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Dam only one thing left to do now.....

Takes a deep breath.

Grabes colt 45 from under computer.

Grabes a round.

Stares at it for a few moments, puts it into clip.

Slams clip into gun.

De activates the safty.

Looks at picture of family....

Puts gun into mouth......

Fires round.....


remember, if you stick it to your *cheek* nothing's gonna happen except for a big hole in the side of your mouth ;D

seriously tho, if it sells, they'll sell it. and pokemon sells rather well. i have to admit myself to buying Blue, but that was a long time ago.


WTF? NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO? im gonna boycot the cards. they're for kidddies, and old fat guys or big loosars. not for me.


you can take up to, i guess sedalphion but i get up to kaworu! ;) lol j/k. you can join tho. you just have to make a new name as ev4unit04. up to 03 are taken. i'm 00 and 01 (small mistake but can't give out account), bryo is 02, ethan is 03, and you can be 04. i'll IM you the pw.


Eva-03 was infected by Bardiel (13th Angel) I remember. I won't take his name ;D If you knew that Evas are born from angel too...

Also, back to Pok


then you can be the fist eva equipped with the s2 engine. althought it only receievd mention in eva and never a single scene (unless you count the satellite photos ;) ) anyway i hereby dub you ev4unit04

On Topic - personally i like final fantasy more. it's almost the same type of gameplay as pokemon except meant for an older generation. but i agree, b/c of the series and the OVERKILL amount of merchandising, ppl don't see it as a game anymore.


Eva-01 has eaten Zeruel, with S2 engine. So it was first self-propelled. Eva-04 was first of final Eva Series. Units 00 - 03 were prototypes, just Eva-01 was specifical, due to it was born from Lilith.

I liked Final Fantasy, but it ran in very bizzare colors on my PC. In FF is your character more important. And I like upgrading dozens of things at once.


It was german prototype unit, with enhanced fightning abilities. Also, it has destroyed only one Angel without help, Gagiel. Others were usually Shinji's work. So, he was the chosen, whatever.


no it really was the final production model, revise episode 8 if you dont believe me.

and eva units 5 through to 9 were entirely endividual editions, manufactured specially by Seele to work only on dummy plug systems (using Kaworu)


lol, we should stop going off topic on other people's topics about eva. they might be getting angry.

*looks out window and sees army of angry people with pitchforks*


i played blue like i said when i was younger. i used to be a huge poke-freak. i even bought pokemon stadium for 64. i used to watch the series too but i never bought any other of that crap. to be honest, the one thing that got me off pokemon was when they created another shitload of em. 150 was more than enough. you want to know the sad part? i STILL know almost all the names of those damn things. the game is good but now that i see parts of the series again on WB or something it's just lame. i never played gold or silver but i assume they were like blue and red. i'll also confess to cheating in blue ::) i found out a cheat where you can get like over 99 of a certain item. i had like 120 master balls ::) :P


why would you do that? its the same as final fantasy except without the blood or cursing or violence. it still has the fighting aspect of it. and the leveling up and so on. it was fun but i don't think i'm going to get this or the gold or silver. i've dropped that obsession. now it's all about my evangelion. ;D

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