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Thought so...I'm not sure. But what would a Terminator be without Arnold :)

I just hope the third part is good. Though I am confused that Skynet and the bots aren't all dead ???


I thought the robots were destroyed when all the micro chips and machine parts were thrown into the liquid gold/metal at the factory place. The final chip was when Arnold sank into it and destroyed himself, along with the last chip, so the future would never see the creation of the robots. :P


Maybe some things are just inevitable. Or maybe what happened is when that liquid metal guy got melted he was dead but when they oured the mold it took form again and now ther e are abunch of lil metal things... well maybe not... who knows how?


I think in the special edition of Terminator 2, they said that the future is indeed inevitable. The technology to create AI's is always ahead, and even if they destroy machine after machine, the future will still happen. Those of you who saw the trailer maybe noticed that the flying things don't look like those from T1 and T2. So who knows, maybe the Connors is supposed to generation after generation destroy future robots. I think you could compare the Terminator series to two worlds: one where "we" live in, and the other in a giant war with humans vs machines.

Anyways, I think they had some ide problems with T3, giving the new "bad" terminator the name T-X. Shouldn't they follow the usual series? In T1, Arnold played the "bad" terminator T-800. In T2, the terminator's "name" was T-1000. Why not T-1200? What's X got to do with it? Maybe the robots have decreased in intelligence and made a T-10 and renamed it to T-X? Just some thought. And the most thinking-question of all time, what will the terminator's name be in T4? Yes, I can assure you that Terminator 4 is going to be made, they've already said that.


my guess is that's it's a prequel, as it is called the rise of the machines. Meaning that it will start the story how the machines were created and stuff


No. It is not a prequel. John Connor is grown up, you see him in the trailer. Also, the new terminator is much more advanced than the two of them who came before.

  • 2 weeks later...

Terminator never made any sense. The Skynet Terminator technology was destroyed in T2; so, John Connor should have disappeared instantly since the Terminators could never have been built after the destruction of the technology. Hence, the cop who came back to knock up John Connor's mother would never have come back, and John Connor as we know him could never have been born.

See folks? This is why entertainment should never mess with ludicrously insane concepts which could never ever become reality, like "time-travel". Any story involving "time-travel" is always abhorrently stupid.


Terminator never made any sense. The Skynet Terminator technology was destroyed in T2; so, John Connor should have disappeared instantly since the Terminators could never have been built after the destruction of the technology. Hence, the cop who came back to knock up John Connor's mother would never have come back, and John Connor as we know him could never have been born.

See folks? This is why entertainment should never mess with ludicrously insane concepts which could never ever become reality, like "time-travel". Any story involving "time-travel" is always abhorrently stupid.

Yeah. but there made to entertain. Otherwise whats the point! i mean they don't have to make since. i mean even Star trek don't make since Cause when you fire something at the ship if that shakes it. then Imagine the effect what it should be when you go to warp. It should make you fly forward so fast your Adems move towards the wall and be obilverated.


They might have had 2 labs, one with all the info about the first terminator ,witch thay destoryed in terminator 2. Plus a back up lab somewhere else hidden where the other scientists that were involved in the construction of the primary lab, and might have even been part of the rebuilding of the frist chip.

This is why they tryed covering one of the labs up, and giving the other one a company name,as a front incase anyone found out and when known of

people might want to stop it by hacking and cracking or getting in by force. Incase of this thay had a backup lab ready there for the constuction of the first terminator so it to could keep on getting built.

Where the terminator for this movie,( Terminator 3)

was built!

Or they could have sent another terminator from the future dimension of the 2 terminator too back up the liquid terminator and build a army starting in this time just incase the liquid terminator just could not pull off the job.

Plus in the time of the terminators they could of sent 10 terminators too different time lines 2 hours apart and landing them in time lines 15 years apart. In this case the terminators could almost live for ever, and we coulds have 7 more terminator movies comming our way in time to come. :P :D

Who is to say ???


The whole terminator episode starts in the future. The original storyline is: everyone is living their lives. A woman that is called Sarah Connor gives birth to John Connor. The father at this time is not Kyle Reese, the good guy in T1. SkyNet is build, not from Arnold-terminator from T1. SkyNet gets self-aware, and declares that the human race is a decease that should be wiped out. It launsches nukes at Russia, which is constantly targeted. Russia responds. By now, the world is in chaos. The machines starts to build automated factories, that constructs those big robots and flying things. Humans that is unable to escape are placed in eradications factories. Those factories work night and day, exterminating humans. Other people is forced to work, moving dead bodies and etc. Very much like the consentartion camps the germans used in nazi-times. Reese is one of these. But one man, namely John Connor, tells humans that are left that they must stand up and fight, that mankind cannot fall without a fight. The Judgement War starts, and that is the war we see in the movies. Somehow, the machines are loosing the war. They build a time-machine, and decides that they will send an infiltrator, the T-800 (the T-600 had rubber skin and was easy to spot) back in time. This one looks like human, acts like human and etc. They also use these T-800 to infiltrate war-ghettos. Reese and some squad are sent to intercept this place. They find the time-machine, and draw the conclusion that the machines sent an infiltrator back in time to kill Sarah Connor, which means that no one will stand up and tell mankind to fight back, which will result in mankinds extinction. Killing John in the future does not change anything, scince the machines were about to loose anyway. So they sent back Reese to protect Sarah. And so comes the first time-paradox: Reese becomes John's father. The main thing is that as long as Sarah Connor is the mother, John Connor will exist and be the future leader of mankind. So the father does not matter. Kyle succeeds, and so ends Terminator 1.

