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it's all about balace. each unit has its own strengths and weaknesses. you have to know the strength and the weakness of every unit in the game to become a master. for instance. if you rushed an actual player with, oh, say 10 kobras. he had about 12 buzzsaws and say 2 assault tanks. you'd probably think you'd win b/c you have range and firepower. what you don't know is that kobras/minos are weak as hell against assault tanks. you ned to bring other units to support each other. laser tanks annihilate assault tanks. and if an assault tank can hit a laser tanks the same is true. you gotta understand, the game is all about balance.

EDIT - i forgot to add this. if you want to become good at this game i suggest to emprworm's strat site. it'll probably help you out a lot.

1. 10 kobra's DO own 2 assault tanks and some buzsaws.

2. i don't need his site, just look at my 2 screenshots in his thread.

3. you'd just repeated all the information you gathered in the last couple of pages.


You might think that a bunch of minos can beat ordos,when u use a cloaked fremen warrior to go near a mino hoarde and when it fires,charge in yr laser tanks and hit n run like hell

The minos will have to wait and wait and wait till they get their 4-cANNONS weapon to load


You might think that a bunch of minos can beat ordos,when u use a cloaked fremen warrior to go near a mino hoarde and when it fires,charge in yr laser tanks and hit n run like hell

The minos will have to wait and wait and wait till they get their 4-cANNONS weapon to load

fedaykin are not ordos only.. you should compare them to ordos units... not fremen units.

ofcourse lasers and kobra's can make their stand

  • 1 year later...

It all depends on how you want to play the game, I think.

If you like to play with a lot of power and militairy might, join House Harkonnen.

If you like to play with a balanced team, join House Artreides.

And if you like to play really strategically,(is that a word?) join House Ordos, because you WILL NEED strategic insight for playing with this House.


"And if you like to play really strategically,(is that a word?) join House Ordos, because you WILL NEED strategic insight for playing with this House"

You really don't. I'd be glad to show you some time, if you want.


Maybe substitute the word strategically (that is a word) for micro-management. (2 for 1 deals on word here at Fed2k ! Get 'em while they last !)


I think ordos needs more micro then atr, with atr you can do an assault with 20 minos, you dont need a lot of micro there( you need some but not much), ordos isnt good at assaults, its a more "hit-run"house, so you need more micro to control your units effectivily with ordos. Simple example is the laser, its hard to control it good, but after you learn how to control it, you will see that one laser can be very effective, but you do need lots of practise before you can control your laser effective.


the Ordos are awesome because they can regenerate their units.i always use laser tanks in large numbers with 8 or 10

or more theyre so fast and strong against against vehicles.you rush in with them and wipe out all the big stuff and then get some chemical troopers to come clean out the infantry

  • 1 month later...

Yes, Ordos forces require a great deal of micromanagement; this can cause problems in a multiplayer game if more than one of the other players decide to attack you at around the same time.  Micromanagement, in fact, is key to a pair of excellent Ordos strategems which were once upon a time to be found on Emprworm's site:

  • Omniviper's laser/sniper combo: simple yet effective strategy requiring only first-tier units: laser tanks and Fremen snipers in small numbers (3-6 of each).  The tanks dance around vehicles and harass harvesters; the Fremen are used to dispatch infantry.  Add a scout or two (the other guy might have Fremen and/or Ix, after all); APCs and/or AA troopers can be brought up to deny the spice patch while your attackers press on.
  • hordebuster: one of the most amusing ways to deal with bunches of Minotauri/Kobras/Devastators.  Ingredients: one Deviator, some scouts, Fremen snipers and/or dust scouts.  The idea here is to use a sacrificial unit to draw fire while the Deviator slides in to 'grab' a unit; rinse and repeat.  This strategy is not recommended should the enemy have air support on hand...

Note, too, that the battlefield's level of congestion has the greatest impact on Ordos forces - when a laser tank crew is trying to get the heck outta Dodge, they don't want to be making lots of turns...

  • 1 month later...

Group large amounts of Lasers on one hot key and Dust scouts on another. One for Anti-Infantry the other for Anti-Tank.

For Aircrafts, use AA Troops. They're cheap.

  • 2 weeks later...

I think house ordos is one of the strongest

it has the kobra unit and the laser tank and chemical trooper

the only disadvantage of house ordos is they do not have enough anti air units

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