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Fun with Chemical Troopers!

Exo Etherial

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Did you know that if put in numbers greater than 10, Chem Troopers would own massive Leech groups? It's true! The Leech is an odd unit in that while it is technically a vehicle it is still a living breathing unit. This means that a Chem Troop does the same amount of damage to a Leech as it does a building. But unlike buildings, Leeches don't have the same high numbers of effective hit points. If you are ever in single-player, are Ordos, and have to deal with obscene legions of Tleilaxu units (and you will), keep a reserve of Chemical troopers around. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

I found this out during a recent bout of playing, and out of desperation I sent in a task force of 20 Chemical Troopers up against 25 Leeches and 15 Contaminators! A few were lost but in the end, I had the majority of them alive! This freed up my building force of Laser Tanks to then wipe out the defending Atreides base.

It was a thing of toxic beauty...

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Lol! I did that once to Contamintors.It was about 3 Leeches(Which were disposed of even before they reached my base)and 15 Contaminators.While the Contaminators were attacking....7 Dusties I believe,I came up from the back with 10 Chem Troops and gassed em all to hell!

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that's some good Ordos insights. as an Atreides i don't ever need to worry about leeches one iota unless they come in the first 3 mins, but i wouldn't have known Chem Troopers will own them so bad if not for this thread. good stuff

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Chemical troopers do the same amount of damage to leeches as they do to sand bikes and dustscouts.

They do? I've seen gruops of Chem Troopers get flattened by a single Scout Bike simply because the damage dealt was like throwing an eggs at a wall. The wall will get dirty and maybe suffer a little bit of water damage but nothing more.

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  • 2 weeks later...

"I'm not sure if they can self-reapir but anyway,ordos gassies can destroy mongeese easily as well,if they outnumber the mongeese by quite a lot,but the geese can crush"

Man, have you even played the game? =_="

Gas troops can repair, but only when they have the 1st chervon > .

If you would notice mongoose are anti-tank and anti-air, not anti-infantry, not to mention its relatively weak armor so its not that amzing that a bunch of gas troops can destroy a mongoose.

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