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To lazy to regester.

SARDAUKAR RULE ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess thats sorta obvious me being me and all lol.

im not going to go into why because everybody knows from the other 1849275257 sard vs fremen threads.


Gob already settled this a long time ago with a Final Poll and btw it doesn't matter what anyone says because Fremen Warriors will always always always own any type of Sard if the Fremen user is an elite player

on top of that, Fremen are always always always useful in multiple types of ways, and Sards are not. this has been discussed and proven millions of times, no need to discuss it again


Sards cannot be used in multiple ways?WTF?

They cant go behind the enemy units in stelth but the fremen can. Fremen will always be the best (unless the next game is no good and puts the fremen as the worst).

  • 1 month later...

Games Master Opinion:

First Come Sarduakr then come Fremen as my choice.

Sardukar benefit from armor etc..Fremen benefit from weapons and stealth.



Well to figure out who is better you need to decide who is best in a number of situations and then see which ones win the most situations.

Who can answer these questions?

1.) 1 fed vs 1 sard = who wins

2.) 5 feds vs 5 sards = who wins

3.) 10 feds vs 10 sards = who wins

4.) 50 feds vs 50 sards = who wins

5.) 100 feds vs 100 sards = who wins

All of these matches are Head to Head

you can use any combination of sniper/fed/reg sard/elites

tell me which combo you used and why you think they would win.


1.) 1 fed vs 1 sard = who wins

1 Fremen Warrior vs 1 Sarduakar Regular.

Fremen Warrior owns Sard. 2 shots from a Fremen Warrior will kill a regular Sard. Why does the Fremen Warrior win? It has a higher rate of fire than a regular Sard, and the since the Sard needs to shoot twice to kill the Fremen Warrior, even if the Fremen Warrior wasn't invisible, it would still win head to head. Same applies to a Fremen Warrior vs a Sarduakar Elite. The Sard Elite must come right up to the Fremen Warrior to slit his throat. The Fremen Warrior cans simply shoot, vanish, and run away, then repeat this process of cat and mouse until the Sard Elite is dead.

You said any combo could be used, so I'm not using a 'Fed' in this case.

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