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a Fun Mod! - "Fed2k Heroes"


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Ixian APC


Score = 1


House = Atreides


Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

PrimaryBuilding = IXResCentre  

UnitGroup = FromIXResCentre

Cost = 850

BuildTime = 500

Size = 2

Speed = 15.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.05  //radians per update

Armour = Heavy

Health = 9999

CanSelfRepair = 1

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 43

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 4,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisMedium

AiTank = TRUE

TechLevel = 1  

Starportable = FALSE //order from starport (if atreides)

ReinforcementValue = 6

Crushes = FALSE

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = True

WormAttraction = 4

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

HitSlowDownAmount = 10  // Percent (100 = complete stop)

HitSlowDownDuration = 100 // ticks

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

AIThreat = 40

RoofHeight = 45

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Score = 3

House = Incidental

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

Cost = 1200

BuildTime = 589

Size = 2

Speed = 6.0

TurnRate = 0.175  

TurretAttach = ORAPCBase

Armour = Light

Health = 1000

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 4,14,InfRock

Debris = DebrisMedium

AiTank = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

Starportable = TRUE //order from starport (if hk)

ReinforcementValue = 7

TastyToWorms = TRUE

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

WormAttraction = 6

AIThreat = 60

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 6  

ExtraDamage = 50

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 14

ExtraArmour = 50

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 28

CanSelfRepair = 1  

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Imperial Tank


Score = 4

House = Imperial


//PrimaryBuilding = HKFactory, ATFactory, ORFactory

//SecondaryBuilding = IMBarracks

UnitGroup = FromFactory

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

Cost = 750

BuildTime = 492

Size = 2

Speed = 6.0

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Ok here are the stats for my unit. They haven't been finalised, this is just an indication of what the unit will be like so you have an overall idea. I have yet to post the stats for the turrets/bullets/warheads that this unit will use as well, since I ran into some problems. Will post that later.


House = Ix


PrimaryBuilding = IXResCentre

UpgradedPrimaryRequired = TRUE

SecondaryBuilding = ATPalace, HKPalace, ORPalace

UnitGroup = FromIXResCentre

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp

Cost = 2600

BuildTime = 1500

Size = 3

Speed = 14.0 //game coord per update

TurnRate = 0.2 //radians per update

Armour = Heavy

Health = 2200

TurretAttach = IXRFGun

CanSelfRepair = 1

//SoundSelected = Selected

//SoundOrdered = Ordered

//SoundID = 43

ExplosionType = Explosion

ViewRange = 4,8,InfRock

Debris = DebrisSmall

AiSpecial = TRUE

TechLevel = 5

DamageEffect = MediumDamageFX

ChaosEffect = MediumChaosFX

HawkEffect = MediumHawkFX

TastyToWorms = False

WormAttraction = 0

CanMoveAnyDirection = TRUE

CrateGift = FALSE

AIThreat = 95

CantBeLeeched = TRUE

CanBeDeviated = FALSE

UnstealthRange = 10

ExplosionType = ORLightning

StealthedWhenStill = TRUE

Devastator = TRUE

Resource = DeathHandBomb

// LEVEL 1 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 10  // Score required

ExtraDamage = 25 // 25% more damage - applied to all weapons

// LEVEL 2 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 20

ExtraArmour = 25 // Takes 25% less damage

// LEVEL 3 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 30

CanSelfRepair = 2

// LEVEL 4 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 45

Speed = 16

Health = 2400

// LEVEL 5 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 60

ExtraRange = 50  // 50% more range

// LEVEL 6 ----------------------------------

VeterancyLevel = 120

ExtraDamage = 75 // 75% more damage - applied to all weapons

ExtraArmour = 75 // Takes 75% less damage

ExtraRange = 75  // 75% more range

Speed = 20

Stealthed = TRUE

Health = 3000

CanSelfRepair = 3

Crushes = TRUE

PrefersCrush = TRUE

DustScout = TRUE

If you think this unit is too powerful or you dislike somethings about it, or have any suggestions, I'm open to opinions.

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firzt im gonaa cancel the palace thing.. in start i wanted to up the health but when i saw your 6 level... i think not.. btw i also need the art.. (the xaf) adn i need the ground type that it will dig when level 6 whitch ground ya want?

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