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i have had it up 2 HERE


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the thing with clam was only the finishing line of it all this game used 2 be a great game with great players now ppl just act like babies if they win they start saying how great an amazing they are and if they lose they want a million rematchs or say dumb things for the reasons they lost or they want a 1 on 1

ppl just dont get this is a game i have taken this shit more then most dune players since i have been here for a really long time and im simply sick of it

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Well, Death, I have three kids, including a 17-year-old daughter, so I can speak from my own experience as well as from watching my kids: children will be children. The safe anonymity of an online PC game allows people to do and say all kinds of childish things they wouldn't do or say in their "real life" associations. For example, I often play with guys who say things like, "Hold on a minute while I finish smoking this joint." They wouldn't say that to my face because I'd have to take the joint, frisk them, and if they resisted, I'd have to handcuff them, throw them to the ground and roughly search them for more dope. Or another example: let's say I get my butt kicked by some obviously 14- or 15-year-old kid's Guild/Fremen warrior combo, and he says something like, "Man, you really suck, you cocksucking homo." Well, do you think he would tell me that to my face? Not unless he is one BIG-ass 14-15 year old! By playing online PC games we all submit ourselves to a world where people don't have to conform to acceptable societal behavior or convention. A guy like Bilbo or Nav, for example (and those are just well-known examples, not that I have chosen to flame them in this post), can act like he is king of the world, call everyone a pussy, and maybe even stomp you into the ground on his game settings. However, that same guy in real life may be a fat, short, pimply-faced nerd with a pocket pen protector and green polyester slacks that barely reach his ankles--the kind of guy other guys in high school laugh at if they don't actually beat the shit out of him. But online, he can be a God in his PC game domain. And in an anonymous forum like this one, anyone can insult or flame anyone else, with nothing more to fear than perhaps being banned by Gob. The point is, don't take too seriously anything anyone says to you either during an online match or on an anonymous forum like this one. Real life is another matter, but here online we are all safe to either be the cool, popular stud we all wish we were, or the complete asshole we might sometimes enjoy being behind the safe anonymity of our keyboards and monitors. :)

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Well, Death, I have three kids, including a 17-year-old daughter, so I can speak from my own experience as well as from watching my kids: children will be children....................

Well death if this cant convince u to stay, nothing can. ;D

But it is very true taq, just try saying gg after u win a war3 game.

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Well i would be sorry to see you go, you know we always have had great games, and we have always been laughing about stupid ppl having big mouths, becos usually we stomp them into the ground after it.

Just dont let it get to you, after all it is, as you said, a game.

See ya around bud ;)

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Taq, when your daughter is 18, have her give me a call =) hehe. Only playin. I hope some day to find myself in such a situation...kids and all. I'm not sure which agaency your with (DEA?) but I've done some applying lately, since I'm graduating soon. Including the CIA....wouldn't mind a governmetn job.

Death, your probably find that in any online game. After a while though, people will get to know you and it wont be so bad. I remember when I first started. This is the first time I played online. Luckily, there are some good people out there like deluged or desertway or zamboe who can seperate from focusing on winning and losing and don't get upset over a game. People who you can talk with instead of just play against. Hopefully you can find this in a clan but if not, then leave the clan.

