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What is the most unstoppable or the most nearly hardest attack to stop

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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno about the hardest to stop but my most disasterous defeat was rather simple, yet elegant and sneaky. It was a small force and only in the middle of what could be otherwise considered a long game. (12 minute mark)

Haronnen/Ix/Fremen opponent had made a main push with what I thought was just a few (11) Assault Tanks and a few (4) Sard Elites flanking them. Far be it for me to deny an oppertuniny to teach someone humility. I gave it about 15 seconds before everything went sour. Out of nowhere, 5 Feyds popped into existence behind the main group. I'll be damned if not but 2 (outof 12) of my Laser Tanks were caught off guard on the first pass. The bastard then put his Elites back onto gaurd mode sacrificing the comparatively cheap infantry to take out my remaining two tanks. I dunno, maybe the timing was bad, but my base was pretty much unprepared without the Laser Tanks to quickly rush in and turn things to my favor.

I bit the dust with many explosions and much screaming death.


It all depends what stage of the game the attack is. If it's early I tend to attack with a mix of dusties, sards, feydakin and gas troopers (if the opponent is ordos or harkonnen). If atreides I attack with regular fremen, scouts, kobras and laser tanks. Later on, lots of kobras, some dusties and lots of laser tanks along with subhouse units tends to do the trick...



A legion of Sard Elites

An Army of Mino's Combined with your partner's army of catapult

Hoardes of Fremen Feyds

Drones Mixed with Gunships

Plethora of Missle Tanks, and Dupers duping missle tanks

Ton of Guild

5 screens of Buzzsaws and Sandbikesx


Repair Vehicles for mino's and give repairs to harkonnen for catapult and gunships

Atreides Adv Carryalls for Mino Dropsx

Deathhands (1 each for you and your partner)

Hawkstrike (1 each again)

Masses of Assault tanks

batallion of flame tanks

A hoarde of infantry/kindjal/troopers

A fleet of Adv Carryalls all holding Devastators for a simultaneous drop with all the other troops above- all moving together while several APC loaded with engineers are dropped in the back of the enemy base.

now, the only question is: how you gonna stop that?

;D :)


I asked my friends to play with me over the internet and I told him to build this force to attack me and after a lot of failing...I DID IT!

There were 3 players:




Atredies used engineers to get all 3 MCVs of each house and also every subhouse(3 of each!) so he can build that force. Then the Hark quits the game(he's no longer useful now...%$^!?)

I used a whole load of Ix bombs(90) to intercept the land force in which 80% of the the bombs were destroyed before they could even deploy.(All enemy repair vehicles lost)(All enemy sandbikes lost)(All enemy Missle Tanks lost)(All enemy Fremen lost--the power of chaos!)(All capulats lost)(All Ix bombs lost

With projectors I projected a lot of my Laser Tanks and I set up a waypoint for the fake Laser Tanks and take their guard off. They ran pass by the force firing lasers like mad.(I think I projected over 100)(All enemy tanks heavily injured--why won't them just explode?)(Some enemy infantries lightly injured)

Then when the Air drones came it was my AA mines which intercepts them while I force my AA troops to hit the carryalls. The AA troops couldn't kill all the Carryalls before they landed so they couldn't even hit any Gunships.(All enemy Air Drones lost)(All AA troopers lost.)

When the devastators(12 left) are causing harvoc in my base I quickly sent sabo(50) and took out half of the devestators while the fake Laser Tanks on waypoint returned and hit the rest but injuring them only. As they approach my heart(conyard) the Cobras(16) finished them off.(All enemy devastators lost)(2 Cobras lost, all lightly injured except one close to death--it doesn't matter soon)

As the Gunships fire my friend launched his Deathhand at my conyard. One of the heavily injured Cobra got killed in the explosion. When I attempted to undeploy my Cobra out of the radiation my friend hit them with a Hawk Strike as soon they are mobile.(All cobras lost)I sent an engineers in to repair the conyard but they were killed by the radiation--god I'm too stupid.(1 engineers lost)

With the help of deviators(17) I captured a few Mongoose(>30) to try fight off the Gunships when the Guild NIAB tanks(that's really tons of them, over 100!) came into my base. The Mongoose killed the gunships effectively before the NIAB Tanks could move and kill them. I used my fully charged Chaos Lightning Strike to immobilize less than a quarter of them when I placed my Pop-Corn Turret which had been ready for ages as I have planned. Less than 3 NIAB Tanks could be slaugered when the Turret vanished.(Some>30 NIAB tanks lost--that's some compard to the huge amount of them)

I immediately mobilized my special force--another ton of Motar infantries(>200) to deal with the NIAB tanks. However because them walk so slow my friend managed to destroy:1 conyard(don't worry I have 3), 2 factories, all infantries barraks, plus my palace before they were killed not by motar, but simply motar infantry pistol.(I was pi$$ed because he moved his NIAB tanks away as soon as he see any of them deploy so I gave up.(>80 motar infantries lost)(All enemy NIAB tanks lost)

At the same moment my friend's succeeded to distract me so his sard and sard elites+infantries mixed to destroyed my front door force(20 Kobras lost)(16 dustscouts lost)(All AA mines lost--darn!)(All projectors lost, plus no more projections)(No chemical troopers survived)(No Sards lost--nooooo!)

I quickily put my Fremen Warriors on guard and let them snipe down the sards. In order to stop them running directly towards my Fred Warriors I scattered some Fremen Freds so the Sards have to stop occationally just to kill the Freds. If they ignore the Freds they will be soniced--evil, hee hee.(All enemy Sards lost)(All Freds lost)(No Fremen Warriors lost--horray!)

