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hehehe O0

Actually I thought I should make a topic about engi drops. Do you think they 're effective, that they are devastating but aren't worth the high cost (upgrade factory, build apc, upgrade barracks, build engis, build hangar, upgrade hangar, build advcarryall), that they are useless?

Some ppl call it lame and unfair. Personally I don't angry. In my opinion, if you're atr or ordos and your enemy lacks sufficient AA, you should punish him for this by using engi drop. I have won a significant number of games with eng drop.

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I remember in my newbie days near the start of this year, that engi drops were basically my entire strategy. :O ;D All I'd do is nervously build up the tech tree until I had 1 Atreides APC, 1 Atredies Advanced Carryall, and 5 Engineers. I'd just shove all the engis into the apc and put it in the enemy base. Then I'd take the refinery, construction yard, factory, barracks, and outpost (if there was another factory or a hanger, I'd take them instead of the outpost). It was very amusing, I got quite a few laughts out of it. I got called names like 'cheapass' or people saying stuff like: "That's lame", but it was still worth it for the fun, and seing all the enemy buildings just selling up and disappearing into the rock, leaving nothing but empty space in his base. :D ;D

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Actually if you 're atr, before making the engi drop, build a turret and have it ready to place. When you capture one building immediately place the turret. Then start building more turrets. Your enemy won't stand a chance.

I remember in my newbie days

I do prepare turrets when I engi drop now. :)

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You guys are planning on preventing your enemies base building, thats not what you should focus on, if you do an engineer drop its wise to take over the construction yard, not because you can halt your enemies base building for awhile but because of its armour.

second would be the baracks, if your smart you should build flameturrets/machinegunturrets or pop up turrets, but 1 engineer and poof, gone is your construction yard.

third would be factory, its usually destroyed by my turrets, so no need to waste an engineer for it.

fourth refineries, refineries are SO important, they are as underestimated as scouts, your opponent has to stop all productions in order to get his refineries back up again, usually no-one has enough money to build/upgrade refineries + building units.

this might sound strange but for me its the most effective engy drop strategy.

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construcion yard, factory and the spaceport

If your enemy has a starport, you probably won't have the opportunity to engi drop his base, due to the heavy defences that will be in place, unless you're playing a moron. You shouldn't let them get to the stage where they can get a starport in the first place.

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  • 1 month later...

I prefer to take the conyard and then send it back on the adv carryall. Let the enemy build up again with an MCV from the factory and then use their own units (from the factory or barracks built from the stolen conyard) to wipe them out.

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