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How do Fremen get rid of their waste?


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Today I was watching the movie that Emperor is based on. I noticed something really sick.

Fremen don't take off their stillsuits to pee and take a dump. They keep them on and urinate and deficate all over themselves (sick, i know, but i am not making this up!).

So my question is, since they never take off their stillsuits to do this stuff, how long do they run around in their own crap for? How do they get rid of it? The movie didn't explain this. It just told them to crap and pee all over themselves, then didn't elaborate.

As well, is there any evidence of Fremen crap in the pixels of Emperor? There is plenty of evidence of Worm crap, so maybe Emperor does depict Fremen crap but I just missed it?

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This belongs in the duniverse board. Read books for explicit answers. The stillsuits reclaim the urin/crap. I am not certain how exactly. When they walk there are pumps in there shoe part of stillsuit that would pump the reclaimed water to the catchtube that they drink from.

more info is found in the dune ecyclopedia

Worm crap? do you mean spice?

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First of all, the Spice is NOT worm crap. ;)

Secondly, if you listened to the movie and/or read the book, you'll hear/read that wate is processed in the thigh pads. To avoid things like, oh lets say, plague, I would assume this thigh compartment is seaparate from the skin.

I would guess they would just throw the dehydrated waste out. Arrakis is, after all, a giant litterbox.

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good question. The human waste was dried out and cured for use as fertilizer for kynes' terraforming projects in sietches. They would take otu the acids and whatnot so that it was just as useful as any other animal fertilizer.

the urine would be processed in the suit so that the ammonias and the like would be used as hydrolic power for pumping the water through the stil suit. The remaining water would be purified and drank. The actual waste, such as bial and the like would then be thrown out.

Thats all the info I can think of. Some of it is from my own idea of how it would work.

Also, the way I see spice is this. Notice when you place yeast in grape juice or grain mush, it ferments? This is because they excrete a byproduct from their anarobic resperation. A kind of "waste" that is produced. It is kinda a scetchy analogy to the sandtrout that gather together. They create a byproduct from taking in water. This waste forms in the center of the collective ball of sandtrout. Once this waste becomes too pressurized, the ball of sandtrout explodes. The spice then rises up to the surface. This is called a "spice blow".

hope that info helps a bit. :)

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Urine and faeces are processed in the thigh pads; the movement of the legs and walking provide a pumping action to power this.

(almost a direct quote as I recall)

That is, the water is extracted and purified. The dehydrated waste will presumably be stored until a time such as it can be removed, dumped, or used in terraforming.

Presumably, the ammonia can be reacted with air to make more water.

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i still don't get how they get rid of the crap. so they wait til they take the stillsuits off before doing that? that part is not explained in the movie

and when they take the stillsuits off, don't they then have their own crap smeared all over their butt/thighs from running around with it in their suits for several hours/days? that can't be very sanitary

how do they wipe their buttocks after crapping?

i mean all this in a serious way and am genuinely curious so hopefully you guys don't mind me asking, but i am also wondering, is their penises kept in a tube constantly and at all times while the suit is on so they always pee in the right spot? otherwise their pee would go all over themselves and that'd have to be very distracting during battle.

same with the crap for that matter. it must cause a huge distraction during battle, knowing you're lugging around 3 pounds of your own crap as it squishes against you. not to mention weighs you down when you move

can you guys be more specific with your answers 'cause i think so far you've only scratched the surface in regards to this issue

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well the orafices are probably covered by pockets. The suits would not allow for the waste to "smear" all over. The waste would probably fall into pockets to be purified.

Also, the fremen wouldnt mind the fact that their waste was inside their suites. They did stink, it is mentioned in the books. You have to understand though, there are many cultures on earth today who dont take baths for a very long time. Many cultures have it so that people "stink" and to us seem unsanitary. Understand though they dont see it as a problem at all. Their culture is such taht it doesnt even phase them. As am atter of fact, many of those cultures see us as unsanitary in many ways. wearing foriegn perfumes and make up all over the body. using chemicals to cover oders and the like. Their culture is based differently than western culture. It is very middle eastern.

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Remember the Fremen were desert warriors they would wanted to 'mix' with the 'desert ordors'. If a Fremen smelled of feces or urine it would not be usual in the open desert. In the communities it might be different but not by much.

As for the stillsuit I think TMA-1 exaplained it best I want to add that the duct in the penis called the "urethra" would have most likely had a 'flexible' tube of some sort inserted into it to guide the urine into one of the catch pockets. This sounds like it might be painful but it is not the crotch area of the stillsuit is made like a cup protector that you have in organized sports ie baseball and american football. My idea comes from how Kynes explains the function of the stillsuit and research into the medical field. As for soild waste I think those going on patrols would have been most like discourged from eating foods that yeild a high level of soild waste build up in the body and would have put more liguids in their body.

Then again it is a sci-fic story. ;)

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This belongs in the duniverse board. Read books for explicit answers. The stillsuits reclaim the urin/crap. I am not certain how exactly. When they walk there are pumps in there shoe part of stillsuit that would pump the reclaimed water to the catchtube that they drink from.

more info is found in the dune ecyclopedia

Worm crap? do you mean spice?

Then they drink the urine and waste-squeezed water?Cool! :D

Then how about the solid shit?

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you know the stinkyness point is very interesting.

Fremen are supposed to use stealth to hide in the desert. that's their whole advantage


if everyone can SMELL THEM COMING, as is apparently the case based on this topic, how the heck do they use stealth to sneak up on their enemies like they are invisible? i really don't get it...

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In the book there are Fremen-made stillsuits and non-fremen made ones. Would there be any difference in treating the stuff with these 2 types, and considering the non-fremen made ones to be inferior :O

Yes but those 'museum Fremen' are during the time of Leto II's regin as the God Emperor. In that time the Fremen are not what they were before the coming of Maud'dib.

It does not really give full details in the novel about solid waste in the stillsuit but urine and feces are processed in the thigh pads (page 109). The explanation that Kynes gives does give clues about how it might be done I will have to think more about the stillsuit's functional design.

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