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House Feud


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He did mention that on the first page here. But if the Atreides want to go through the fleets, they just say "We got through the fleets, only minor damage, approaching Geidi Prime." I admit this seems a little stupid, but I dont think that things have really gotten that out of hand.

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What does Duck is smart and i am dumb mean?

well from the warning on the page before. it stated that if anyone talks about god moding anymore i will change that part of the messege to "The duck is smart and i am dumb" To keep it on topic

Its nothing personal

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The Harkonnen ground forces on Arrakis concentrated on the Ixian border. The artlillery prepared to fire upon any enemy who crossed the line. Veteran soldiers stood in the front line, armed with machine guns, ready to shoot down any enemy that dares to challenge the authority of the Harkonnens. Devastators have just arrived via carryals and were deployed in strategic positions.

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Advanced Ares ships left for Ix, unseen in the blackness of space.

The rest of the fleet readied to leave.

Message to Fremen:


We ask of you to attack the Ixian agressors. We have helped you in your war against the smugglers, now we are in need of assisstance.

Baron Harkonnen


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To Baron Harkonnen

Defend yourself. My Sardaukar will assist.

The Sardaukar legions marched forth from their bases making a straight line towards the Harkonnen frontline. The Ix have advanced into positions of war with House Harkonnen, unjustly. The Sardaukar will defend against any unwarranted incursion, should it occur.

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i beleive that since this thread is not based purely on the dune books, post House Corrino-pre dune, there is much room for god modding. but i didnt start this thread and make the rules so i will play to the best of my knowledge of what is acceptable( although it will be hard)

since the planet Ix is invisible the guild can not transport to or from this planet.

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Message to Ix:

Fools! Just because your planet is invisivle does not make it invincible. We have the exact coordinates of your planet and we shall drop the bombs on top of your invisible heads!!! (with our invisible ships, man this is getting corny)

Baron Harkonnen

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