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Yes I know it was anti-climactic, but I decided after the Gob's Dungeon comment to put them in it.  No one has the fanfic movie rights.  And maybe Survivor 2 should be Gob's Dungeon.  Get voted out and you are free of eternal torment?


thanks for killing me in such a nice way. *look a rock I think I will hope over it. ahhhhhhhhh. sizzel*


Its scary down here. its all dark and there is the strange odor of fish sauce.


Fish sauce?  Would that be goldfish?  Perhaps goldfish saturated in spice?

Maybe that's why the rats are blue-eyed.  Can rats survive in volcanoes?


okay, just start up a new dune2k survivor, put me in it, name my house thingy on the island house manga, and i'll be fine. ;D  oh yeah, and when galaxy wrote the really bad spelled letter, i thought ex was luring everybody into a trap.


No, that was just her reason for getting me to do something out of anger.

Now for The Weakest Link? (When the Americans and others have seen it)...


We got it in Denmark. I was just wondering, when did survivor start in the U.S. We just finished our third season. Here in Denmark it callaed Robinson. I like Colleen especially in The Animal.


Infact Survivor was invented in Denmark. You're right reality shows sux bigtime. do you also got something called BigBrother. It's the worst cr** I've ever seen.  :P


Survivor came to US programming 3 years ago.  I do watch weakest link if only to listen to Anne insult people.  I don't watch most of the other so called "reality" shows.  Big Brother for example, if I want to see that junk I'll go to the apartment building next door.  ;)

As for Survivor 2, find someone else to write it, at least if you want it right away.  I am taking a little break.


Big Brother is tacky and annoying.

And I don't like reality television because reality can be bad enough without weird and badly executed television programmes rubbing it in.


Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggghhhhh! Temptation Island. We just got that too. It sux I don't know why people wanna watch all those stinky programs. I'm thinking on starting a reality show with cows. a tweentyfour hour program with cows.


yeah howbout those sandworms??? you want entertainment? go to your local shopping mall and randomly go into epilectic seizures and see how people react. funny how uncaring or panicky people can get in a matter of seconds...or go christmas carrolling (sic) dressed as past/present dictators like hussien, stalin, pol pot, etc. or even better, make cryptic anagrams with references to Dune or Lord of the Rings.


*Fedaykin-Sandwalker now posing as a Suk doctor injects evilbaronatreides with 200 miligrams of some foreign drug.*

"Sweet dreams evilBaronatreides may the sandfleas bite." Fed says with a devilish laugh.

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