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sneezer... him being a communist sympathizer was propoganda spread by the FBI.lol

Idealism causes problems in this sense. You cannot act with a normal viewpoint. Your mindset is placed on a position that is bias towards what is really going on in the world. There is no generalizing of it. If your not an idealist but see things as wanting to be better, but understand that it is difficult to do, you are a realist, if you think it isi mpossible to cure societies ills then you are a pessimest.

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sneezer... him being a communist sympathizer was propoganda spread by the FBI.lol

Yeah. and Columbus never was real either. just someone got to realing likeing the sea. but he was actully a dog. ::)

are you jokeing? by the wording of that i can't really tell.

anyway. look at his statements. like i said. he was a KNOWN communist sympathizer. No proganda here. probbly just rumors about the FBI doing it to cover his tracks.

Please do the fallowing

#1 Prove it

#2 Look at his statements carefully.

#3 look at it from an OLD history book in the new ones they are changeing things

#4 Read before you talk.

EDIT #5 if anything thats probbly propaganda that the FBI did it.

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I mean, do you actually know how many of the people who were "proven" to be communists actually were? Ummm... about 1-2%.

Like i said. he is a KNOWN communist sympathizer.

Eh well. its been a while. Looks like i'l have to get the exact statements, and the exact places where violents occerd.

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"Human freedom and standards of living are constantly being improved. There world IS getting better."

in some aspects, yes. In other aspects, no. Overall, my opinion is that it is getting worse.

Martin L King is a good example, though, of one man making a stand for something right, and doing it (get this)..peacefully.

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and sneezer, Martin L King did favor communism as written on paper. That doesn't make him evil. He did not favor Russia or Chinese governments. He liked the idea of a society without classes. He was not a political scholar, so he may have lacked the historical knowledge that binds the practice of communism to oppression. So I don't hold that against him.

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Like i said. he is a KNOWN communist sympathizer.

Eh well. its been a while. Looks like i'l have to get the exact statements, and the exact places where violents occerd.

Known my whom? Most of the commie accusations against people were a bunch of crap used to destroy their reputation.

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and sneezer, Martin L King did favor communism as written on paper. That doesn't make him evil. He did not favor Russia or Chinese governments. He liked the idea of a society without classes. He was not a political scholar, so he may have lacked the historical knowledge that binds the practice of communism to oppression. So I don't hold that against him.

Almost everwhere he went violent acts occerd. I do agree that all men should be treated equely.

But some of the things he did he wasn't treating us equely! and i even hear there was some killings.

Like i said. i'l reserch into it further and go into a lot more detail.

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So, the African Americans that died for there cause died for nothing? There were killings, but they had a reason. Those people made the sacrifices that opened the eyes of the rest of America. Saying we would have been better off without Martin Luther King's campaign, because people died, is like saying that the cause those people gave their lives for wasn't worth it.

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sneezer, have you ever seen 'Mississippi burning' or any other movies in the same catagory? Yes there was violence occuring however King didn't tell his followers to be violent.

'But some of the things he did he wasn't treating us equely!'

Then how do you think the black people felt before that?

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'But some of the things he did he wasn't treating us equely!'

Then how do you think the black people felt before that?

That is irrlevent to present tense. Otherwise you'd have my full support.

So, the African Americans that died for there cause died for nothing? There were killings, but they had a reason. Those people made the sacrifices that opened the eyes of the rest of America. Saying we would have been better off without Martin Luther King's campaign, because people died, is like saying that the cause those people gave their lives for wasn't worth it.

I tottely agree with you that was what was needed to the people that where mistreating them. however, i don't care what you tell me. you don't kill innconent people that had NOTHING to do with it along the way. So much for "treating all men equely" But now days he is cansiderd some kind of a hero. :P

Lets just for a minute do this vis versa.

Lets say the blacks had white slaves back then. they made them worked and worked and worked. picking cotten. thats all they did...

Then someone came along saying all men should be treated equely.

Then did a march. and killed inncennt people along the way. is that "Justice" to you?

if it is. then you must have a twisted mind(no offence and am not trying to put words in ur mouth)

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Sneezer, are you even from America? If you aren't then you really are speaking out of your place.

Yes. i'm from/am in America. are you? ???

Hehe, somehow i just can't imagine someone from somewhere else makeing a statement like that. Imagine Bid Laden comeing over here saying something like that ;D :P ::)

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Sneezer, you can't expect people who had been opressed and humiliated for generations to think reasonably, or to pity their opressors. It's easy for us to say that they were wrong, but you would do the same thing in their position.

Your right. but you hear about him as if he where some kind of hero. but really he was in favor of communism. and did violent acts along the way. with no reason. and he is painted as some kind of a hero.
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