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Vilgent Challenges

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lol, i bet that if we're going to play by those rules navaros is going to put up a little disconnect and say that he had won ::)

Quit the crap navaros, screenshots will be taken.

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Just to clarify for who ever judges, what about chat that would be set up so only they see it? You know turning off chat so they only can chat with each other. That way if they see something they can point it out to the other. Plus should there be a point where the judges should state that the 3 min are up so both players know that quitting would be considered a loss?

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Plus should there be a point where the judges should state that the 3 min are up so both players know that quitting would be considered a loss?

It's not really ranked, well, if navaros wins both matches he gets his account back, that's all.

Let me explain the rules.


quitting under 3

bug exploits

default win

disconnection without saying it

As for the last one, i have had this problem since the days i started playing emperor, after about 90+ minutes of playing or too much chatting i crash,you can ask anyone that knows me from the old days, some of them must've remembered it.

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Yeah i knew it wasn't ranked so i was just trying to see what could be possible while still being within Arohk's rules. Thought he would only play if the 3 min rule applied so I figured that the judge/s would need to state that the 3 min are up so neither player could say that they quit under 3 min. Arohk what if Vilgent or whoever your playing decides to invoke the 3 min rule on you than would this be considered a loss for them. I know that you have stated that if a lost connection timer pops up you said you would get the win, but if they quit in 3 min wouldn't it be a legal move?

Oh and Ken doesn't he already have his account back because he made a thread yesterday about the 3 min rule? (Just reread the thread on the 3 min rule. It was made in Jan. My bad.)

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man all of these rules are such an excess.....

this battle could be decided so quickly

1.) logon to emperor

2.) Someone hosts

3.) Play

4.) winner takes his OWN screenshots

you dont need judges... the winner can take a screenshot of the game room, the enemy's destroyed base, and the score screen afterwards.

and ken is honest .. so i dont see the problem.

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there are some popular sayings that are very applicable to your above comments:

"pipe down from the Peanut Gallery!"

"no play by play from the Cheap Seats!"

"everyone hates backseat drivers!"

"no one ASKED you!"

meditiate on those sayings and become one with them.

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if anybody challenged me to get my nick back.. i would have taken the challenge then and there and whooped their ass...

not squabble cowardly about rules and regulations and 3 minute rule and disconnects and procrastinating.

this is such crap... gob needs to put a time limit on this.

No no no ... wait scratch that.... I actually LIKE the fact that he doesnt have his old nick back... hehe forget what i just said .. let him duck ken all he wants..... i like the fact he has to use that nick. because online he always gets upset about people using new nicks.. and now he is forced to use a new nick......heheh forced to multi-nick in the forums hehe.

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no GZA i certainly don't trust you to judge; recently you've said one of the suckiest n00b ATR's *EVER* could beat *me* ROFL (btw i've pulverized him several times plus proven him to cheat on this very board with actual stats before) and for that comment i seriously gotta believe that it's far more than just "greenz" that's in your pipe. you're obviously not qualified to judge. you've proved that.

still need another judge...unless it's just gonna be dj as the only judge...

Thats ok, like I said ... I dont lie. I certainly was not lying when i said skum0m3n could whipe the floor with you. Something you dont like is not considered a lie, especially when my elite status is better than yours so what do your words really mean? Nothing. YOU'RE lucky that I gave you a second chance and was nice to you, but you went and fucked that up too~ as well as every other person you ever got along with on WOL with any skill.

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Whatever. Its not asinine, its the truth. Skum0m3n would own you if u had the balls to play anyone better than you. You have NOONES respect because you dont respect ANYONE, you NEVER respected me so i dont know what youre talking about 'losing respect' for me. The only reason I woudl have any respect from you is because I own you at emp.

my comments are so ludicrously incomprehensible TO YOU because your skull is so fucking thick, everyone else can comprehend it just fine.

EDIT: Anyways, at your request I won't talk to you anymore(you've proved its not worth it)... Now im against you again just like everyone else on the forums.

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GZAkiller, you have NO CLUE what you're talking about. NO CLUE at all. you have no idea how many times i've beaten that guy in particular and REAL players who are quite literally 10x better than him! if your ignorance on these matters wasn't so disturbing, i'd actually be cracking up right now

i hear you have mad trouble stopping ATR's who rush you with bikes/mad light Inf. i wont comment on the inherent comedic value of that concept alone, but just for your info most ATR's who do that are n00bs in the truest sense of the world and have no clue how to employ real strat or micro and if you were half as good as guys like ACE or X then there's no possible way you'd keep getting owned by bikes/light Inf rushes. oh yeah, and i beat you in our only ATR vs ATR QM. 'nuff said. i will listen to no more of your malarky

you can join gunwounds on my Block list and again to all my fans, if GZAkiller talks smack about me: don't believe the hype 'cause he's full of it and if you wanna hear the "real deal" about him and his history with this game, page me on WOL.

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LOL ok im done with you i just want everyone to know that i DONT have a problem with atr who rush me with bikes and infantry and thats total made up bullshit. Navaros NEVER beat me. And youre too chickenshit to play me, your excuse is "I dont want to be stressed out now- i want to own" ::) ::) ::)

So keep me on that block list, I enjoy being there.

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Just play them already! DjCiD is the judge and if there are any problems then the decision will be based off of screenshots. Co-ordinate amongst yourselves when it will start but just do it already!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must say that vilgent has represented all of us elite rushers very proudly in the defeat of navaros.. and something else must be noted... it is very hard for atreides to rush successfully and must be done so with a skilled hand. Although it is true that Atreides doesnt *have* to rush due to their late game technological superiority ... it is still nice to show off every once and awhile and catch the enemy off guard. Congratulations Vilgent. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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Funny.. i am supposed to be on his block list yet he reads and replies to my posts..... ::)

Anyways you guys and gals can take my expert opinion on the fact that navaros could never beat vilgent.

Vilgent is one of those original top dog players (like me) who practiced hard and got skilled.

Navaros unfortunately has had the game as long as we have but never progressed (although he asked for much help). He is barely more skilled than a newbie.

I have been his ally several times and his build order is always the same.. he camps his base with minos and feds... then drone rushes.. then tries to go guild. He also has fog of war enabled to give his defending units a chance.

This is a very weak build order and will most likely get you killed by an experienced rusher. He says that he was trained by Thoxen and that is the ultimate joke. However before thoxen gave up playing this game.. even he resorted to making buggies and rushing a little... due to the fact that making minos first is a slow process and rushers had gotten much better.

So even thoxen altered his style near the end of his career.....

Anyways i just dont want people getting the impression that navaros's weak atreides playstyle is a proper one.. cause it isnt. OH and congratulations vilgent!

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wait a minute ok, now i'm confused...

Arohk, who has been proven without a doubt that he is nav, he hasn't even denied it, still posts as though he isn't navaros... :O

and he said that Nav didn't loose, but gunwounds and vilgent himself, both say that vilgent won... WHO WON?!? ???

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what? WHAT?! Vilgent has NEVER beat Nav. Ever. Gunwounds resorting to blatant outright lies like this doesn't surprise me in the least bit. But Vilgent as well? That *does* shock me a little bit since Vilgent claims to be a better man after his self-proclaimed even hobbtz days; yet obviously Vilgent has reverted back to his old ways to be spreading total lies like this.

to answer slaphapy, NOBODY won because Vilgent was unwillling to proceed with his own challenge so a valid game never took place.

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