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It must be like, a year or something like that since Butlerian Jihad was first released in America right? Well, about half a year ago I still couldn't find a copy (Dutch or untranslated) in any store where I live, so I went to the local library. They didn't have a copy at the time, but a library in a nearby city did have it so they placed me on a waiting list (apparently lots of people wanted to borrow it). They'd notify me when it would arive and I sort of forgot all about it since then.

Well, it arrived today! It turned out that the guy ahead of me on the waiting list kept it months longer then he was allowed to keep it. Filthy bastard...anyway, it arrived today, while the next two weeks my exams will take place, so I'll barely have any time to read it, though I don't suppose I can resist to read it anyway.

This book better be good.

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yeah, and I remember when most of the people said I was horrible for stating it was just battlestar galactica with a different title name.lol 8)

..... do I deserve to use the cool smiley? not really...

here it goes again anyway! 8)

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I enjoyed it thoroughly.

I completely disagree with my predecessors. I thought, it was a good read with the beginnings of events of epic proportions. The only thing that disappoints me is that there seems to be a history before this beginning point of history for the Dune universe that I'd love to read about. *Titans take over*

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I loved the book!!! It is way better than the prequels and all the books written by frank herbert except for Dune. (I have no read God Emperor,heretics or chapterhouse.

how do you know it's better then? nevermind

Well I was both bored and dissapointed with it, and I'm not gonna buy the two last of the trilogy. I'd rather have my own idea of how it all started than this, Kevin J and BHA shouldn't have started this in the first place (still IMHO) I believe it's only a way to make a quick buck, all the prequals are written so compressed like they can't get enough action in, whereas Frank Herbert's was way more complex and interresting. OK the first prequels were ok if you didn't think of them as Dune, but there was too many bloopers in them. I would much prefer to have Franks notes instead, I will not buy any more books written by Brian and Kevin.

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I have to agree with Namp, well except "I will not buy any more books written by Brian and Kevin."

The book was highly disappointing. Perhaps im just a little bit arrogant, but sometimes the book was just too... simple. Ok, i can live with the fact that the philosophy is missing, after all it's not even bad, but to rip the complexity of a dune book ? Nah, that's actually bad.

I will only buy the sequel, cause im interested in the origins of the House Mentat (or was it Mentat School ?). I hope that after this -not so gorgeous- beginning the BJ will go on in a better way.

After all Kevin J. Anderson wrote the "Thrawn" Saga from Star Wars, which was a fine sequel.

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Hey i can't fly always in the higher spheres of science fiction writing. ;)

After reading several Phillip K. Dick novels as well as "Clockwork Orange" from Anthony Burgess i hungered for something less demanding.

And you have to admit for "low" entertainment it has quite an interesting story

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It must be like, a year or something like that since Butlerian Jihad was first released in America right? Well, about half a year ago I still couldn't find a copy (Dutch or untranslated) in any store where I live, so I went to the local library. They didn't have a copy at the time, but a library in a nearby city did have it so they placed me on a waiting list (apparently lots of people wanted to borrow it). They'd notify me when it would arive and I sort of forgot all about it since then.

Well, it arrived today! It turned out that the guy ahead of me on the waiting list kept it months longer then he was allowed to keep it. Filthy bastard...anyway, it arrived today, while the next two weeks my exams will take place, so I'll barely have any time to read it, though I don't suppose I can resist to read it anyway.

This book better be good.

I found it strange that House Corrino was found in the liraries (also translated into Dutch) in november, but it took them until january (obviously not the same year ;) ) to translate the Butlerian Jihad :-/ (or to get the english version)

Anyway, the guy who got it before you did have a large fine to pay, I think :-)

btw, I'm in my exam year too, it starts next monday...where exactly do you live? The map indicates Friesland? I'm in Groningen :-)

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If you haven't read Frank's stuff then you can't compare BJ to it.

Frank Herbert's first six books were intellectual, brilliant, and combined most aspects of a fantastic book. Brian Herbert's book require no thought, besides corrilating some of the events to the original six books. The action aspect of BJ was fantastic, but I like to get a little more out of a book.

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I loved the book!!! It is way better than the prequels and all the books written by frank herbert except for Dune. (I have no read God Emperor,heretics or chapterhouse.

Well you shoudl read the last 3 books, you dont know what your missing..I'm reading them for the second time and enjoy thouroly(sp).

The prequels were good books, but not in Franks league.

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Imperial Colonel: That's beside the point. We're discussing what we thought of the book. Before I read it, I didn't know that it sucks. Now I do know [that it sucks]. Earthnuker said "It had better be good". We're telling him what we thought of it. Simple as that.

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