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My View on France's Opposition of the War

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I know I stated that I would try and stay away from this board, but an interesting thought just crossed my mind. During World War II Hitler demanded control of Checkoslovakia. France and Great Britain decided not to fight him, but to just let him take control. Look at what that led to, Torture, Suffering, and Genocide. What is France doing right now? They are just letting Hussein go just like they did with Hitler. I think that you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, not repeat them.

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I know I stated that I would try and stay away from this board, but an interesting thought just crossed my mind. During World War II Hitler demanded control of Checkoslovakia. France and Great Britain decided not to fight him, but to just let him take control. Look at what that led to, Torture, Suffering, and Genocide. What is France doing right now? They are just letting Hussein go just like they did with Hitler. I think that you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, not repeat them.

well with France, repeat of history is expected.

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Now personally here is my view on the French. Greedy Capitalist nation.

The French have been selling weapons to Iraq. The French have longstanding economic ties with Iraq. And biggest of all is OIL. Oil. We have a decent backup supply in the US, the French really rely on the Middle East for oil, and if the Middle east is destablilized French Oil is at stake.

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well if i was living back then and I knew what the French would be doing, I would have written my will to have me exumed and shipped back to the US. I would not want to buried in France. It is one thing for a country to disagree with the US. Its quite another to be lashing out in aggressive attacks like France is. What France is doing is a disgrace. Germany is fervently opposed to the war, but they are not intentionally lashing out at us like France is. France just plain hates us and is actively seeking to undermine us.

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Now personally here is my view on the French. Greedy Capitalist nation.

The French have been selling weapons to Iraq. The French have longstanding economic ties with Iraq. And biggest of all is OIL. Oil. We have a decent backup supply in the US, the French really rely on the Middle East for oil, and if the Middle east is destablilized French Oil is at stake.

So does a lot of European countries England even let Saudi Arabia torture English citizens for crimes that they may not have committed and they just sit with their hands in their theighs looking the other way, the only reason? Oil. We are hated in the middleeast by the civilians. In Iraq because of the 12 year long boycot wich only really hits the civilians.

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"So does a lot of European countries England even let Saudi Arabia torture English citizens for crimes that they may not have committed and they just sit with their hands in their theighs looking the other way, the only reason? Oil. We are hated in the middleeast by the civilians. In Iraq because of the 12 year long boycot wich only really hits the civilians. "

Oh yes, there are hundreds of American citizens (all women & children) held kidnapped in Saudi Arabia, yet the US does very little to bargain for their release. THere are some politicians here pushing for our government to put pressure on Saudi to release our citizens, but our government wont do it. This has been going on for decades. Neither democrat nor republican is willing to stand up to Saudi Arabia for its barbaric crimes.

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i hope so.

its going to cost the US and UK billions to fight this war.

the LAST thing we should allow is France to get a free ride.

First the US and UK (and others that spend their money to fight the war) get their re-imbursement from Iraqi oil before France gets one single penny

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Actually, France has learned from its mistakes. They have learned to NEVER allow imperialist warmongers to invade another country unhindered.

In 1938, France did nothing while Germany invaded Czechoslovakia.

In 2003, France stood up against the United States invading Iraq.

I see that as a very positive change of attitude.

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So does a lot of European countries England even let Saudi Arabia torture English citizens for crimes that they may not have committed and they just sit with their hands in their theighs looking the other way, the only reason? Oil. We are hated in the middleeast by the civilians. In Iraq because of the 12 year long boycot wich only really hits the civilians.

Yet this is precisely what France, Germany, and Russia would have us continue. This is what they call containment. They are in favor of continuing to starve the people of Iraq.

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France rejects everything now. Even british peaceful tries, they are fanatical and demagogic. And the war will come, sooner or later, just if it would be started by US, then it will be at least less bloody. See, Kurdis are already fightning.

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Oh, come on! You're all jealous that you have an active opponent! The one that skrewed up your plans! You should admire France for standing up against the "most powerfull country on Earth" (if that's how you consider youreself). I really think Germany isn't putting up much of a fight.

And you say the French hate the US? Not hate, just they are fiercely patriotic. That's really good for them. I see them more independant than UK regarding the US. And that's what you should adimre at a country: thr guts to make its own decisions.

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I agree with Caid (wow that almost never happens). France just despised everyone else's ideas. I havn't seen one positive suggestion about this issue come out of France.

It reminds me of the one and only member of the Rhino Party of Canada to ever be elected. The Rhino is basically the joke of Canadian Federal politics. Their mandate suggests such things as, "Quebec shouldn't separate from Canada. Canada should separate from Quebec so it can be closer to Hawaii." Anyway the one member ever elected (don't ask me how he won) just voted no on every bill, and for virtually any complete idea suggested in Parliament, he would stand up and yell, "That's a STUPID suggestion!" then sit back down. Hehe, just like France.

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Now personally here is my view on the French. Greedy Capitalist nation.

The French have been selling weapons to Iraq. The French have longstanding economic ties with Iraq. And biggest of all is OIL. Oil. We have a decent backup supply in the US, the French really rely on the Middle East for oil, and if the Middle east is destablilized French Oil is at stake.

Erm... all what you wrote there is true with USA too. And the companies that are pumping the oil since 1991 are more from USA... And about relying on Middle East, it's the case of everyone. 40% of world reserves in Iraq EXCLSIVELY...

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You say to post evidence, and you do exactly same without evidence! Please don't say something only to insult or anything. I'll find evidence to be sure. It's out of memory so maybe the 40% is mixed up with something else (like directly accessible fuel or anything).

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After checking, you're right, 11% is from Iraqi. Guess I may have mistaken with "37% percent of its petroleum goes to USA" (sry, my mistake). Besides, here's something interesting:

"No one knows which companies would be involved in rebuilding Iraq's oil and natural gas infrastructure, or what their role would be, but we expect that their investments will be protected, as would those of companies that already have investments in Iraq."

Source? Here's the tricky thing: American Petroleum Institute (http://www.apiinformation.org/factsheets/oil_supplies.html). So, they oil lobby is not in all this? Why are they putting official reports like this then?... ;D

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It also says this:

"U.S. officials have said repeatedly that Iraqi oil belongs to the people of Iraq."

And why can't oil companies project what may happen after a war? I'm sure oil companies all over the world are considering their options for a post-war Iraq not just American.

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