Now, nothing has changed. The future will still happen. So Sarah attempts to destroy those who constructs SkyNet and etc, which leads her to the mental hospital in T2, because who believes her story about machines which will exterminate us and etc? She tries, in other words, to change the future, but fails. Meantime, in the future:

The war goes on, mankind comes closer to victory. So the machines probably constructs another time machine, or sends the T-1000 to the old one, I'm not entirely sure. Anyway, T-1000's mission is now to kill John Connor as a boy, so he wouldn't be able to grow up and lead mankind to victory etc. And a 12-year old kid isn't much for a fight, especially not for a liquid robot. The future humans somehow finds out that the machines sent another robot back in time, so they probably capture and reprogram a T-800. Either they didn't know that the machines sent a more advanced robot, or they couldn't capture an equal robot, which is logical. And so starts T2. Later in the movie, we see another time-paradox: the machines and SkyNet are now built from the machine sent back from the future! But Sarah Connor tries to kill the one responsible for the whole project, didn't remember his name... anyways, she fails. The SkyNetDude is informed that he alone is, or more correctly, will be responsible for the death of 3 billion humans. He changes his mind and decides to destroy the whole SkyNet project. At the end of the movie, T-1000 is destroyed and so is the chip and the arm, and the good T-800. The Judgement War and the apocalypse before this cannot happen now... or can it?

In fact, the future and SkyNet AND the war can actually still happen. Why? Well, there will always be someone that will try to create a SkyNet. Just because they destroyed those who at that time would create SkyNet, it doesn't mean that nobody else would create it. Why? Nobody got any proof at all that if they create a SkyNet, they will also be responsible for killing 3 billion people and a causing the worst war ever. That is the "secret" message of the Terminator series. The future will never change. And that is exactly what we will see in T3, another company that creates a SkyNet and etc, and so "new" machines, or different looking machines, will send back a newer machine, now the T-X, and humans will send back probably the old T-800, or a modified, maybe T-850 or T-900.

And now the John-time-paradox:

John Connor. They stop the war at their time. John becomes an adult, and probably gets a job. He is not a leader of the human-military force. We will see this in T3. But somehow he will still be leader in the future. The only that matters is the age, nothing more. Okay, so we now know that the original Terminator timeline never happened, and that Reese never was sent back in time, and probably lives a wonderful life in the now "new" timeline. But in the series, we encounter the destiny. The future will happen, and John Connor will live to be the leader. And so we know that John must be born, because that is the destiny of the Terminator series. So he will not be erased when they destroy the T1/2 timeline, he will probably either not change, if the follow a "Back to the Future"-kind of logic, or his DNA will be time-altered, meaning that he had another father and that he now looks different.

Whuh, I can make a drwing if someone is interested, but this should make sense...


The only thing is that in T2 they did not destroy the T-800 (Arnold's character) completely. *When the T-1000 and the T-800 were fighting in the factory remember the T-1000 pushed the T-800 into some kind of metal compressing machine or some other type of heavy machinery anyway Arnold's arm was caught in the gears of the machinery. This could also lead to the fact that the machines were not destroyed in the future.

*Not the first arm from the first movie I think that arm was destroyed before Arnold's character descends into the molten pit of metal.


The only thing is that in T2 they did not destroy the T-800 (Arnold's character) completely. *When the T-1000 and the T-800 were fighting in the factory remember the T-1000 pushed the T-800 into some kind of metal compressing machine or some other type of heavy machinery anyway Arnold's arm was caught in the gears of the machinery. This could also lead to the fact that the manchines were not destroyed in the future.

*Not the first arm from the first movie I think that arm was destroyed before Arnold's character descends into the molten pit of metal.

I never thought of that :O

And yes, the kid threw the arm and the chip of the first terminator in the pit of metal.


I always thought of astalavista as a good website...lol I will not say why because it is kinda well. for software guys... yeah... lol ;)


Hmm, I don't see how an arm can create a SkyNet. It is the chip in the terminators head that is the important thing, it "boosts" the research of artificial intelligence. The arm (from T1 that is) was probably kept so that the public wouldn't have thoughts about it. Remember, it is a mighty corporations, CyberDyne Systems, that cover up the whole episode, and keeps the arm. If you noticed in T2, even some persons that work there, and know about both the arm and chip, are not allowed to know from where the arm is, and how it got there. Or maybe you're right, maybe there is another time paradox: as long as a terminator, or a piece of one, is left back in time (pre-judgement), SkyNet, the Judgement War and the death of half of Earth's population will be... I don't know really, but it seems unlogical to me that some pieces of metal, lapped together as a robot arm, would give birth to an entire civilization of machines...


Well dude_doc remember that they threw in the original arm, why did they do that? Maybe the technology used in the arm was still able to have been salvaged...We are talking about geniuses at work.

Maybe the technology used in the arm was still able to have been salvaged

Yes it would have been. Dr. Miles Bennett Dyson was doing research on the arm and the chip. Also as I think about it was the doctors research really all destroyed also, I mean he did work for a hugh corporation (information on their research projects would be on back up somewhere where are the harddrives). Anyway it's just a great movie (T2) I hope this one (T3) has something to add to the story.


But T2 was set in 1997 (and didn't really happen :) ), and Skynet got online not very long afterwards (if I recall corectly). There's no way they could have done Dysons research in such short time from scratch, so if Skynet came online it's not really the same system and the future isn't the same.

I hope T3 turns out good enough, T2 was my favourite of all time :)

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