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"Sanctions mean a war and the war knows no mercy."

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"with all these war threats going back and forth."

There is no war threats made by anyone except North Korea. So I wouldn't say "back and forth"- its pretty much coming from one source.

How about the US eagerly wanting to attack Iraq (not arguing wether it's for a good cause or not) ?

And what about Isreal's actions (again, not arguing wheter it's good or not) ?

How about Russia and their former state (I know the name, but sure as hell can't spell it in English). You don't hear much about it, but it's still there (remember the theater hostage situation just a while ago ?).

Then you still have those who believe they are fighting a holy war.

How about Taiwan's situation ?

There's a lot going on these days and it's scary to say the least.

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my brother was talking to me last night. He was stationed in Seoul, South Korea from 1999-2001 as a naval officer to the US Diplomats. He frequently went to the DMZ, he believes that it is highly likely there will be violence in that region eventually. Tensions are running high in this world, and nuclear weaponry is now finally being massed produced by smaller non-democratic nations, greatly increasing the probability that a nuclear device will be used against humans soon. It wont come from any major power like Russia, China, France, or the US. The next nuke used on humans will be from one of these smaller countries. Morality decays. Tensions rise.

Nuclear weaponry rises. Not a good recipe.

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this reminds me of two quotes i've once heard. yeah, it was from a movie but i think it makes sense.

"As long as mankind exists, there will always be battles."

"War is much like an endless waltz. the three beats of war, peace, and revolution continue on forever.

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Actually...Israel is an Undeclared Nuclear Nation. That means everyone knows they have nukes, but they don't admit that publicly. Had the Barak Brigade not held in the Golan Heights during the Yom Kippur War, we would have seen the use and public disclosure of Israel's nuclear armanents.

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Nyar, your thinking of the country of Chechneya (my spelling is likely off =) from the former Soviet Union.

North Korea doesn't play around huh? They have been making bold statements over the last couple months, and I don't think that the US or any of it's allies will easily submit. I think Germany is even joining in support this time, even though they have been difficult in supporting us over the Iraq problem.

The battle in Iraq will probably be underway before March regardless of what happens. I say good, remove him from power before it is too late. Currently, there are US forces, rebel forces, and a high likelihood of some of their own military defecting or at least running. But if they are to do that, the Iraqi's want to be sure Sadam will be gone. If he is left in power, he will punish any who came out against him, as well as their families. When they see that the U.S. is serious, I think they will step up.

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Maybe internally isn't Israel so stabile, but is untouchable by foreign nations. Same would be about Japan. We can shit on South Korea, but Japan must stay intact. Iraq war will just lower resources. They are no real threat. But that cowboy SO wants it...

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