At this previous moment when I'm enjoying my temporary victory my friend fired another Hawk Strike(notice how long was the battle--long enough for a Hawk Strike to be charged up!) at my Fremen Warriors and a Death Hand at my second Conyard.Being careless I lost my second conyard.(I just couldn't spare ANY time to rebuild my buildings, help!)

The Minos and APCS weren't that lucky. As soon the Minos were drooped, my Deviators popped out of nowhere(I spent so much time to micromanage placing buildings so they can hide behind!)amd took over all Minos while the APC were killed before they could even seperate with the Carryalls.

Now there's his Assault Tank battalion, there's over 5 screens of them I swear and what I left is a few forces of deviators, laser tanks, motar infantries plus 2 gas turrets. his Assault Tanks destroyed all my buildings, including my last conyard, all factories, my starport and one turret. With better micromanaging I destroyed his force and now's it's my time to fight back.

Since most of my buildings are lost I can't build anything, so all forces left is left. I sold all buildings except for one outpost and one windtrap for a last ditch rush.

I destroyed all his conyards, and everything that he can build with, except for the last machine gun post and also an outpost plus a windtrap. We have nothing left except for: 1 defensive turret+1 windtrap+1 outpost, so we both quit the game.


A legion of Sard Elites+A hoarde of infantry/kindjal/troopers+Hoardes of Fremen Feyds

--countered by a hoard of Fremen Warrior+Fremen Freds disturbing

An Army of Mino's Combined with your partner's army of catapult+Plethora of Missle Tanks, and Dupers duping missle tanks+5 screens of Buzzsaws and Sandbikes+Repair Vehicles for mino's and give repairs to harkonnen for catapult and gunships+batallion of flame tanks

--countered by a hoard of running Laser Tanks+a whole pile of Ix bombs

Drones Mixed with Gunships

--countered by a bunch of captured Mongoose+AAtroops+AA mines

Ton of Guild

--countered by tons of motar infantries


--countered by deviators poppoing out in surprise+

Atreides Adv Carryalls for Mino Dropsx

Deathhands (1 each for you and your partner)

Hawkstrike (1 each again)

--no counter

Masses of Assault tanks

--countered by good mictomanaging

A fleet of Adv Carryalls all holding Devastators for a simultaneous drop with all the other troops above- all moving together while several APC loaded with engineers are dropped in the back of the enemy base.

--countered by good timing of sending sabotaurs and other forces at the right moment


2v1?And you build a massive force like that alongside your ally's equally strong force and you pummel the solo enemy force?That seems unfair! >:(

Basically,no attack is unstoppable.


2v1?And you build a massive force like that alongside your ally's equally strong force and you pummel the solo enemy force?That seems unfair! >:(

Basically,no attack is unstoppable.

No. My ally quits after he gave my opponent 3 conyard+6 sub house buildings(3 of each) so that my opponent can actually build that force. We have discussed this and letting 3 players in one game is the only way for a single player to be able to build such a huge force. Also because I have to build 9 buildings(3 conyard+6sub house) for my opponent to capture, he's got a head start.

*Note: my force is smaller than the countered force.


Lol. That's dumb. I could easily beat Emprworm's army above with say 10 billion sard elites, but that proves nothing. Or I could beat his army with the same units he has but twice as many, again proving nothing because of course any force can be stopped if the opposing force is larger.


A n00b can control 50 kindjals and not know how to deploy them or even know the game basics while an elite,like say, skumm0m3n,uses a fremen elite warrior and kills all of them.


No no no. 0m3n would attack with warrior eskimos, but would be cunningly countered by my Ninja TV, which in turn would form an elite fighting team with my Ultra-Fridge. :D


A single turret will do the trick. However, it's great to gas rush the farthest player while dusty rushing the closest, unless they're too individually strong which means you must combine forces.


When two ordos/harkonnen enemies rush you at the same time together while your n00b ally doesn't know the definition of "help me,the enemy is attacking me" ,then that's unstoppable.

  • 5 months later...

When two ordos/harkonnen enemies rush you at the same time together while your n00b ally doesn't know the definition of "help me,the enemy is attacking me" ,then that's unstoppable.

In such a case turrets(especially atr turrets)can help u out, also put a harv in the middle of his units so they are distracted, then attack him with ur tuff and wenn they move towards ur army just go to ur turret.

  • 3 weeks later...

i think the best way to answer this question is to describe the *smallest* yet most effective attack.

i would say

30 minos-------------->all purpose destruction

30 elites--------------> anti air and ground support

30 fed snipers----------> anti-worm, anti-elite

this force mentioned should be able to move unrestricted and lay the smack down.


i think the best way to answer this question is to describe the *smallest* yet most effective attack.

i would say

30 minos-------------->all purpose destruction

30 elites--------------> anti air and ground support

30 fed snipers----------> anti-worm, anti-elite

this force mentioned should be able to move unrestricted and lay the smack down.


20 inkivines-------> anti mino, anti fremn, anti elites

10 saws-------anti elites and anti snipers

40 fremn snipers-------anti elites and anti fremn


      This topic is useless ...cause the somthing that can beat anything...say warskum says the most unstoable force is 300 minos 4000 inks 3 billion saws. We i could just say well i could stop that with 600 minos 8000 inks and 6 billion saws. N o afence to to the person who stared this but this topic is just a big waste of time. If u were to ask me ...but well your not


yes overwhelming amounts of niabs are unbalanced... so easy to win with.  unless enemy has lots of elites.  feds are good.. but when the niabs get to teh 30-40 range... its too easy to kill mass feds becuase feds only need 5 hits to die.  takes 15 hits to kill  an elite.

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