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Alot of people out there in the emperor community know me as fair player.Now I just played djcid in quick match, i was just about to attack his base with my minos then game went sync.Well I thought fair enough maybe something went wrong with westwood.I page him after game and asked for a win.

Then he starts calling me a cheater ::)and said I used a trainer.Now I wonder if he would of called me a cheater if I was using my sarb name.

Shame Shame Shame on you djcid I did have more respect for you.I guess I was wrong.

Btw dj take a chill pill and learn to play ordos before you accuse people of cheating


yes i would still vall you a cheater knowing it was you...

heres why...

after taking out you harvs with my lasers, and sneeking my chems & sards in your base and taking out your refs, and eits your hanger, fac, and con-yard your economy had to be runied yet you still had enuff to heal you con make more facs and start pumping out minos while i continued to eits you... then the game went OOS

*sniff sniff* smells like a money trainner to me...

and to think I did have more respect for you. I guess I was wrong.

If you need a trainner to win play against the computer ::)


You only took out 1 refinery and my 2 sard barracks maybe hanger I cant remember by then it didnt matter as I already had 8 to 10 dromes up by then.And I still had plenty of cash without your so called trainer :P

And you probably killed 3 maybe 4 haverters didnt you see my 3 other refinerys.


yes i saw your other refinerys i watched them blow up as I eits them along with your hanger and you facs.

3 refs with 2 upgraded equals 5 harvs, then one you had left was sitting next to your conyard that you undeployed and tried to move when i snuck chems & sards in your base (which took out your drones) allowing me to eits you....

it was in this aftermath with no refinerys you began to build new facs & make mass minos... that is untill your trainner made the game go OOS :P


Cid, Even though he might have lost that match.. It doesn't have to be his fault the game went OOS, Me and elite played a QM once that went OOS it wasen't clearly who was going to win that match but he had the upperhand though, sarb i believe you, I doubt u cheated and aspecially cause this happend to me as wel.

Good day



god damet :O now i understand why in games it always OOS still in shoked... now im not supriesd why it always hapend when i wrecked the enemy harvies :O lol


(a little off topic 8)) timenn i see this in your signature: "Kakoi anqrwpoi apolountai dia Timhn, ton qeon twn skolexwn" why is that?


god damet :O now i understand why in games it always OOS still in shoked... now im not supriesd why it always hapend when i wrecked the enemy harvies :O lol

cheating is just one of the possibilities.

it could have been many things.


(a little off topic 8)) timenn i see this in your signature: "Kakoi anqrwpoi apolountai dia Timhn, ton qeon twn skolexwn" why is that?

its ancient greek

notice apolountai and my name Apollyon.

I am the destroyer =)


well your right, i shouldn't jump to conclusions and say everyone is a cheater... dont want to be labeld a Nav...

but it was the first thing that popped in my head when OOS screen showed up and then hawksrike pages me saying I owe him a win, and i start thinking why am i gonna give you a win, when you tried to cheat... I should have been more rash...


evem though more people will suspect Cid didnt do it, as he is more respected and has been here longer, as i think cid is telling the truth, i cant really say "YOU CHEATER YOU CHEATED AGAINST ME!!!" ; as there is no evidence, therefore, this thread should be locked.


I believe sarbaukar, if he really cheats, why would he be starting this up?

If you destroyed his refinery and harvesters in 10 min or more later in the game, its abit too obvious he's already have a steady economy, even losing ALL his harvesters and refineries and hanger and warfactory, I'm sure he'll have enough money to rebuild them.


thats the thing it was too soon in the game to have a big bank roll (unless a trainner was being used)

and the reason he started this thread was becasue i was saying he was a cheater and was using a trainner and woulndt just give him a win...

my thoughts were you tried to use a trainner and it OOS why would i let you do it again....

he comes back saying you dont know who i am (under the name hawksrike) i said something like no i dont and i dont care cause you used a trainner....

but enuff of this, i cant proove he used a trainner...


Sarbaukar does not use trainers, that is rediculous. He's been around a long time and as far as i know NEVER cheated someone.

Im not on either side cuz i dont know either of u well, so when i say sarb doesnt cheat i mean it. Ive played him tons of times even under different nicks when he didnt know it was me and was a good sport every game. It was WW Dj sorry that shit happens, happened to me and avatar. I thought he cheated cause i had just taken the upperhand of the game and it OOS, but now i woudl say it was just an accident dude.


Sarbaukar does not use trainers, that is rediculous. He's been around a long time and as far as i know NEVER cheated someone.

Im not on either side cuz i dont know either of u well, so when i say sarb doesnt cheat i mean it. Ive played him tons of times even under different nicks when he didnt know it was me and was a good sport every game. It was WW Dj sorry that shit happens, happened to me and avatar. I thought he cheated cause i had just taken the upperhand of the game and it OOS, but now i woudl say it was just an accident dude.



you admitted in another thread to playing fixed games with chudy in order to get ahead of me on the ladder when i brought it up. that too is cheating ya know. so it "looked like you cheat" long before you started this thread


Navaros get a fuckin life and get some fuckin skill. I'm sick of all this crap you bring to the boards, dont you learn anything when your one of the few to be ever banned? Or is your lack of skill and seemisly never ending empty ego taken you over to much ya fast talkin mofo?


I'm more inclined to believe sarb was winning because I know his playing style quite well. You may have gotten a couple refs, dj, but nobody builds them up faster than sarb. I don't like playing him as ordos. Unless you had a sh*tload of lasers and dusts and his economy was dead, chances are, if he has 10 minos in front of your base, you're gone. That said, I doubt either of you would pull an OOS cheat to was the game. As others have said these things can happen on their own. Or maybe in all your mod-making ventures, dj, you left one file in the directory which buggered it up. If sarb had 8-10 drones, and I didn't have 8-10 NIABs, I'd own up and give him the win. If fog of war as on and you couldn't see all his stuff then you probably didn't know how little/how much you were being beaten.

If it WAS an OOS cheat I'd assume it'd be dj causing it because he didn't know hawksrike was sarb, but sarb knew who he was and would post it on the net.

But like I said. Probably just a westwood f*** up.

I say, rematch and settle it there. And neither of you have the right to be saying the other one was beaten solid without posting screens of the game or stats.

BTW, that would help, can you link to the stats? If its just a wash game its most DEFINATELY an error. If its and OOS wash game it COULD be the result of a mod/trainer, but not necessarily.

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