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Iraq Issues

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Yah, now that I look at it, the headline is a grammar nightmare. Guess they don't hire good writers these days.


Kurdish girl stoned to death, mob films it on cameraphones (videos)

Looks like the Religion of Peace strikes again. Good to see democracy and law in Iraq.

Wait, that's not happening after 5 years? But Bush said it would happen!

Also in Germany there was a court case where a woman wanted to divorce her husband because he beat her. The judge ruled that she couldn't because the Koran says that it is OK to beat your wife.


Stoning to death of girl provokes wave of killings

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Seems it wasnt done by the followers of the Religeon of Peace, as you put it, but those opposed to her relationship with someone who was from that religeon.

Either way, its sickening to hear of. Am about to see if I can watch the videos, but am not sure I will go through with it.  :-


I watched aobut 10 seconds..she is moving around, obviously a real person, seemingly hurt. Knowing what they said happens, I havent got the stomache to watch. Some things are best ignored.

I dont think I can watch a defenseless woman die like that.

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I think that I've never seen more heart wrenching images.

It looks barbaric like nothing else. Can't say that imperial does better, but it's just plain barbaric.

Unleash the ugly on a large scale, and it gives chaos on the smale scale all over the place.

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But to see someone alive and then being killed, grainy or not, its the knowing of what these things (the men) are doing.

And to watch it. The poor woman being killed. Shit I cant watch an animal being killed like that, let alone a bunch of guys killing a woman. I imagine if that was someone I knew... :-[

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I think that everyone is missing the big picture here and there's a problem of time frame. It's not post-9/11 W.Bush. Look to this, well into it in 1991:

"Are you the black sheep of the family?" Queen Elizabeth asked him. "I guess that might be true," he said. "Well, I guess all families have one," she replied. He asked her who the black sheep was in her family.


It all started much earlier than everyone frames it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Iraqi kindergarten: Smiles and vows to fight Americans

"I'm going to bomb, bomb, bomb the school with everybody in it," said Omar Hussein, as he clutched a pink toy airplane.

At another point, a girl enthusiastically sang, "I give a knife to my father to slaughter the chicken. He gives me a machine gun and a rifle. Now, I am a soldier in the liberation army."

The same kindergarten taught up to 180 children just four years ago, before the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq that toppled Saddam Hussein. Today, the class has just 16 children, a result of families fleeing the war or parents keeping their children at home, fearful of bombs or kidnap gangs.

Good job. Bush is making Saddam Hussein look like a very nice person.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've just read on SME that Golden Mosque in Samarra will be rebuild trough UNESCO fund, do you have any  info anyone about it, if it'll be supportable worldwide or so?


Too bad they didn't release the video to discredit the war even more.

I would say such things discredit the army, not the war it is fightning in...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Your second link was cut off. And as far as I can tell it was the same link.

I posted the link in the George bush worst president thread earlier :)

He has a typo in whitheouse.gov is his problem.  I think I know what it was going to be though, the Executive Order to seize property of those who knowingly or unknowingly support anti-American Iraqi elements.


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Yes. And they are both the same links in his post even if the second one were posted correctly. They both end in "20070717-3.html" which means they are the same thing. I don't understand why it was posted twice but the second link was screwed up with the ... in it.

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It was one of our spelling checks. Nema added teh => the and it wasn't checking "whole" words so it would change teh if it found it within a word. I removed it for now so it should be working again. This just goes to show you how picky Nema can be when it comes to spelling.

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