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Well, Death, I have three kids, including a 17-year-old daughter, so I can speak from my own experience as well as from watching my kids: children will be children. The safe anonymity of an online PC game allows people to do and say all kinds of childish things they wouldn't do or say in their "real life" associations. For example, I often play with guys who say things like, "Hold on a minute while I finish smoking this joint." They wouldn't say that to my face because I'd have to take the joint, frisk them, and if they resisted, I'd have to handcuff them, throw them to the ground and roughly search them for more dope. Or another example: let's say I get my butt kicked by some obviously 14- or 15-year-old kid's Guild/Fremen warrior combo, and he says something like, "Man, you really suck, you cocksucking homo." Well, do you think he would tell me that to my face? Not unless he is one BIG-ass 14-15 year old! By playing online PC games we all submit ourselves to a world where people don't have to conform to acceptable societal behavior or convention. A guy like Bilbo or Nav, for example (and those are just well-known examples, not that I have chosen to flame them in this post), can act like he is king of the world, call everyone a pussy, and maybe even stomp you into the ground on his game settings. However, that same guy in real life may be a fat, short, pimply-faced nerd with a pocket pen protector and green polyester slacks that barely reach his ankles--the kind of guy other guys in high school laugh at if they don't actually beat the shit out of him. But online, he can be a God in his PC game domain. And in an anonymous forum like this one, anyone can insult or flame anyone else, with nothing more to fear than perhaps being banned by Gob. The point is, don't take too seriously anything anyone says to you either during an online match or on an anonymous forum like this one. Real life is another matter, but here online we are all safe to either be the cool, popular stud we all wish we were, or the complete asshole we might sometimes enjoy being behind the safe anonymity of our keyboards and monitors. :)

well spoken my son. ;)

It is true though... many pcgame players are fat lazy bitches that have a hard time punching a hole in a piece of paper.

If he insults me on the net there's not much that i can do but ignore him

If he does it in real life i have 3 options... 1. get humiliated (not realy an option :P ) 2. insult back so it's gonna be one big fight 3. punch him so badly so he will never ever insult anyone ever again. (preferable option but i never start a fight)

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Well, Death, I have three kids, including a 17-year-old daughter, so I can speak from my own experience as well as from watching my kids: children will be children. The safe anonymity of an online PC game allows people to do and say all kinds of childish things they wouldn't do or say in their "real life" associations. For example, I often play with guys who say things like, "Hold on a minute while I finish smoking this joint." They wouldn't say that to my face because I'd have to take the joint, frisk them, and if they resisted, I'd have to handcuff them, throw them to the ground and roughly search them for more dope. Or another example: let's say I get my butt kicked by some obviously 14- or 15-year-old kid's Guild/Fremen warrior combo, and he says something like, "Man, you really suck, you cocksucking homo." Well, do you think he would tell me that to my face? Not unless he is one BIG-ass 14-15 year old! By playing online PC games we all submit ourselves to a world where people don't have to conform to acceptable societal behavior or convention. A guy like Bilbo or Nav, for example (and those are just well-known examples, not that I have chosen to flame them in this post), can act like he is king of the world, call everyone a pussy, and maybe even stomp you into the ground on his game settings. However, that same guy in real life may be a fat, short, pimply-faced nerd with a pocket pen protector and green polyester slacks that barely reach his ankles--the kind of guy other guys in high school laugh at if they don't actually beat the shit out of him. But online, he can be a God in his PC game domain. And in an anonymous forum like this one, anyone can insult or flame anyone else, with nothing more to fear than perhaps being banned by Gob. The point is, don't take too seriously anything anyone says to you either during an online match or on an anonymous forum like this one. Real life is another matter, but here online we are all safe to either be the cool, popular stud we all wish we were, or the complete asshole we might sometimes enjoy being behind the safe anonymity of our keyboards and monitors.

I LOVE YOU MAN DID I TELL YOU THAT? lol well anyway good reason i wont leave but 1 thing in this game ppl come 2 relax aswell in other games but here ppl come and ppl SUCH AS bilbo avatar and others are killing it and when some 1 just doesnt want 2 fight them they name them in names and do what ever it takes 2 slam thier names on the wall that sort of takes our freedom away and if westwood would have done anything or cared even that would be great but they dont there isnt even an ignore button on this game that just sucks ill stay in this game til ill be able 2 leave for EnB but i wont stay any longer and only reason im staying is cuz i got great friends in here who are well deserved of my time such as braveivan doomp0w3r my lovely shrink skumdoc

darkkavu7 brennq skum3m0n newlords and many others MANY MANY OTHERS as a true player of dune i give them all the respect and believe that those ppl deserve 2 play even more then I

i wish them the best of luck and happines and for the rest of you drop dead :P

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