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My take on america

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Ok Little Buhdies, I have mostly stayed out of the whole debate thingy mababy deal. I decided to state My Opinion in the froum of a editorial.

What Year is It Mother?

Strange as this may sound, To me America has degressed, atleast in political Terms to the great Communist hunts of the 1950's.

Macarthur Witch Hunts have been reborn with a new name.

Thanks To the jingoistic acroym... Uniting and strethgethening America by providng appropriate tools requried to intercept and obstruct terrorism. Or USA Patriot. Gave the Goverment full authority to Freze the release of public records, moniter politcal and religious gatherings, and jail americans indefinitely without trial and without legal representation.

Bush, Chaney and & Co have been given the full right to stop becoming elected legistature and becoming Tolitarium like goverment.

Shreding the Admendments and the Constition is not the way to win a war.

We won Korea With out becoming tolitarium, yes we may have pushed the limits towards it, but did we ever really go this far?

If your a citizen-and if you havnt tried to organaize a major protest lately you might have missed the rupture.

Its the liberties of the non citizens that have been most severly curtailed in the past year.

Milwood Brooklyn, Home to around 150,000 Pakistanines, saw to planes of young men sent home in augest after long detentions by the INS. the anual pakistani festical drew less than half of the usal 80,000. Acording to Asghar Choudhri, president of the pakaistani American Federation of New York."People are afraid to come out." He explains."its like a third world country here, they come and get you throw you in jail, and you cant say anything."

Is this what america is?

Is this what we faught so hard and long to preserve? Are rights as people have been slashed.

The Perpose of a goverment is to serve the people. Not for the people to serve the goverment. The goverment derives its just power from the consent of the goverend.

Shortly after 9-11 Attorney General AShcroft granted himself and the angencies a truck load of new power .

he suspended Attornet client Privlegs.

Removed restraints on the FBI in wire taping regulations, alowing them to gruff around politcal meetingss,Religious services, read your email and check what sites you have been to.

Of course not to be outdone by one of his subordients, Bush isued a few executive orders of his own. one called into being military tribunals in which enemy combatants could be arested, tried,and senteced to death in complete secret.

Macarthism should be redubbed Ashcroftism, for surely he ashcroft out did the great Witch hunter.

Patriotism is your conviction that this country is superior to all other countries because you were born in it

--George Bernard Shaw

When Dose it stop Being Patriotism to give up your right to peacefully assemble? And start Becoming Wrong? The line is blurry, for me atleast, but i dont want to take any steps towards giving my rights away. I am a american. I am proud of it. I am However Diss satisifed to be living in a democracy, if that is what you can call this ever growing tolitarium excuse for one. I spit on the patriot act. It will cause more harm than it will prevent.

If this continues, If america falls into the ever strengthing grip of a tolitarium govermet. We will lose everything. We will cease being Americans, and if you will become, Something else. This Cant be alowed to happen. For surely, in the modern world we can fight a war, and still be americans.

Or do you want it to be Iraqies' fighting iraqies?

You think I am over reacting about ashcroft?

He reopened the door for COINTELPRO-counter intelegnece program, the massive FBI program spying against Civil rights, anti war and other other actives.

Do I live In America?


Do I live In the same year as the rest of the world?


Am i happy with it?


The United States of America as we know will cease to be in 10 years.

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Lemme give me opinion on this:

This is utter bullshit, Ex your being a paraniod fruit equivilent to people sitting around waiting for WWIII or the next Vietnam, America as a communist version of Russia? Christ get a life, thats not gonna happen, and even if it leaned towards that there'd be a full scale revolt against it, get a life this is utter paranoa almost like THE REDS ARE INVADING THE REDS ARE INVADING....Christ....

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Well do you think all of those actions were not necessary? I think they were, to ensure freedom and to let us keep our country. Necessary evils I believe is the term. And America is technologically and militarily superior to every other country, because of our geographical position, resources, and size. Not to mention the "American dream" attracting a lot of the great men of science and military.

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Its a editorial.

Its my opinion :) so you can take that post, fold it into a nice little ball and....er... Give it to your friend... yea...Thats it, give it to a friend.....

A full scale revolts? Ever here of the revolts in eastern europe. They revolted. And were put down.

As my friend Joe so nicely put it. America has the best military and tecnology in the world. How would we get the chance to revolt? ;)

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You know, Ex... unfortunetaly, you are absolutely right about this. :(

However, I believe that the next elections will be decisive. It might be your last chance to change things. But if Bush gets re-elected... God help us all. :(

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Heh. 57% of Germans in a recent poll called the US a "Nation of Warmongers". Saw it on Headline News, scrolling at bottom, I'm glad we aren't the only ones who stereotype. So what if my freedoms are suspended? So what if my civil liberties are taken away? There's always the UK to move to, or Australia.

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Heh. 57% of Germans in a recent poll called the US a "Nation of Warmongers".

lol! Funny how quickly a warmongering nation forgets about those who helped save it from destruction. Now, all they care about is their pocketbooks, along with France since they stand to lose more $$$ than any other nation if the Iraqi government is toppled

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proof of what? That Germany was once a warmongering nation that the United States helped rebuild from virtual destruction? Or that France and Germany have heavy financial oil interests in Iraq?

I thought this was common knowledge. You did not know this? Very well, for which one of those do you want proof of?

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We as well have financial interests in iraq silly.lol and many americans didnt want to go to war for that reason. that is actually in a lot of people's minds. Also we have no business being there in the first place. I thought you were one of the first guys who would be against a global police force. How do you know as well that those are the motives of the germans and french? (Dont get me wrong, the french and german nations are well... in the wrong in many of my ideals. But you spout stuff that a typical person would. You get hyped and emotional about stuff. cool down)

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Has no one here actually read the UN resolution 1441? The one that says that if Iraq doesn't show evidence that they have disarmed they are in material breach? It doesn't matter that 57% of Germans think the US are war mongers. If Iraq doesn't prove they are disarming they are in violation of a UN resolution.

People seem to think that if we just let Iraq be the situation will magically fix itself. Guess what that isn't going to happen. Saddam isn't going to leave, he might but not without some show of force. You can't appease a dictator like Saddam. Why is that so hard to comprehend? There has been evidence reported about what Saddam is doing. If you don't believe it then there is no way to convince you war is the right option and I don't see any point in arguing about it because you you are pretty much saying there is no proof which is like throwing out half of our argument.

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