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Bush on North Korea: 'We must invade Iraq!'

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There are some jokes edric, that people might be bothered by. Maybe they are just too sensitive, but that doesnt give you the right to make a weaker person stumble. The bible talks about this. Why hurt somebodies feelings? or why even try to create an issue like that? its just being an ass.

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Inoculator is right... it's just a joke.

Same goes for the War on Terror. ;)

So three thousand comletely innocent people dying is funny to you?

if you look on how many dies every day it's not a lot, we just gets to hear about a lot more that we would if it happen in Africa or Asia

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Continuing Sir Sard's argument:

Well considering how many people die every day, I mean, who cares if I kill those two people over there, or how about those three? It's not like anyone would notice ::)

... Never say that group of people murdered is not significant...

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if you look on how many dies every day it's not a lot, we just gets to hear about a lot more that we would if it happen in Africa or Asia


oh yea, no big deal. 3000 here...1000 there. what the hey! Ya, since so many people are dying in Africa, killing off 100 or 200 is no big deal. Maybe bomb Sir Sard's block. Drop some napalm on his friends and family. No biggie....just a few more people dying....


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the voices of the idealistic will be laughed at in the future. Younger people love to have an idea of "changing the world for the better" and a bunch of other rubbish. Well with the generations coming after us, I am afraid we wont have much of a world to live in. That idealism blinds facts, and without seeing facts, we die from ignorance.

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if you look on how many dies every day it's not a lot, we just gets to hear about a lot more that we would if it happen in Africa or Asia


oh yea, no big deal. 3000 here...1000 there. what the hey! Ya, since so many people are dying in Africa, killing off 100 or 200 is no big deal. Maybe bomb Sir Sard's block. Drop some napalm on his friends and family. No biggie....just a few more people dying....


Yes I'm insignificent.

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But where it comes down to, i do not thrust Saddam with nukes. The fact that he has murdered and terrorizes so many of his own people with biological weapons makes me sick. Remove him from power, and let the opposition try to take over, under a watching eye of other countries.

and btw about all those deaths.... war is bad and kills many people, strangely even in world war 2 in 1 year more people died of age than all those people in the entire War. Still it is bad ofcourse

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they werent idealistic. In fact many of those men you mentioned were pretty harsh and realistic. You seem to confuse idealism with realism. Idealism is where a person fights and tries for a goal that they cant achieve. They look at the world with rose colored glasses. They often think that the world can be bettered. Well tell me. When has the world been better? Every time in history has its sick perverted evils. Including this age and the ages to come. It is everywhere. Mostly in our western nations.

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They often think that the world can be bettered.

NEWS FLASH: Human freedom and standards of living are constantly being improved. There world IS getting better.

Let me give you a classic example: Martin Luther King. He had a dream, and he acted on it. Now, thanks to him, the world is a better place.

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the world is not better!!! much of the population is starving, people are dying of disease, famine and wars. Wars between peoples are happening all over the world. Western nations are plagued with relatively new dangerous diseases that are uncurable. People in the western nations have become so dim and so nihilistic that it makes Saddom and Gamorrah look like childs play. Our education systems in the west are so bias and slanted that we grow up with narrow minded views of the world. Technology is growing at such a rate that we arent mature enough to handle it. Nuclear weapons, Cruise missles, machine guns, morters, special poisons. What kind of people are we that we have developed war into an art? and there are only a few good people left in this earth. People who havent been nutralized by false hope and idealism. who see through it. the rest are either bitter and ignorant, or idealistic.

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"Right, when idealism is held in check by rationality it can act as a perfect model for life"

Perfection is when the ideal IS rationality.

TMA, what do you think could have happened better? Simply stating that today is terrible because we have had idealists is not enough - you must tell us how the idealists have caused this, and either reason that it was better before idealists, or that non-idealism would have made it better.

Plus idealism is very generalised - what about the differences between ideals - and finding the right ideal.

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I agree, and thats something like what I meant. The useful and productive form of idealism allows us to see the world in a rational way while still being able to see through into it's possibility and potential, and then accurately identifying the means to attain this ideal.

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Let me give you a classic example: Martin Luther King. He had a dream, and he acted on it. Now, thanks to him, the world is a better place.

Bad example. although people should be treated equealy. everwhere he went violent act occerd. and he was a known communest sympathizer.

anyway, the best example of what we should fellow after is in the Bible. even if not a Christan. The Jesus set the best example.

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Do you mean that Dr. King was a communist "sympathizer"? Communism was a great idea on paper, but it acts on the idea that everyone is inherently good and will uphold the morals that communism originally intended.

And I've never heard that before, I think someone fed you some bonifide BS.

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