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Kanly: Revisted

Lord J

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[hide]babylon stands over Dust Scouts beaten body. A small grin appears over his mouth. He then takes a small grenade from his pockets and inserts it into the vacant space where Dust Scout main processor used to be. He slowely walks away, holding the processor. As he reaches the side of the arena, babylon turns around and looks as Dust Scouts outer body explodes into lots of smaller pieces. babylon takes one last look at the processor before tossing it away as an old toy. "To bad, sucker!"[/hide]

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The blast from the plasma grenade had badly messed up ExSPlug's armor and cloak generator. Meanwhile, D'newt is still in mid-air due to the effect fo the psi storm, but is starting to descend. ExSPlug attackshim by clearing his supply of HE canister, then discards his armor and generator, and runs for the sword.

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Sorry it took so long to post again, computer wouldn't start, had to fix it...

Well I'm back, and since Frodo hasn't posted yet I'll start :)

The four legged Dragoon plodded forward, scanning the immediate environment for Frodo, the hobbit. He comes to a halt as he sees the hobbit standing but 10 metres away from him. Quickly he arms his one kobalt projectile and fires it at Frodo in an overwhelming attack, hoping to criple the hobbit before he can do to much damage with his little bread knife.

Frodo, seeing that the projectile is flying still closer to him. he quickly ducks to the ground. the missle lands 1 meter away from him and explodes. the explosion is intense, and leaves his cloak on fire. he quickly takes it off and throws it to his side. he then surveys his damage. an open wound on his back and a cut down his arm. he quickly gathers up whatever energy he has and runs around the dragon. the dragon follows him in circles until it becomes dizzy and falls.frodo quickly jumps on his back and stabs sting right in his ear, impairing his hearing in a counter-attack.

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Cube-shaped, huh? How about a...domino! ;)

Attacking party: Exatreides: 24

Defending party: Sir Sard: 12

Attacking party: ExSPlug: 10

Defending party: D'newt: 15

Attacking party: Earthnuker: 8

Defendinger party:Frodo: 1

Very good job, everyone :) Exatreides has one his match vs. Sir Sard and is entitled to a "fatality" round. You know the rules. :)

Following his post, should he elect to write it, Exatreides will face Dust Scout.

Sir Sard will face Babylon.

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As the worm approaches, ExSPlug Stabbed his rifle into the worm. The rifle got in-between the ring segments, and the worm went wild, and flung ExSPlug towards D'newt. D'newt was knocked down by the surprized counter, and ExSPlug grabs a throwing knife from his belt and stabs towards D'newt's heart...

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Haveing learnd from his past mistakes, Sir Sard empites a clip at babylon, and then he charges at him hopeing to chop his head off with his chain sword. Sard hope that this overwheling attack will tip the sacles in his favour for the rest of the battle

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babylon easily displaces himself before the chainsaw can hit him. Quickly turning around, grabbing a weird green stick and hitting Sir Sard in the back in a COUNTER ATTACK. He yells "Samaka!". Some people in the audience think that this must be babylons God, but it excually is the weird green stick. The weird green sticks are made of uranium.

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Alright guys, this is it. Kanly Revisited is officially locked.

Between school, TGED, and my busy, day-to-day life, I no longer have the time to spend on this thread.

I apologize to those who this is effecting midfight, and to those who were hoping for more, but real life takes precedence over fiction. Besides, if the ratio of interest rises to Kanly's third incarnation as it has risen between this and the last Kanly thread, people will be knocking down the gates of the Dungeon to start it over again.

I will probably start Kanly III, Modern Pirates, possibly Pirates 3000, upon my next long break, I'm looking forward to it already.

Right now, though, I plan to stick to TGED and my Moderatorial duties. Thanks to everyone who made these threads successful. :)

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