the same name out there. This one is made by SSI, and was made in the early 90s. It is based loosly on the D&D universe. a wonderful game.

Morrowind, One of the few new games I fully enjoy as an RPG. It is hard not to love, wonderful game.

Myth, Myth II, and Myth 3. These games are some of my favorites, it is my second favorite game series of all time for computer.

Dragon Warrior (Dragon Quest) 4, it is probably one of the highest quality games made of all time. I absolutely love it, even though it is original NES.

Destiny of an EMperor, another NES game, but it is wonderful. It is based loosely off of the legend of Liu Bei and his band of brothers of the peach orchard. Wonderful story and wonderful game.

Final Fantasy IV (Final Fantasy II american), This is my favorite Final Fantasy of all time. It is just amazing, and though Final Fantasy VI (three american) is considard better and in many ways it is, I guess I like II for more nastalgic reasons.hehe

Ill think of more, right now my brain is fried.lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Fallout. Buy the Radiation Pack, it's cheaper than just Fallout... :)

The storyline is very good, I like the post nuclear thinggy, and you can win the game by just talking. Offcourse you can also kill everybody with your plasma rifle. Yeah right.

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best game ever is in fact Betrayal at Krondor, bar none.

btw, i am *still* waiting for a link to a working Retail CDROM ISO version.

don't download the 3.5 floppy disk or RIPPED version, because they are missing content and music that the Retail CDROM version has.

TMA1 is right that Vampire is an excellent albeit frustrating game (unless you micro your whole party like it's an RTS game, *AND* beef up the exactly right kind of stats --- otherwise you're gonna have your party members drop like flies every few seconds). but if you micro well early on, and beef up the right stats, it's really fun. exceptional voice acting, and great story for the first half of the game, although it falls apart after the Medieval portion and especially at the ending.

TMA1 is wrong that the Myth games are RPGs. they are RTS games - and horrible ones at that! i have myth 2 and it's the worst RTS i ever played. the manual does not explain how to play, neither does the in-game tutorial. most of the "Challenge" in the game comes from "Micromanaging the Camera Angle" - note: i am *NOT* joking or making that up! LOL

another RPG game that looks pretty good is coming out soon, called Lionheart. it lets you play during the Inquisition era and even be an Inquisitor if you want. definitely the route *I'd* take ;D

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